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The Weekly Watch

War IS the US Business Model

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War with Russia in the Ukraine Proxy war, a likely War in SW Asia with Iran, War with China over Taiwan, War on US citizens using a variety of techniques, an economic War on the EU, countless coups and conflicts in Latin America, Africa, and Asia, Sanction wars with any country which refuses to submit to US dictats ...here a war, there a war, everywhere a war,war. I heard Lockhead-Martin stock is up 58% this year alone. This country has come a long way down the road from the initial goal of being an agricultural and trading nation. We morphed into authoritarian warmongering bullies somewhere along the way.


Album of the Week 10-19-24

Afternoon folks!

Well, this week we're a little heavy on the blues rock, but we'll start out with a couple of blues records. Percy Mayfield starts us off with a compilation of some of his earlier recordings followed by New Orleans piano player Cousin Joe weighing in with a late career album from the mid-80's blues revival period. After that it's off to blues rock with an album from Mick Taylor (former guitarist for John Mayall's Bluesbreakers and the Rolling Stones), a live album from The Band, performing with some amazing horns, and a double album from the band Redbone. After that, there's an album from Parliament that somebody gave me years ago telling me it was great, so, well, you decide. Then there's some folk-rock from Lindisfarne and we finish off with some pure pop from Tommy James & The Shondells that's been lurking in my collection for years.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Friday Night Photos Surfs Up Edition

Welcome to Friday Night Photos everyone. Your once a week break from the daily madness of the crazy world we live in. Post any photos, memes, music, or whatever else you find of interest that helps you escape the madness.

Just got back from a week on the road and haven't had time to go through all the photos I took (500+), so until next Friday, lets go surfing.
These are from last month when I went to the Wavecrest woodie meet in Encinitas. After photographing the cars I changed the wide lens for a long lens and spent a little time photographing the surfers. There were a lot of surfers in the water that morning but not much surf.
Last but not least, thanks to Captain Q for hosting in my absence last Friday. Nice shots of the northern lights.


Open Thread - 10-18-24 - Turtles All the Way Down

Ever have those strange moments when surrealism temporarily supplants reality? Like a certain moment in time isn't real and you question it really happening? You feel outside of yourself like you're in another dimension? Here's an example.

That's happened to me several times in the past, but I've been feeling that way many times during the last four or five years, like all this really isn't happening. How can it be that life has changed so quickly? It seems like the change hasn't been organic, that some surreal hand has directed it all. Like it hasn't happened naturally, like it's all been orchestrated.

I wonder, have all great societal changes happen this way?

Things are weird and keep getting weirder. Like an infinite regression of weirdness. Like turtles stacked one upon another, holding up a flat earth.

Attribution: Wikimedia Commons
