My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Your post is a great
From:Remember when al-Qaeda was our enemy?
Lenzabi Sun, 04/17/2016 - 06:24pm 0
I suspect Poll results are
From:Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-3: NY Polling Trend Lines
Lenzabi Sun, 04/17/2016 - 05:43pm 1 Sun, 04/17/2016 - 07:05pm
Awesome follow-up Steve! I
From:Correction & Apology re: NY Voting Hours
Lenzabi Sun, 04/17/2016 - 05:40pm 0
Massive pressure release all
From:Ecuador earthquake of 7.8 magnitude kills dozens
Lenzabi Sun, 04/17/2016 - 05:30pm 0
Yes, looking at the RSOE EDIS
From:Ecuador earthquake of 7.8 magnitude kills dozens
Lenzabi Sun, 04/17/2016 - 05:29pm 0
Bernie is too off da hook for
From:Fabulous new video by Spike Lee
Lenzabi Sun, 04/17/2016 - 02:29am 0
Powerful new Ad, I hope it
From:Odds and Ends: Around the Web
Lenzabi Sat, 04/16/2016 - 07:42pm 0
Amazing how scum such as they
From:In Settlement’s Fine Print, Goldman May Save $1 Billion
Lenzabi Sat, 04/16/2016 - 07:07pm 0
World Wars
From:Remember when al-Qaeda was our enemy?
Lenzabi Sat, 04/16/2016 - 03:27am 1 Sat, 04/16/2016 - 11:25am
She is their lame horse in
From:One of Them For President
Lenzabi Fri, 04/15/2016 - 10:55am 0
They may finally be seeing
From:One of Them For President
Lenzabi Fri, 04/15/2016 - 10:35am 0
From:Posted as well on KOS but wanted to make sure folks get to know me
Lenzabi Thu, 04/14/2016 - 04:10pm 0
This is why we need a
From:WTF? Vast majority of New York State Counties Don't open for Voting Until Noon on Tuesday, April 19th
Lenzabi Thu, 04/14/2016 - 04:05pm 2 Thu, 04/14/2016 - 04:21pm
Frack the fracking
From:The Coral Reefs are dying! 36% are already dead
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 11:56pm 1 Thu, 04/14/2016 - 05:32am
I tend to go TYT, RT,
From:Other than here, where do you get your news and political commentary & discussion?
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 06:12pm 0
Things are bad, but the
From:The Coral Reefs are dying! 36% are already dead
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 06:11pm 0
I no longer respond to Emily
From:Did you get this email from Bernie about Lucy Flores in Nevada?
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 06:09pm 1 Thu, 04/14/2016 - 12:15pm
New York
From:Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-7: NY Polling Trend Lines
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 02:08pm 0
Dear Robby
From:Hey, C99ers. I hate to ask, but I need your help.
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 01:51pm 0
From:Once Upon a Time
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 01:44pm 0
From:Sorry I haven't been around
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 01:30pm 0
Time is running out
From:Ignoring Climate Change
Lenzabi Wed, 04/13/2016 - 02:33am 0
Also consider this, in the
From:This is Why We Need a Revolution Regardless of What Bernie Does
Lenzabi Tue, 04/12/2016 - 03:12pm 0
Leading the horse
From:This is Why We Need a Revolution Regardless of What Bernie Does
Lenzabi Mon, 04/11/2016 - 05:05pm 0
Blocked out
From:Fairytales, Guns and Sanders
Lenzabi Mon, 04/11/2016 - 04:20pm 1 Mon, 04/11/2016 - 04:48pm
And Iraq was recent, easily
From:Libya - I am so pissed off.
Lenzabi Mon, 04/11/2016 - 06:38am 1 Mon, 04/11/2016 - 01:24pm
No, you have it right, the
From:I figured I better do this.
Lenzabi Mon, 04/11/2016 - 04:27am 0
We should have done like
From:"Engage the rage"
Lenzabi Mon, 04/11/2016 - 04:13am 0
From:Climate Scientists May be Wrong, Again (and some thoughts on what that means for the revolution to come)
Lenzabi Mon, 04/11/2016 - 04:10am 0
From:Vigil for Annabel
Lenzabi Mon, 04/11/2016 - 02:09am 0
I am
From:I may get banned yet
Lenzabi Sun, 04/10/2016 - 05:22pm 1 Sun, 04/10/2016 - 05:46pm
Wyoming win seems a draw as
From:Alpha's Wyoming Primary watchers Live thread.
Lenzabi Sat, 04/09/2016 - 06:09pm 1 Sat, 04/09/2016 - 06:52pm
It is interesting how the world arms trade is getting exposed, n
From:The Shadow World: Inside the Global Arms Trade -- to be featured at Tribeca
Lenzabi Sat, 04/09/2016 - 05:32pm 1 Sat, 04/09/2016 - 09:58pm
Well, she does not give away
From:Open Thread Saturday 04-09-16
Lenzabi Sat, 04/09/2016 - 12:51pm 0
People for the most part in
From:Observation Report: Limited power(inspired by Gerrits" Fukushima diary)
Lenzabi Sat, 04/09/2016 - 12:48pm 0
From:So many interesting HRC Diaries Showing up at TOP
Lenzabi Sat, 04/09/2016 - 12:28pm 0
Bernie is just rallying the
From:Panama and WhichHillary
Lenzabi Sat, 04/09/2016 - 11:30am 0
I like the ring to
Lenzabi Sat, 04/09/2016 - 01:22am 1 Sat, 04/09/2016 - 01:25am
They gang flagged
From:Serious Question
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 07:48pm 0
So, much for "Mission
From:Iraq is breaking
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 05:10pm 1 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 05:13pm
I dove into the cesspit
From:April 6th WaPo headline "Clinton questions whether Sanders is qualified to be president"
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 05:00pm 0
Just as Orwell's 1984 was
From:Why I'm No Longer Feeling The Bern
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 04:57pm 0
Yeah, she is qualified in all
From:Here's what he said about being "qualified"
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 04:52pm 0
If She wins, and loses or
From:Win-Lose: Bernie's Realism v. Hillary's Pragmatism
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 04:47pm 1 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 09:41pm
That clip sure shows to me a
From:Metaphor for the Stout of heart
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 04:01pm 0
Looking at
From:DEA to consider re-classification of Marijuana......
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 03:56pm 1 Thu, 04/07/2016 - 05:30pm
Does she have the early stages of Alzheimers?
From:Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride T-12: NY Polling Trendlines
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 03:52pm 0
good snark there!
From:Open Thread - April 7, 2016 - Why I Will Vote For Hillary Rodham Clinton
Lenzabi Thu, 04/07/2016 - 06:22am 0
From:Math is hard- New York is the game changer
Lenzabi Wed, 04/06/2016 - 09:28pm 1 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 10:10pm
Babies can sense
From:Math is hard- New York is the game changer
Lenzabi Wed, 04/06/2016 - 09:26pm 0
This with full disclosure
From:BREAKING: DailyKosTV's Jed Lewison video calls out Hillary as a liar. [UPDATEDx3]
Lenzabi Wed, 04/06/2016 - 07:12pm 1 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 08:17pm
All part of their script,
From:Looks like someone got to FBI Director Comey
Lenzabi Wed, 04/06/2016 - 07:08pm 1 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 07:44pm
Good satire. sad that it
From:I apologize for my Bigotry (DMW TOP Salvage)
Lenzabi Wed, 04/06/2016 - 06:25pm 1 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 06:42pm
Wee hours and
From:Alpha's Wisconson Primary watchers Live thread.
Lenzabi Wed, 04/06/2016 - 04:50am 0
98% reported by 2:26amEDT
From:Alpha's Wisconson Primary watchers Live thread.
Lenzabi Wed, 04/06/2016 - 01:28am 0
This needs to be spread out
From:It's NOT Your Democratic Party, It's HER Democratic Party
Lenzabi Tue, 04/05/2016 - 07:01pm 1 Wed, 04/06/2016 - 08:41am
I doubt
From:What Could Make Hillary Clinton a Better Democrat?
Lenzabi Tue, 04/05/2016 - 06:46pm 0
Pretty close
From:What we know now . . .
Lenzabi Mon, 04/04/2016 - 09:24pm 0
It should
From:Helvítis Fokking Fokk! Iceland reacts to the Panama Papers.
Lenzabi Mon, 04/04/2016 - 09:10pm 0
Welcome to the awakened world.
From:What we know now . . .
Lenzabi Mon, 04/04/2016 - 09:04pm 1 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 09:12pm
Hard to say
From:Observation report: Shared 52yrs after T.I.
Lenzabi Mon, 04/04/2016 - 05:25pm 0
Similar boat, my introduction
From:Anti-Capitalist Meetup: The Revolutionary Class Of The Future
Lenzabi Mon, 04/04/2016 - 05:54am 0
I say this
From:Anti-Capitalist Meetup: The Revolutionary Class Of The Future
Lenzabi Sun, 04/03/2016 - 08:00pm 0
It is not
From:News From The Easter Bunny: TEPCO's Fukushima Ice Wall
Lenzabi Sun, 04/03/2016 - 07:47pm 2 Mon, 04/04/2016 - 05:42am
Even oldr Gen-xers
From:I got annoyed
Lenzabi Sun, 04/03/2016 - 07:43pm 2 Sun, 04/03/2016 - 11:26pm
Her Royal Shillness
From:I got annoyed
Lenzabi Sun, 04/03/2016 - 07:41pm 2 Sun, 04/03/2016 - 09:17pm
yet time is one commodity
From:My Back Pages - Can the US political system deal with climate change?
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 06:09pm 1 Sat, 04/02/2016 - 06:37pm
Frakk the Fracking
From:Some Fracking Fallout
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 05:36pm 0
I stopped bothering with the
From:When you realize Clinton renders people morally bankrupt
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 05:29pm 0
their disconnect to reality
From:I am having a bit of a laugh at the moment
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 05:26pm 0
So, the whole situation was
From:Leaked: IMF plots to "cause a credit event" in Greece and "destabilize Europe"
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 03:46pm 0
April 5th, she ditched WI and
From:Live Webcast of Bernie's Rally in WI is starting!
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 03:43pm 0
There are even Republicans
From:From a simple comment, thread was Bernindownthehouse.
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 03:41pm 0
Bernie Sanders is our
From:How Hillary Clinton Lost Me...and How Bernie Sanders Won Me Over
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 02:05pm 0
It just shows that the
From:It's not just fossil fuel lobbyists; it's the state Democratic parties
Lenzabi Sat, 04/02/2016 - 12:42pm 0
Seems to me that things are
From:Howard Dean: The Truth Is Clinton Took Money From Fossil Fuel Lobbyists
Lenzabi Fri, 04/01/2016 - 10:10pm 0
That speech was brilliant!
From:Bernie's Magic Carpet Ride To Victory Began In The Bronx Last Night
Lenzabi Fri, 04/01/2016 - 09:21pm 0
On other sites
From:Hillary Clinton’s Support Among Nonwhite Voters Has Collapsed
Lenzabi Fri, 04/01/2016 - 09:51am 0
From:Hillary is "so sick" of Bernie's allegation of her taking fossil fuel money, even though she HAS taken $4.5M
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 11:44pm 0
She has a issue of
From:Hillary is "so sick" of Bernie's allegation of her taking fossil fuel money, even though she HAS taken $4.5M
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 07:59pm 3 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 01:10pm
As a Fallout fan
From:Hillary Clinton goes off on Greenpeace activist: (Updated)
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 07:07pm 0
New York seems to be feeling
From:Harlem Leaders' Fealty to Clinton Another Betrayal of Principle
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 07:02pm 0
I'm glad
From:Bernie’s Rally Tonight in New York City as He is Within Reach of Record-Shattering Fundraising Total
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 06:49pm 0
From:Hillary Clinton goes off on Greenpeace activist: (Updated)
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 06:46pm 2 Fri, 04/01/2016 - 01:30am
I hope the polls for her
From:For anyone rah-rahing Hillary in New York
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 06:37pm 1 Sat, 04/02/2016 - 04:56pm
The Clintons back int the WH
From:Just a quick post to point out something significant
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 01:55pm 0
Just gave 27 to Bernie
From:As Another Pissed Off Liberal, There Are Some Things I'm Not Interested In.
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 01:43pm 0
Between Clinton focusing on
From:Just a quick post to point out something significant
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 11:40am 0
Considering what has happened
From:Wisconsin Sentinel: Clinton's abysmal disregard for govt. open disqualifies her from public office
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 11:36am 0
Thanks for trying Steven D,
From:Hillary Clinton is not a Badass. She's a Bullshit Artist.
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 11:23am 0
Gotta love the similarity
From:Hillary Clinton is not a Badass. She's a Bullshit Artist.
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 11:20am 1 Thu, 03/31/2016 - 04:00pm
gotta watch the whole gamut
From:Latest dirty tricks
Lenzabi Thu, 03/31/2016 - 10:46am 0
And the DNC in DC left Bernie
From:Latest dirty tricks
Lenzabi Wed, 03/30/2016 - 06:01pm 2 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 06:26pm
From:Latest dirty tricks
Lenzabi Wed, 03/30/2016 - 05:41pm 3 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 07:49pm
My results surprised me some.
From:Just for Fun: Take the Political Compass test and post your results here.
Lenzabi Wed, 03/30/2016 - 04:59pm 1 Wed, 03/30/2016 - 04:11pm
From:Just for Fun: Take the Political Compass test and post your results here.
Lenzabi Wed, 03/30/2016 - 04:56pm 0
Yeah OPOL, stick around where
From:For some reason this was poorly received by some
Lenzabi Wed, 03/30/2016 - 03:31pm 0
From:The Hill and Markos and 3/15
Lenzabi Wed, 03/30/2016 - 02:13pm 0
Changed my mind
From:So, about OPOL's banishment - a solidarity plan
Lenzabi Wed, 03/30/2016 - 09:23am 0
I will
From:So, about OPOL's banishment - a solidarity plan
Lenzabi Wed, 03/30/2016 - 03:45am 0
