
The "Republicans are better on defense" meme

I'm starting to see this narrative from people that once considered themselves on the left, or still consider themselves on the left, that the Democrats are now worse on most issues for anyone in the working class and/or on the left.
I will refer to this group from here on as the Jimmy Dore Left (JDL), but Dore is far from the only preacher of this philosophy.

If democracy is under threat in this election, Democrats paid $53 million for that threat

Democrats deserve to lose this election. Republicans also deserve to lose this election.
Almost everything the Democrats are saying about the Republicans is true. It's just that the Democrats want Republicans that way, even to the point of paying big bucks to make it happen.

My thoughts on SCOTUS leak

I've been suspicious of the USSC document "leak" which revitalized the liberals. Preserving Roe v Wade is the biggest Democratic issue of the past 50 years. I haven't seen liberals this fired up since the Iraq war. And yet I'm convinced it was the GOP's doing.

Why would Republicans want this? This had me stumped until I read a tweet this morning

Establishment Democrats' tradition of scapegoating the Left for their own failures

We are approaching another election disaster for the Democrats, so establishment Democrats are already shifting into scapegoating the slightly less corrupt, non-corporate wing of the party - progressives.

A Nina Turner head-scratcher

Watch and listen to this interview carefully. I watched, as Krystal Ball and Saagar Enjeti occasionally popped in to try to get Nina Turner to recognize the depths of Joe Biden's failure -- the Democrats' failure -- but eventually I started to scratch my head and wonder "where is Nina Turner GOING with all of this?"
