Republicans sure do love their terrorists
Submitted by gjohnsit on Sun, 09/17/2023 - 2:14pmYou may remember this moment, when Senator McCain made a surprise visit to Syrian rebels.
You may remember this moment, when Senator McCain made a surprise visit to Syrian rebels.
I'm starting to see this narrative from people that once considered themselves on the left, or still consider themselves on the left, that the Democrats are now worse on most issues for anyone in the working class and/or on the left.
I will refer to this group from here on as the Jimmy Dore Left (JDL), but Dore is far from the only preacher of this philosophy.
Democrats deserve to lose this election. Republicans also deserve to lose this election.
Almost everything the Democrats are saying about the Republicans is true. It's just that the Democrats want Republicans that way, even to the point of paying big bucks to make it happen.
Suddenly Republicans want to defund the police.
Let's assume that this guy actually speaks for a lot of Republicans.
Breitbart News writer John Nolte argued Monday that Howard Stern and the left are using reverse psychology to trick Republicans into dying of Covid.
That'll fix those libtards!
Yesser, a conservative boycott of America's pastime for reasons of patriotism.
It can't fail!
12 minutes
At least one martini into his act and wearing gilet jaune, Jimmie tore Nervous Nancy a new one--if only she were close enough. This is no holds-barred, truly reptilian criticism against Nancy--and I know my reptilians.
Lately we've been hearing a lot about rampaging mobs of violent leftist extremists.
My Facebook friends did, though. I really couldn't care less what any of those people said on teevee. Here's my big question: why haven't they confirmed him already? The Republicans in power are the same sort of rapist that he is, and they face no real challenge from the Democrats (as evidenced by the Dem performance under Obama).
“I hate the gooks,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) doubled down when asked on the 2000 presidential campaign trail about his continued use of the racist slur for Vietnamese people. “I will hate them as long as I live.”