
Self-awarded participation trophy (light reading)

Although I did see the Flaming Lips this summer, it was at a different show that I hit the peak of audience participation.

Every year a band called Over the Rhine holds their Nowhere Else Festival on a farm in rural Ohio. It's what you'd imagine from a folksy band putting on a show in their back yard.

Remember November 20!! WHY?

November almost rhymes with "remember and 20 (twenny) almost rhymes with money. So? November 20 = "remember money". Before dedollarization wipes it out entirely, money is still what this site runs on, money and Johnny's blood, sweat, and tears. I have a hunch it would always be welcome, but 11/20 is a good day to send some if you have some to spare because it is a handy memnonic. If you ain't got the dough to spare, that's cool, just something to keep in mind for when you do.

Leading man

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Since election day I've noticed a shift in the media in its attempts to manipulate Trump's appointments to various cabinet and administration posts by "leaking" picks he has already made that turn out to be erroneous. Pompeo being the first.

The Weekly Watch

Lessons Learned?

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Trump seems to have selected Trump loyalists for his cabinet. Many are Israel first people. There's plenty of China and Iran war mongers in the group as well. No doubt we'll have to wait and see, first if they make it through the senate after McConnell installed Thune as a poison pill, and secondly if they live up to their claims of challenging the system. Did Trump learn from his first term of disastrous appointments?

