The Art of Deflection: The Final, Extensive and Exhaustive List of Excuses for Why Hillary Clinton Lost the 2016 Election
At this point, the amount of excuses to explain away Hillary Clinton's loss is so lengthy, it would be a great premise for an entire encyclopedic revival. Good-luck Wikipedia. Many of these excuses are nothing but outright bullshit and attempts at deflection, but some did indeed have an impact in differing degrees on the outcome of the election. Since the election was so close, Clinton supporters often claim that all these "reasons" had an effect, but let's be honest... some were campaign crippling while others were simply annoyances that barely moved the dial. Then there are the triangulated talking-points from some useless neoliberal think-tanks... most belong in this pathetic category.
Without further ado, here is the list, sometimes sub-divided in order to classify and clarify the entire mess, remember this is primarily the talking points and excuses emanating from Clinton world. For the real reasons Hillary lost the election, look for my next posting The Real and Factual Reasons Hillary Clinton Lost the 2016 Election. Take a deep breath, and here we go:
Non-voters- Useless, lazy and uninformed, the Democrats use this group as a favorite all-time punching bag since it is easy to blame something that isn't quantifiable and can't defend itself. The cowards ambrosia.
Independents- Not Democrats, not in the Party, should have zero say in the Party's primary. The stale tactic of tacking rightward in order to attract this group, was tested, tried and failed. Again. To sum up: primary- boooo, go away. general- I've always loved you, why don't you love me back?
Democrats- 8-10% of Democrats that voted for Obama, switched and voted for Trump. Strong contender for "most ignored reason".
Republicans- Courted by using Trump's character as a disqualifier, and her neoliberalism as a plus. As expected by anyone with a minor in political science, the Republicans in the end came home and voted for their Party and the "real" conservative. Nice try corporatists.
Progressives- Democrats' favorite punching-bag, this election was no different. From disgruntled Bernie supporters, to Jill Stein voters, to people who stayed home, to even those who did support Hillary Clinton... it is always your fault. Always. Besides, where else are you going to go? (developing....)
Alt-Right voters- Though a factor, this group has been voting for Republicans for a long time now, and to finally realize that 5 to 10% of the US electorate is openly racist or bigoted...welcome to facts.
Jill Stein voters- See Progressives. How dare anyone campaign to Hillary's left? Possible Russian provocateurs.
Gary Johnson voters- Libertarian, conservatives and disgruntled center-right voters found solace in this candidate. Hillary believes erroneously that these voters would have switched to her if he wasn't around... which is complete and utter nonsense.
Men- Sexist and misogynistic, men never warmed to Hillary and obviously it is entirely their fault.
Women- That special place in hell is furnished and ready to go since around 35% of women rejected Hillary Clinton. This firewall was supposed to make-up for the lack of men, and could be the main reason Hillary lost the election. It turns out, women have wallets too... or purses.
African-Americans- Where did you go? Strongly courted in the primary, and thoroughly ignored during the general, another Clinton firewall that came crashing down. Turns out losing 5-10% of the African-American vote is a Democrat killer... but let's be honest, she was up against impossible Barack Obama numbers.
Hispanics and Latinos- Ay caramba... as many as 30% of Latinos found their conservative bonafides and voted for Trump, yet another group Hillary smugly thought she would sweep and didn't. Too bad primary Hillary didn't show up, she was caliente on immigration.
White Working-Class (WWC)- Racists, sexists, misogynists and rural idiots for voting Trump, all the while ignoring that the majority of this group voted for Obama, twice. Huh? Eerily close to the BernieBros definition...
Millennials- New name, same flavor of get these lazy kids off my lawn. A classic.
Seniors- Long lost to the mental anguish that is FOX News, this group keeps dying, and keeps voting Republican. There will soon be no more seniors (see: dying), and demographics will win the day.
Illegals- From foreigners to dead people, fake news polls show this group heavily went for Hillary Clinton and according to Donald Trump gave her the popular vote victory. This sentence is factual... and that should terrify all of us.
The Primary- Usually a boring, mundane political process, this primary, which started with 5 of the strongest candidates in Democratic history, quickly weened to three, then two, was nothing but a Hillary dismantling from the Left that crippled her horribly for the general which she never fully recovered from... or she squeaked-by a victory against nobodies, with every odd in her favor. Tomato tomaaaaaato.
BernieBros- Sexist, misogynistic progressives who also harbor deep racist tendencies. Or a Bernie voter. One or the other, you figure out.
Messaging- Every day Bernie was out there filling stadiums and gyms, bashing the oligarchy, the establishment and everything wrong with America, all the while, delivering a real message of hope and change. Hillary and her supporters didn't like that, and still don't, even though they adopted most of Bernie's ideas into their platform, but shhh, don't tell anyone, or people might find out they made promises. Bernie had a strong message, and that hurt Hillary.
Violence- Right when Don the Con was starting to incite his folks to violence, Hillary and her folks thought that was a really nifty idea. So they started a narrative, with the help of some media and DNC friends that Bernie and his supporters were also turning violent. The whole episode was a big pile of shit, and permanently turned many on the left away from such odious tactics and the people peddling them. People don't vote for lying idiots.
Tactics- See above. Yes, Bernie pounded away at the fact that Hillary was probably corrupt, because she is, and that she was exactly the problem with American politics. Boy was he wrong! In the other corner we had Hillary with her cadre of slime operatives, hell, it was a hall-of-fame bipartisan lineup, and they delivered indeed. Though winning the primary with almost every dirty trick in the book, the divisions within the Democratic Party were sewn, and she never recovered from losing a good portion of the base, possibly something the Party might have done permanently. Big tent, my ass.
Progressivism- Bernie, though not perfect, is the closest we have seen in a very long time to what I would term a proper progressive. His ideas and plans to change America are actually not new but very old, tried and true, before the word socialism brought out the Commie boogeyman. To then have Hillary proclaim herself as "the progressive who gets things done", while having lived a fat, comfortable neoliberal life, is an insult to the word progressive. It also reminded anyone in the know that Hillary was going to run a bullshit campaign of optics and poll-driven data, all this in the beginning of a contested primary against a real progressive... Frankly, people who call both Clinton and Obama "progressives" have no idea what they are talking about, and are doing a great disservice to the Left. Just stop it. Stop it. Enough. Post-truth bullshit.
Sexism and Racism
Donald Trump- He belongs at the top of this list, tiny-hands down.
Sexism- There is absolutely no debate that Hillary being a woman faced sexism and misogyny, especially running against a proud serial-groper. However her blatant overuse of the woman card became in itself... sexist. There were points in this campaign which "being a woman" was the only plank in her platform, annoying most with its counter-productiveness. Obama had a similar, and perhaps steeper hill to climb, but to his credit, was much more tempered in his history-making messaging. Not Hillary, the message became so pervasive that it trickled down to her supporters who began using it as a cudgel of censorship and disagreement. Being called a sexist, particularly if you are a man, was en vogue. Not a vote grabber.
Racism- Way back in time, when the Democratic Primary headed towards the South, Hillary began securing many African-American endorsements and was building a real firewall against Bernie Sanders. However always in panic mode, she sent her civil-rights surrogates out to smear Bernie Sanders' involvement in the Civil Rights movement. Gross. One, those "leaders" should know better, and two, what the fuck Hillary. So let me get this straight, while Bernie was being arrested in Chicago for fighting for desegregated housing, and you were campaigning as a teen for that insane Republican Barry Goldwater, you come out as the civil rights hero? When people insult my intelligence, they usually lose my vote. Food for thought. Anyways, from Flint to hot-sauce, it all disappeared in the general, and so did between 5 to 10% of the African-American vote. Go figure.
Deplorables- Tapping her inner 47% Romney, Hillary decided it was really time to lash out at the Trump supporters, declaring half of them to be a "basket of deplorables". Hear that? It is the echoing sound of such a massive blunder it will endure to the end of times... Even though half of Trump's supporters were indeed deplorable, insulting a whole swath of the electorate is a suicidal proposition, no matter its veracity. We are violating some serious pee-wee level basics of politics 101 here, perhaps even kindergarten. All this coming from the most experienced, battle-hardened professional politician ever. Even her surrogates spun-away while shaking their heads in disbelief... Lost in all the madness is that Romney at least had the decency to say his comment in private, whereas Hillary's was staged, at a public rally, and said with such relish and gusto, meaning it was all planned which is a complete condemnation of the both the candidate and the entire Clinton team. All one can say is wow... (hattip: writeinres)
Emails and James Comey
Emails- At first I felt bad for Abuela Clinton, I too have family members that struggle with the intricacies of technology... then I remembered she has soooo many people working for her, from her personal own IT tech guy to an entire department that invented the internet. Weird that. Nevertheless the idea that a career politician should know the rules regarding the classification of materials, and how to handle them, should be a high priority. Oops I guess. Apology accepted mammie.
James Comey- Democrats have been nominating Republicans to positions that make their pants go poopey for a good 30 years now, and FBI Director is no job for cowards. Enter James Comey, hold-over from Bush Jr's posse of savants, and all seemed fine until the prospect of 8 more years of a Democrat woke him up. Interfering in an election would be a kind description for something I have never seen on this lovely little planet in my lifetime. Even with his terrible timing, the sequel letter to Congress, Rogue One, only confirmed to me his ill-intention. It all adds up to a big stinking pile of nothing in the end, and if I was Hillary, I'd be pissed too. Just saying. Thanks Obama.
the FBI- An extension of James Comey, they are probably all those people in the background doing all the actual work digging in Hillary's emails, at best. At worst, they are James the Hitman Comey's henchmen.
Vladimir Putin- The mastermind behind Hillary's fall, not to mention the man who is always supporting the wrong side in the Middle East, you can't make a better James Bond villain. Dreams of world domination? Check. Using any means necessary? Check. Shark tank? Check. Look, did Russia try to interfere in the US election? Of course, what kind of aspiring superpower do we take them for? It just finally worked for someone else, and that's what's really pissing us off...
Hackers- They should invent security against these people, because everyone knows the best wifi hot-spots are in Russia.
The Hacks- Watching the inner workings of the Clinton campaign through their emails was nothing but a constant reminder of why they didn't deserve our votes. Democrats tried to deflect from the actual content of the emails, so let me summarize: lies, more lies, money, mo' money, DNC collusion on all levels, arrogance, hubris, entitlement, and a general disdain for the voting public. No matter your political stripe it was hard not to walk away disgusted with Clinton, the DNC and the Democratic Party after reading the leaks. Way to go neoliberalism, it turns out nobody likes you.
Paid Trolls- Samantha Bee's show did a great segment on paid Russian trolls and how they baited Americans into online pie fights in order to influence their votes. How unseemly. Then we heard that the Clinton campaign did the exact same thing through their PACs. The winner, by knock-out, Russia.
Wikileaks- Of course Democrats, particularly under Obama, would be at war with Whistleblowers-R-Us. We like our post-truth.
Julian Assange- Vladimir Putin stooge. Rapist.
Hillary Clinton critics- Of all places, this belongs here. The people who got everything wrong last election like to accuse Hillary critics of being Russian agents, or, facilitating Russia's takeover of America. I kid you not, this is common-thought in the defeated wing of the Democratic Party... tin-foil hats included.
Social media- Just like her emails, technological advances evade Hillary Clinton. Unfortunately for all of us, not Donald Trump. One Twitter account destroyed all the professionals that were in Clinton's entourage. Ouch.
Newspapers- Clinton had every single endorsement, and still lost. An indictment of two past-their-prime institutions watching their power wane away.
TV Media- Where to begin... this section could be its own book, so I will just say this. Like newspapers, every outlet had a clear biased-slant for Hillary, though fixated on Trump's antics. Months of watching pundits look at each other incredulously as history marched right pass them, was a complete waste of time. Trump surrogates challenging the premise of human intelligence on a nightly basis, was an insult to us all. Failure on all counts, of all media, they got everything WRONG.
Fake News- We have had "fake news" since "news" was invented, it just used to be more nuanced. With the advent of FOX, and the invention of the word truthiness, the rest is downhill history. Now facts are optional and everyone everywhere can have a platform. What could go wrong?
Facebook and Twitter- Facebook, for being a platform of spreading false news and hilarious memes, and Twitter, for allowing Donald Trump to use it. I thought Silicon Valley was pro-Democrat?
Online Media- The only group to not come out of this election completely discredited. Sometimes wrong, sometimes right, but one thing is for sure, way better than anything you can find on the tee-vee. Their existence is a fault to all establishment types including the left. A bright spot in a dim landscape.
Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy- 30 years of right-wing attacks have taken their toll on Hillary Clinton, regardless if they are true or not. BernieBros are newly-casted into this category, accused of right-wing shillery by suggesting that 1 billion dollars raised through the rich might be corruptible... out with you treasonous stain! Gotta love bipartisanship.
The System
The Electoral College- Whether you are a supporter or detractor of the Electoral College, the rules of the game were known before heading into the contest... a low-point of "sore-loserdom" is when you start complaining about the rules not being fair when you lose. Grow-up sport. Nevertheless Clinton pulled-in nearly 3 million votes more than the Donald something that will wax his hide for eternity, and the only thing Democrats can hang their hats on this election season. Joy.
Gerrymandering- A legitimate complaint when talking about the House, which has been in development for the better part of two decades, however where were those vaunted coattails that Hillary promised down-ballot candidates? It turns out nowhere to be found, and the cherry on-top are reports that little of the over-promised money never "trickled-down" to other candidates from the Clinton machine. Shocking.
Fundraising- Hillary had to spend too much time with donors raising money, taking her time away from crucial campaigning in swing-states, not to mention the horrible optics it provided. Even Clinton supporters admit this was a mistake, however lost in the tsunami of angst is the analysis of why such a thing happened. Simple. Clinton ran a campaign heavily-reliant on spending hundreds of millions of dollars on teevee advertisement to make-up for the many faults in both her candidacy and messaging. Hence the hundreds of fundraisers, PACS, dark money, double-talk, and good old pay-to-play and legalized bribery, all in the open for voters to watch a career politician do it right. Trump used a free Twitter account and promised to drain the swamp. #AsthekidssayFAIL #DraintheDemSwamp
Barack Obama
3rd Term- First heard during the primary, Hillary's use of "Obama's 3rd Term" became commonplace into the general election. Big mistake. Though people seem to like Obama, you would be hard pressed to find people content with his legislative achievements. Obamacare, once promised as the salve to cure all medical ills, has turned into the Heritage Foundation conservative stop-gap it always has been. The Iran deal? Cuban rapprochement? All could be a legacy move, but Republicans will have none of that, and I fully expect all three to be shredded beyond recognition. Apart from that people are hard-pressed to find anything else, positive that is. Guantanamo, Middle-East wars, Drone Wars, whistle-blower prosecution, surveillance state expansion, continued loss of rights, revolving-door of lobbyists, etc, etc, etc, etc... it seems his real legacy will be the continuation of the neoconservative-neoliberal war for resources, a policy that Hillary help implement under a Democrat, and was certainly going to continue and expand if she had won. A leading candidate for "least discussed reason" because, look at Obama's approval ratings! In the end, the voters wanted nothing to do with Hillary or a 3rd term of Obama, and for good reason. What a great guy though.
Not Guilty- So many data-driven little boxes, thrown in with a healthy spoon of willful ignorance and crazy, what you get encapsulates every single human being in America, no matter who you are, who you supported, or what you think. How convenient. This country failed Hillary Clinton, and that is the only conclusion that matters.
Hitler concluded that the German people were unworthy
of the Reich and deserved all they got from the Russians.
However you slice it
bottom line remains: She lost to a fucking cartoon.
In large part, I suspect, because she herself seems to be to too many a simulation of a person.
Orwell: Where's the omelette?
I gotta quibble with this
I was told at GOS (I've said this here previously) that I was mysogynistic in my non-support for someone of my gender.
BIG turnoff for me.
I absolutely feel that across the board Bernie is a better advocate of issues relevant for women's health, safety and independence. He is more pro-choice, and works for better wages and more access to education than Clinton. He wants everyone to have access to health care, Clinton argued we have enough, already. She'll concede that perhaps $12 would make a good minimum wage, he was vehement for $15.
Looking forward to the next essay.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Seems that way to me too
As much as I was offended at being labeled sexist, I always though that the women out there who didn't agree Hillary was a good choice must've been even more incensed.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
Your tag list is almost as funny as the diary!
She sure has had a long list of excuses.
But, um, Gary Johnson. Ron Johnson rhymes better, but it wasn't him. Maybe you're thinking of Ron Paul, but he left the primaries to his son Rand. Who didn't last long. But unfortunately remains in the Senate.
Whut? No, this isn't factual. Illegals can't register to vote, therefore will not be on the voter rolls, therefore will not be allowed to vote. But if they decided to engage in voter fraud in order to vote on the President of a country they are hiding from, they would probably pick the candidate with the most kind heart, not at all terrifying. Better than the Trump monster, at least.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Illegals CAN register and vote.
It's not legal, but certainly possible. When I first registered in 1963 I had to produce my birth certificate. My grandchildren only had to show a driver's license. I personally registered a new citizen on her statement that she had been naturalized on a certain date at a certain court, attested to on her application. Did anyone check? I doubt it. My Mom died about ten years ago in Cook county IL. I have her death certificate issued by the Cook County clerk. She still gets voting material from the county in the mail. She had a summons for jury duty. I called the court clerk's office and told them she was dead and would have been well over 80 anyway. The clerk on the phone said, "I'll mark her 'over 70 - declined'". Maybe Mom's still voting Democratic. Well, she would have been pleased to vote for a woman, anyway.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Well in my humble opinion, with all due to respect to the Johnsons here, there are just too many Johnsons in this world...
Thanks for the heads-up, must have been reading a Wisconsin article before writing that, otherwise it would have been this guy:
Ain't thumbnailing that one!
As for the block quote, it is according to fake news polls, and Donald Trump, both peddlers of utter bullshit, so if you read the sentence carefully, a sentence full of absurd falsities, it actually, factually is a truth since these things were said. I know I floated into the post-truth ether there, toxic stuff...
Progressive to the bone.
Oh yes, Don Johnson!
He was hot back in the day. Although he popularized the not-quite-shaved look, of which I have never been a fan. Ah well. Can't have everything.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
The excuses were dealt like a deck of cards, and about as many
which in the end is better than a House of Cards.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
It's not just humanity that failed Hillary Clinton
There's also our robotic overlords who let her down. Just recently I read an article stating that there was some AI/big data system running every move in her campaign.
If that's right then our robotic overlords are apparently just as stupid as our current set of human ones.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
I've heard about that one
made up of about 1000 salted nodes (for thought purity) and performance benchmarks are measured in peta-Friedman units
Oddly, the heuristics only seek maximize profits for CF and generate bit-cons* (sometimes bit-coins too), but does not lead to higher voter turnout. One disturbing aspect is tone-deafness at unparalled levels.
* Bitcons - truthiness moments, at a venue, at a moment in time, that shows astounding levels of tangential beliefs incongruent to reality and "refudiated" at the earliest or latest convenience, whichever comes first. See Reagan funeral and AIDS, "All Lives Matter", etc.
Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever
It's been a problem for awhile
This divide and conquer.
The problem with trying to embarrass people to support you, or insulting them to support you, is that it doesn't work.
This article:
The 2008 version of "Bernie Bros" was "Obama Boys" which included racism along with sexism as a cudgel for the Clinton cabal against non-worshippers.
The problem with identity politics is that it can work in small controlled groups.You can run on your whiteness or blackness or brownness if your district is overwhelmingly that. At least for a while. You can celebrate feminism and have Hillary as the icon of feminism in a room full of middle-aged white women. But identity politics leaves out a lot of people. When you represent the 99% you are talking to everyone but the guys who Hillary actually gave speeches to. As imperfect as Trump was, and believe me he was, he was the last person talking to the masses after Bernie was out.
If feminism means that we get to worship Hillary at the expense of jobs and a decent wage, schools, healthcare and all those things that the 99% need, you don't have much of a caravan at the end of the campaign trail.
The irony is that it was close enough that if Clinton had spent the slightest attention to the needs of the people of the rust belt she could have won walking away.
In the end
In the end it was the stern parent telling you to eat everything on your plate because it's good for you versus the guy telling you to throw the plate against the wall because you don't like liver.
From what little I know about Hillary's internalized morality, people who didn't support her were bad children. Her strict, conservative Dad who propelled her to be the head of the Goldwater Girls in college continued whispering to her throughout her career. It's no wonder she was the CIA's candidate. Control.
An oxymoron, Bob
Ain't no such thing, unless you define "me, me, me" as morality.
Brilliant comment
Should be it's own essay.
Would go viral, I believe.
Captures something I have not yet seen expressed this eloquently.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
She lost for the same reason Obama won
and Bernie did so well. People have had it. There are not enough Democratic partisans left to carry another war hog, bankster loving corrupt machine pol to victory. I quit being a Democrat in 2011. I was disgusted by Obama's Clintonista, bankster riddled anti-democratic farce of an administration. Obama won because people had had enough of the Bush regime. When I campaigned and registered new Dem. voters for Obama and the Dems. people on the street would come up and thank me, Republicans included.
People are not as stupid as the political class believes. By 2010 I felt like going back to the houses in my district and apologizing for selling the hogwash of hope and change to desperate people. they got bait and switched I now look at the sick list's of Trump's picks for his administration and think would the Clinton's be any better? Obama's cabinet and expert advisors was telling. Progressive partisan Democrat's are an oxymoron, no such thing exists. Ordinary people the over whole world are resisting the lesser evil that is not lesser just evil.
I don't think or do not care about how she ran her campaign or the excuses pumped out in the aftermath mean a damn thing. What she is and what the Clinton's represent came shinning through. They do mean that now we're stuck with Trump. The good news is that the New Democratic party is toast. She deserved to lose. Ed Millbrand's defeat was sign of things to come. My only questions about this farce of an election is how do we the people globally pry this vampire blood sucking squid off humanities face.
My urban district and county is 85% Democratic. My precinct is now full of professional's who are affluent progressive hipster yuppie types. They are Democratic and yet have embraced the neoliberal/neocon global New world order. They are socially liberal whatever the hell that means. to my jaded eye that means they are symbolically willing to support human rights that grant people to opportunity to compete in their sick American Dream of the screw or get screwed free market .
Talk about privilege. They do feel the pain of the loser's in their progressive 'world as they find it' but god forbid that these ignorant deplorable's unseat the order that they have benefited from. Identifying with race, gender really means that they identity with the successful poc or women who break glass ceilings and keep the class system and meritocracy firmly in place. Obama was/is their idea of a liberal progressive leader. My nieghbor down the street is distressed because her 8 year old daughter won't have a great female role model like the lovely Michelle or the feminist champion of The Mad Bomber. They are gatekeepers of the status quo who are doing just fine in this unjust economy.
It did not work nor did fear carry the day. My last thoughts are regarding Bernie. The campaign and movement he gave voice to was not his. This movement and struggle has been a long time in the making. I'm not of the belief that populism always leads to fascism. The partisan political theater was not believable and the excuses offer by the Demorat's after the fact are ludicrous. Blue vs.Red divide boiled down to an absurd scary reality show that a lot of people just didn't want to vote for, they withdrew their consent to be governed by either of these monsters.
What I do not understand is why people believe any excuse put out by the propagandist's about democracy being subverted. Democracy was not subverted by anyone but the criminal puppet pols were told to vote for or else. That's not democratic it's extorting your vote using fear, loathing and guilt. I don't really care about the absurd unbelievable overt propaganda pumped out by the 'intelligence'' spooks, the fake news or the complicit political machines of the ruling class. I guess it's easier to believe that Russain's or deplorable ignorant bigoted Republicans rigged it then to take a good hard look at what you supported by voting for Hillary.
The world is not binary and neither is reality. The more people who reject the meaningless political theater we are subjected to the better for humanity and the planet. To keep viewing politics using the perpetrators false story line just feeds the circus and allows them to keep burning up the world for profit and power. so excuse me if i get tired of hearing about why these fuckers lost. We all lost and it's not the end but the beginning as more and more people globally are aware of the nature of their game. Deflection will not work when you've had enough.
Great piece, thanks.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Great comment, Shaharazade
Translation: they're okay with abortion and smoke dope.
Sad thing is they
so do not even want pot to be legal. It cuts into the profits of Big Pharma and takes away the power of the corrupt nasty DEA/CIA machinations. Propitiation ending put Eliot Ness and his era's equivalence of bootlegger hunters out of business. Legalizing pot would send waves through the underground illicit big business that both sides have no desire stop. Never mind the booze industry that would suffer. We have legal pot here in Oregon but like liquor sales and gambling it all flows through the state and they get their cut. Regulation you know as the vices are not free market and need regulation unlike the banksters or the masters of war profiteers. Let these assholes rip as they are free, moral and patriotic. Pot smokers are dangerous degenerates who tend to scoff at the absurdities of authority. Kind of like the millennial's who are just frivolously rebelling against the powers that be cause they are young and dumb. Grow up there is no such thing as a free lunch or legal pot.
I hope you are writing books
you have such a gift with words. Such clarity and insight.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Awesome comment
Frankly could easily be its own diary. Great post.
Progressive to the bone.
I agree, what a wonderful comment
Spot on, this comment needs to be a diary. Well written and on point- please expand upon this theme. To me this comment is the central point of the society upheavals- not racists or sexism or any -ism, but it is the haves vs the have nots.
One of the very best I have read. (+++)
would not change a word of it.
The mindset
Besides C99, I try to visit other sites, many which have comments. While I deal with normal articles sites, sometimes comments can be a sampling of a larger group and informative of a general atmosphere of a place. Which brings me to DKOS...... to me the site has little importance but to many here, it seems many were ex-members. I don't go there much, but when I do...
Anyway, the point. Scrolling through, it seems that many there were adamantly behind her, often failing to notice her horrendous policies and negatives. They stated that everyone needed to shut up and that they didn't know what they were talking about, while arrogantly being "stronger together". But now, that they were proven wrong, they once again talk about needing to get past the Bernie v. Hillary and come together. God, such arrogance. They can't admit they were wrong. Not only that, but they latch onto Russia. They believe Russia hacking but refuse to believe in DNC rigging. I refuse to make an account there...for reasons ha. But it can be somewhat frightening to see people not only so deluded, but so easily manipulated into believing information they willingly eat up.
Brilliant, a classic.
Hilarious. Will be read again and again with astonishment and pleasure. Thank you for this great list and excellent analysis, Jazzenterprises. You just rock.