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Friday Night Photos Feathered Friends Edition

Welcome to Friday Night Photos everyone. Your once a week break from the daily madness of the crazy world we live in. Post any photos, memes, music, or whatever else you find of interest that helps you escape the madness.

After a very dry month with very low humidity we finally got a little rain this week on Sunday and Monday. Little being the key word. .21in. total. It wasn't much but it did help get the wildfires in the county under control. If we're lucky we may get a little more rain early next week. It won't be a lot, probably less than what we got this week, but every little bit helps.

A mix of some of the year round residents and winter visitors at Santee Lakes.

Great Blue Heron

Open Thread - 01-31-25 - Truth

The truth. You hear that bandied about a lot these days, especially in political circles. It seems most individuals and groups have their own form of the "truth", and many are adamant in their conclusion, to the point of extremism. You can witness the many forms of "truth" in every day life but nowhere as controversial as on the internet where folks scream their "truth" at each other incessantly.

But, have you really given the concept of the "truth" any thought? In the end does the "truth" not boil down to subjective personal bias? We can convince ourselves that we know the "truth", but do we really? Or is it confirmation bias, that which supports our views, that leads us to the "truth", while ignoring opposing viewpoints and evidence?

Attribution: Wikimedia Commons

Open Thread - Thurs 30 Jan 2025 - Go Esco!

Go Esco!

I have to admit, I have not paid that much attention to the news, or anything really, in the last week or so, unless it's a story with some feel-good in it. For example, a man was walking his dog, in Renton, WA. They got hit by a car, which of course fled the scene. The man was pretty badly hurt, the dog had some wounds too. The dog ran back home and got the man's wife. Both the dog, Esco, and the man, Richard, are ok. Richard had to have a bunch of operations, but he's ok. And Esco is a hero!

Esco the hero!, from the story on Kiro News.
