
Campaigning Like It's 1999

According to The Hill, "Clinton allies" are blaming Bernie Sanders for Hillary Clinton's poor performance in recent opinion polls. They complain that Sanders' continued attacks on Clinton and his failure "to begin bringing everyone together” hurts Hillary Clinton because it "... holds her back from controlling the narrative.” What I see are changes in the U.S.

Hillary's problem with Independents

Way back in January the Washington Post noticed that Hillary Clinton had difficulty getting the votes of anyone that didn't self-identify as a Democrat. Hillary had a -31 rating with Independents according to Quinnipiac polling.
The headline was "Independents like Hillary Clinton less than in 2008".

The Myth of the "Angry" Bernie supporter

In the current political cycle, in which the same youth demographic lauded by Democrats for helping deliver Obama to the WH are now being derided by Baby Boomer Clinton supporters, there is a meme pushed far and wide: Bernie supporters are "mean" and "angry".

Many false equivalencies have been penned comparing