Posted as well on KOS but wanted to make sure folks get to know me
Greetings all, I have likely been seen as a lurker for years, commentator of late in other peeps’ diaries. Now, some background, though it is not for sympathy, but I was raised after adoption, I found out some of the details, so I am a mix of European Jewish and Seminole stock. I was raised in a middle class home, I was born on the cusp of Boomers to Gen-Xer, and am based on what I discovered, a Gen-Xer.
I saw what my Father could do on one paycheck as an accountant at a prestigious cosmetics firm which is lesser known outside the magazines. (They also make mens’ products, all have strong aromas which triggers my asthma). I grew up with the whole “work hard, play by the rules, and honesty and you will do well and have the American Dream” instilled in me by my adoptive family.
I watched the Oil crisis of 1973 from the back of my family car. I noted the word and looked up inflation, I watched that dream getting more expensive and further out of reach. I still chased that brass ring.
I knew that if I wanted to continue my halted college education, I needed money, went into the Army, served in a mobile Nuclear Missile Artillery unit. (Pershings are now retired since I got out. Had some health difficulties and had to leave the services with an Honorable Discharge. I worked hard as the Army really did not stress getting involved with the VA. (They are fighting me as they do not seem to acknowledge CHF(Congestive Heart Failure) as the result of low level Ionizing radiation as a cause (missile warhead remember?) and the only weapon I have so far is that we were not given radiation badges unless we were to guard or work on the missiles with the technicians. The 400Kiloton warhead Mk-50 used to have a mention of potential leakiness which the rad-badge could have helped me catch.
Years of living as working poor seeing my ability t save dwindle, seeing my prospects dwindle, and my body just about barely able to walk without a cane, and no longer able to work, my best pay year at 18k, I started to see how and why we needed social safety nets, I also watched the Billionaire funded think tanks work on the demonization of the poor against the Middle class so as to avoid another Versailles Rebellion, and they have done a great job in the US as we are even made to believe that we too can get there, and worship them. (Joke is on us all).
But I have also seen that some here are fairly comfortable, well off enough that life is treating you well, Kudos. Others are like myself, scraping by on monthly stipend of 13k a year. Watching the WS and Oligarchy types screaming for what little we get to help us. My SSDI, SNAP benefits and Medicare(which has to for now also have Humana or other insurance company attached).
I am 52 yrs old, my body is in sad shape for a 70yr old. I will not list all my health issues, I still feel the need to work, but none would hire me, so I am puttering away at an early forced retirement due to the health issues, Oh one is a blood clot in my left arm, so everyday is Russian Roulette.
That was why I started voting for Bernie Sanders and still will until he calls it quits, I will donate and support and vote for him come May 10 as I am in a state that votes in the Primaries that month.
I want to see a modern 21st century “New Deal” because quite frankly, we sorely need it! I have a problem with the way the Primaries started, as if it were some royal coronation to take place,,,,last I checked, America was no Monarchy. I have hated the trickle down BS of Reagan and his proponents as it is a failed system they yet cling to in DC. It is time to get rid of the Reaganomics and all the other BS. I want to see the wealthy taxed back to the pre-Reagan days and made to not loophole their way out of paying their fair share and make America work for all, not a few.
I watched with shock as Bill signed NAFTA/DOMA/The Prion bill/welfare “reform”/killed Glass-Steagall/signed on for de-regulations and thought to myself, “Is he truly a Democrat or Reagnista?”
I watched the negative things Hillary has done. I recall all of this as the mind of an Asperger always keeps things and does not let go. I also hold a degree in the useless “Communications” that all folks have, but I finally managed to get one.
I watched that while our politicians on both sides cry about why they are cutting programs (ya think those massive tax cuts and loopholes for the wealthy and corporates do not have anything to do with it?) they always pull money for wars out of their backsides.
So here I am, my first diary, a man who has lived for years in the shadows of society aka Poor class, fallen from Middle class level of life, and here we may have the choice of two rich folks to pick from. Hillary is definitely Rich as Trump is also rich.
I damn sure am still going for a Bernie vs Trump come General Election, but if I have to, I will hold my nose as I check my mail in ballot for Hillary. But I prefer to check Bernie and also I will see to try again to help get the mid terms more progressive and kick the tea-party out.
I sure could use expanded social security and Medicare and would like to see less Military Adventurism on behalf of Fat-Cat Corporations while we rebuild the nations’ infrastructure. In a nutshell, My views align with Bernies’
But yes, I finally made and posted this diary.

And welcome to
And welcome to will fit right in here I think!
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Welcome Lenzabi...
thanks for the detailed personal profile. Make yourself at home, you are among friends, and please write more.
and thank-you for a good first diary!
I've recently started to diary...and it only took me 10+ years!
Progressive to the bone.
Welcome aboard.
We'll get you set up in a comfortable stateroom for the long voyage ahead. Join us for breakfast, lunch, dinner or late-night chats. You're now on the the manifest. Enjoy the ride.
Are there still gonna be beachside luaus when we’re in port?
With all the new members, we’re gonna need a bigger imu . . .
Sound very familiar.
You've got about 13 years on me, but I'm one of those 1976 just BARELY squeezed into Gen-X types.
As a fellow veteran, thanks for going through hell, and welcome!
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks to all for the warm welcome! :)
Thanks to all for the warm welcome! we have a 25 state fight to get our guy nominated, then the major one vs trump or Cruz. Bernie till the end!
The Cold War in Germany was not a hot combat zone, but stressful nonetheless, with worrying if old Ronnie Raygun would press the red button, Soviet Tanks in hordes driving west one day, Germans wanting us out with our Nukes.
Watching the American Dream become a sick joke for me and those like me.
Oi! what a life!
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Welcome, from another vet, also with service related health
problems. Mine are PTSD and back problems. I cannot imagine how bad it must be to live with radiation poisoning. Hang in there, mate. I think you'll like it here. Best wishes,
Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.
Thanks and you too! PTSD and
Thanks and you too! PTSD and back issues are no joke either.
The rads just gave me the bad heart, ironic as they do not recognize that, had I developed a faster thing like Luekemia or other radiation based cancer, they might have been less hostile.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
the community here has been warmer than at DKOS, only one person spotted and replied there, here I got a comparative flood of welcomes. I re-checked and feel crickets chirping kind of reception there.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Great post! I am dang near in the same boat as you, being 52 as well, ex-military (82-84), many health issues. I'm new here myself but have been welcomed as well. Seems like a nice place to exchange and explore ideas, discuss the issues, and not have the "Kos" breathing down our necks threatening us with banishment. (I though fur sur I get the axe by now)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Well,,,,hard to say, I have
Well,,,,hard to say, I have seen only one person be nice enough to say anything, and just 2 recs over there for the same diary posted there. Methinks mny statement of Bernie support may be why the icy reception at KOS, oh well, if that is how they want to roll there. I was just reading one of the threads of yours before seeing this comment! I like it. it was a critical one
Good one, that is a long speech he had video of. Saw the Hillary supporters on the attacks, oh well, this site is calmer and nicer. Blue is a favorite color of mine, it is a soothing, calming color, much like water.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
A hearty 'welcome,' Lenzabi. Since I post
on several of the topics that you've mentioned, and I'm attempting to follow budget negotiations that may result in entitlement reform/cuts, I'll be sure to let you know, the next time that I have something (to post).
(BTW, my spouse is a Category 3 veteran.)
Hey, nice to see you here!
elin karlsson @ WordPress
"We must stop looking for our salvation in strong leaders. Strong people, as Ella Baker said, do not need strong leaders. Politicians, even good politicians, play the game of compromise and are too often seduced by the privileges of power.
. . . Integrity and courage are powerful weapons. We have to learn how to use them."--Chris Hedges
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Thank you! I would appreciate
Thank you! I would appreciate such helpful information, the way they act, the VA makes me think they'd prefer I went to some quiet place curled up and died rather than help me one iota.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
So there you are!
Yeah we had some similarities, growing "up" in the world, but my parents got really comfortable about the time they retired... their older thievier relatives kicked the bucket and they kept getting left chunks in relatives' wills. One didn't live to spend much and the other lived long enough but was too gaga and broken to live outside of managed care (something so much feared in the 80s and 90s that this particular parent begged to be killed rather than live life in a place where decisions about when to eat and what to wear and what time to go to bed or get up were decided for her); and a sibling and a cousin made out like bandits when that one passed. I was cut out because I wasn't there to be the body slave. I'd gotten married, learned to cook for an adult onset diabetic, had a nasty little coronary, a fall that left me in a cast for 6 months because the graft didn't knit and heal, and a few other simple little problems for which I was referred to as "that liar who ran away." I had no idea that adult female offspring had value only as body slaves taking care of the elderly parent or for selling to man who'd promise to take orders from is in-laws for life.
Hubs served in 'Nam and died chock full of tumors up and down his spine and nervous system and just blowing out his brain (over 50 of them in his cranium). I think it was agent orange, but the US Military refused to acknowledge it could kill our boys and girls for another 3 years after he kicked; and by the time he finished his service in 'Nam his attitude about the VA and the Pentagon, the military college he'd attended and left honorably and the high echelongs in branch of the military in which he served and his views on RACE had changed radically. Gone was a moderate conservative middle kingdom whitebread fuzzy viking and what it had morphed into was a sad progressive socialist. And all of this occurred before I even met him. He said no one could serve in country in the company of mostly black men, young black men, with brains often far quicker than his (and he tested Mensa level in IQ, at 48 when he and I both retested on a bet and both scored high... again). He said no thoughtful white man could serve boots on the ground in a pointless and often insane war and come out of it disrespecting the men he trusted his life to and who trusted their lives to him. He came out color blind; and sick of orders from men who STILL didn't break a sweat in their starched fatigues behind desks, barely boots on the ground there just long enough to rip out another promotion. He came back and got shit on by employers and in spite of that worked dedicatedly in an industry that pretty much ceased to exist just as he came to the age where he'd need a retirement pension and his Social Security, except that Agent Orange took care of that let down for him. 32 days after his 61st birthday and early provisional unofficial diagnosis, pfffffffffffffft.
Your health has also played you unfair and far earlier than my spouse -- and in this country that effing sucks unless you're wealthy and can actually afford TRUSTWORTHY one-on-one 24/7 care -- and none of the 99% can do that. Most of us can't afford access to doctors who know us as individual people with goofy families, pets, and foibles; rather than as faceless skinbags of symptoms. Most of us can't, though our parents often did, have one primary care physician all of our adult lives. They leave the profession, retire, or change physician groups, or we have to change employers and change health plans IF there is one, and take whatever plan we can afford and whatever physician goes with the plan IF the plan hasn't changed which physicians one can see from year to year.
Most of us who are over 60 can't even afford "maintenance" medications, and it's worse if we have a pet to feed. I shouldn't bitch. I have 3 cats. I don't eat quite as well as they do, but they don't need 7 meds a day including the albuterol inhaler which the Medicare supplemental insurer refuses to pay an effing nickel on (and it's a COMMON MED), which BTW, according to the current (oh that'll change for 2017, so help me Cthulu) medicare supplement health insurance company means that I'm 3 meds over an alleged "healthy limit for a normal and well-oriented elderly patient" and therefore they keep suggesting that I take "counselling" on drug abuse, from a HOME VISIT by one of their "counsellors" (who isn't a nurse or a physician and has no HPPA right to medical information in the first place) WTF!... since when do insurance companies who allegedly work FOR US -- NOT the other way around-- demand that we allow the to insert themselves into matters between my physician and me? I thought Roe v. Wade made that a freakin' no-no to all that butting in crap. I didn't think the decision was just about abortion, but about patient/doctor confidentiality in all health care. Oh, well.
So, Lenzabi, I'm sure that many here feel with you and for you, even if we're not as close to the precipice as you are and even if we don't have to play Russian Roulette. Some may have their toes curled out over it as you do. Me... I just walk weird because I have 2 bags of glass where I once had the most beautiful (and even envied) feet and ankles that carried me around faithfully whether in heels or athletic shoes or bare (and I loved showing them off, not painted toed, just elegant pointing with the great toe, drawing letters in sand. Raw arrogance. If it's not your feet and mobility and real pain, this crap becomes just a really stupid episode of the Bob Newhart show, where Bob's receptionist Carol almost marries this poet in orthopedic sandals.
So, please don't throw that clot. You might hit a vital organ, and you're too valuable for that... and oh, yeah ,nice to meet you, Lenzabi ! Stay as strong as your voice when you use it here Please!
BTW, my doctor thinks that single payer health care will cut down on price gouging all around.. He's part of a partnership of just under 90 physicians in various specialties, and a few hands-full of Nurse Practitioner specialists in fields particularly helpful to diabetics, the disabled and family medicine, and most of them feel the same way. They're not worried about losing income if the nation went single payer. They think it would be a good thing all round. And they think it's doable. It might even lower their malpractice insurance and in a really good way, come a lot closer to putting insurance companies out of business. And isn't a great deal of that what all this fuss about who gets nominated and then elected president is all about? THAT is why we really *really really need Bernie I don't think he'll live quite long enough to finish the monster job the greedy have dumped on him, BUT he'll sure give it a good start... provided... of course...(Congress.. and that's where herding cats comes into play, if we don't get enough TeaGagits out in this 2016 election, as well)
Now, if we could just get some of the goddamned millionaires and the minions of billionaires out of Kongress....
Oh, Bernie... about those greedy buggers who just won't pay their taxes dammit... can we roll back some tax breaks?
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%
I PM'd you Fentress
So long, and thanks for all the fish