
Charlottesville: the tail wags the dog

Charlottesville: a hoax with deadly consequences will backfire in a major way--perhaps taking down the DemonRATs in 2018. Today's exploration of alt-media, particularly YouTube, revealed a vast quantity of MSM untouchable material. Most was actually published within days of August 12. The findings from both Left and Right (as if those terms mean anything any more) support my contention of massive collusion between George Soros and the DemonRATic party.

Basic Rules for Fascist Governance (And Fuck Nazis, the KKK and the McResistance)

Dear Alt-Right and Toxic IdPol kids,

Please kindly shut the fuck up and realize you're all being fuckin' duped by the bourgeoisie.

Don't get the wrong idea here: If I were able I'd probably punch out a few Nazi skinheads and KKK members myself if the opportunity were there. It's what they deserve considering they push an ideology that advocates for mass murder based on skin color, ethnicity and disability (I belong to the disability category).

Fighting in the Street--Why did the police hold back?

Charlottesville and before it, Berkeley, were the scenes of bloody confrontation. In the former instance a premeditated murder (or manslaughter with reckless indifference) occurred. In the latter, one example was a demonstrator being hit in the head by a University Professor with a bicycle lock and chain.

This is the Summer of Hate, about which I wrote only a few days ago.

The Time is Right for Fighting in the Streets

File this in the WTF department. An already overcrowded pigeon hole earns another entry. Before posting this, what the heck are we doing with labeling frenzy? Identity politics to the max. Alt-Right, Anti-Fa, centrist, neoLiberal, NeoConservative, Progressive, Regressive, Depressive. Where does it end? Are we c99ers Alt-Left, marginalized Free-thinkers, burned-out Berners? Can't tell the players without the labels.

Is "Alt-Right" Part of a Political Realignment Strategy?

So "alt-right" has become a buzzword. I guess it's the politically correct term for Mouthbreather™ (hat tip to the former Mike Malloy). I just heard it a few weeks ago, and it seems to be everywhere these days.

It seems that there has been some care to point at the "alt-right" for the woes of America and the Republican Party.

It's almost as if the regular old Right bears no responsibility for stoking the Tea Party and pushing inhumane public policy.