Other than here, where do you get your news and political commentary & discussion?
Mimi asked for an essay like this in a comment, so here it is.
TOP is dead to me. I've filled the gap with a number of other sites.
Mostly just here and Kossacks For Sanders on Reddit for TOP-like community discussions.
I visit these sites for news and opinion, but I don't engage in the comments sections on the sites that have them:
Common Dreams
The Intercept
Democracy Now!
Mother Jones
If you like the "dumb right wingers" type stuff but can't stomach visiting TOP, try Crooks and Liars. I personally don't visit it much anymore, but it was pretty good back in the day when I was more interested in laughing at that stuff. Right wing idiocy just upsets me more than it makes me laugh these days.
I check out the BBC a couple of times a day to see if there are any international stories that aren't getting any coverage in the U.S. I'd be interested in any good international news sites without the mainstream establishment filter.
The Young Turks are a pretty good alternative to the political coverage on cable news. You'll definitely prefer their live election coverage if you're a Bernie supporter. They do a daily two hour live show from 6pm-8pm eastern and which is available for free via YouTube. To watch the full show on demand you have to be a member. They post lots of short free clips of from the show on their YouTube channel.
Main site for The Young Turks
TYT Live
The Young Turks YouTube Channel
If you're in Colorado and you want an alternative to The Denver Post, you can try The Colorado Independent. It's not a full fledged major daily that covers all the local and state news, but what they do cover is usually better than the Post.
TOP had some good science stuff now and then. If you want to be blinded by science, try these:
Science Daily
Science sub-Reddit (It has a selector at the top that allows you to filter by field, e.g. Neuroscience, Paleontology, etc.)
What other good news sites and blogs are out there? How about Facebook groups or sub-Reddits? How about science sites?
Your turn! GO!

I have subscriptions to a number of blogs and news sources from around the world. Reuters and Christian Science Monitor, The Guardian, BBC, Al Jazeera, Hullabaloo, Booman Tribune, even the goddamned Washington Post (though I'm thinking it is time to drop that one). Also some science sites for climate change news, and NASA, NOAA etc. And I get my outrage fix from Raw Story, lol.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
is one.
Drug war
is one of my hot button issues. I don't think there are many that compare to http://www.drugwarrant.com/
Like Steven, I like BBC and Al Jazeera.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
All three still have spin, but the spin isn't usually in concert with American Spin, and as a result it's easier to spot the real stories.
(Plus I can't read any other languages fluently, and I don't trust machine translate.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
there are some really good lists of news sources and I just keep a couple of them running in Tweetdeck. @joanneleon (who incidentally is a member here) has compiled an excellent list called 'Alist' which I use all the time.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Awww, I miss Joanne Leon. She
Awww, I miss Joanne Leon. She used to do a morning open thread at dKos -- kinda like a morning camp fire for the dirty effin hippie crowd.
It was a fun community. But in the end, the Obamabots came in a ruined the scene, HRing anyone who dared to critize O's bullshit.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
What's happenin?
was the dfh open thread iirc - used to read it all the time and even commented once or twice before I went into permanent lurk mode.
It went well with the morning coffee
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
Evening Blues is a great source for me
then my local newspapers, NYTimes (yes I still read it), Common Dreams, Democracy Now, The Real News Network
Green news: DeSmog (US & Canada), ProPublica
To thine own self be true.
My favorite news site ?
naked capitalism Good links there every morning and afternoon and, of course, the Evening Blues.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Naked Capitalism
Naked Capitalism has two daily posts with good links to current events incl politics (Links 7AM US-East and Water-Cooler 2PM). It's a Bernie friendly environment. No one likes Hillary.
Most commenters think the Dem party is as bad as the Repubs -- both Neo-liberal scum.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Absolutely nakedcapitalism
for the links.
Strangely, though, I don't get a whole lot from the featured material.
"The real power is in the hands of small groups of people and I don't think they have titles. -- Bob Dylan"
Here are some of the places
I use. Not always on a regular basis. And it does not cover any online newspapers.. I just look those up as I need them.
Bill Maher
Common Dreams
Corp Watch
Crooks and Liars
Huffington Post Canada
Informed Comment
Media Matters for America
Military Religious Freedom Foundation
Mother Jones
Rachel Maddow
Raw Story
Right Wing Watch
The Nation
Theocracy Watch
Think Progress
Edited to add: I also get a lot of news from my peeps on Face Book.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
A couple of lesser known ones: Wall Street on Parade; Stallman
Wall Street on Parade
Free-software guru Richard Stallman’s political notes page
Craig Mazin
Craig deserves an award for
Craig deserves an award for that tweet. I'll be chuckling over that one all day.
the little I read is
"The Evening Blues" (for most of the foreign policy and US policy news).
Der Spiegel, German and English sites.
France24 English broadcast
The Guardian UK
BBC news
Truthdig (like it a lot)
Al Jazzeera (not regularly though)
"Die Zeit" (not regularly)
All other publications like ...
Huffington Post
Rolling Stones
Mother Jones
The Atlantic
Common Dreams
... I read it only, when an essay here or a diary formerly at TOP linked to articles on those publication and they triggered my interest.
I read twitters of the intercept and lots of other people of interest to me, but not regularly. I feel pretty much everything is well covered in the EB. When I am bored I go to twitter and follow what a couple of people have recently said, including my old bosses.(they have no clue)
I think that is way too much reading and no writing. So, I will cut myself off everything, just to get into other reading and writing habits. It's definitely an addiction to read online for me, and I need to prove to myself that I can quit the habit. Otherwise I feel like the never ending and ultimate loser. ok, so I am losing, I know.
Ahhh, thank dog, mimi,
another loser here, if that means eyes on the monitor reading, reading. I am pushing my envelope by going to a Bernie volunteer mob this Sunday, as a token old lady. But this is Ithaca. There are many old ladies who are politically active. I'm just hitchin' up my pants at last. And I get stickers!!! And network!!!
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
yeah, I have a couple of old ladies in my
neighborhood (much older than me) and they are very active for organizing flyers and phonebanking for Bernie here in Maryland. They are amazing. I had my car sticker very early. My yard sign got stolen and now I will go Sunday with my camera and hope to shoot some pictures just for the record. Unfortunately I take photos so seldom that each time I do it I have to read again how to best shoot a photo. Of course, I do this always last minutes and then it never gets done before I have to go out.
Networking I am not good at. With my accent it's kind of hard. I like your expression "Thank dog".
I tend to go TYT, RT,
I tend to go TYT, RT, Democracy Now and see how their news differs if at all from the MSM propaganda.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
Rob Kall’s website, Op-Ed News
And the site where I first started taking part in online political discussions, Smirking Chimp:
Also, Josh Mitteldorf’s Daily Inspiration often links to new and interesting developments in, for example, the philosophical underpinnings of science.
Yes, this is the same Josh Mitteldorf that, based on simple physics, agrees that the official 9/11 story is — must be — false. And is willing to say so publicly.
I get news from
The Intercept
The Nation
Evening Blues
Reddit (KfS)
The Guardian
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Your list is close to mine!
Add Counterpunch and were the same! Sin twisters!
3 places
Here, Reddit kossacks for sanders and Naked Capitalism.
C99 has a lot of breadth and depth for me (and it's growing), Reddit/kforSanders is great for rapid response and engagement but is mostly Bernie related. Naked Capitalism is not for the faint of heart and you cannot write your own essay, but the commenters are very smart and very quick. And they have loads of links in the daily "links" and 2 pm weekday "water cooler".
The financial stuff is very complex but has got me to start reading about Modern Monetary Theory, which is very interesting.
Don't believe everything you think.
Let's Make a c99% blogroll!
I think we should keep it going, adding everyone's preferences as we go to create a great blogroll for c99%.
I was thinking of doing a thread like this but I'm just happy someone got it started.
what I read:
hard hitting investigative reporting:
for some of their reporting:
rolling stone
mother jones
good progressive clearinghouses:
ideologically varied deep reads:
project syndicate
the atlantic
medium - you can select different genres if you register
Al Jazeera English
Worldpost on Huffpo
Guardian (not as good as it used to be)
Christian Science Monitor
Der Speigel English
Local for me in Oklahoma:
Red Dirt Report
Oklahoma Watch
I could think of more. It'll come to me.
Now I've got some great new sites to look at.
The marriage between capitalism and democracy is over. –Slavoj Zizek
In no particular order
My twitter feed tends to drive what I read.
New York Times (always)
Huffington Post
The Guardian
Boston Globe
Brad Delong
Beside here
I watch some tv news mostly RT very little network news,Thom Hartmann radio show and bounce around many of the internet news sites mentioned already.I also get regular emails from a very informative site called OCA (organic consumers assoc.) about the pesticide covered GMO foods we are being force fed from factory or corporate farms and there toll on the planet that is as bad as the fossil fuel industry.Highly recommended.
From my Inbox (I'm on their email lists):
The Guardian
Reader Supported News
Common Dreams
The Intercept
Crooks and Liars
The Real News Network (web TV)
Star Tribune (Minneapolis; I check for news in the state, otherwise it's pretty conservative)
WaPo (just in case they have something interesting, but they don't usually)
NY Times (just in case they have interesting story titles, but they don't usually)
Jonathan Turley's blog
[Seems to me there should be more, but I must have deleted them.]
Via YouTube, current news comedy with laughs:
Lee Camp, Redacted Tonight (if you loved Jon Stewart, you'll love Lee; he's fast becoming one of my favorite comics)
Samantha Bee, Full Frontal (she learned her lessons well at Comedy Central)
Cenk Ugyur, The Young Turks
[Again, I seem to remember another on YouTube, but it's late-early, and I can't remember; need sleep.]
Edit: Oh! One of the most important: Bill Moyers newsletters hit my inbox regularly, sometimes twice a week!
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
I wander all over the place...
and often forget or don't have time to go back to the sites that I best like. A list--a sticky?-- of good (and bad) sites would be greatly appreciated. Currently, by folder for Alternative Media contains nearly 50 entries. I really need to work out some kind of plan for visiting them on a regular basis.
While they do not cover the election as much as most--in fact, some not at all--what I find useful are the college/university journalism department publications. Examples: Columbia Journalism Review, Reveal, Investigative Reporting Workshop, Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism and Wisconsin Watch. The last carries some national/world stories but more regional news that the others, but is a good example of what types of reporting are done by various state university journalism departments.
Journalism students are still new enough to have some integrity and most are probably still invested in the tenets laid out by the Society of Professional Journalists in its Code of Ethics.
Here is some good news btw: Bernie Sanders Wins TIME 100 Reader Poll Sanders received 3.3% of the votes; HRC 1%.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
As an example of slanted coverage recently
A pretty bizarre headline and reporting here (and getting a little pushback in comments)
Lol ummm. No HRC did not have a rally yesterday
She had a meet and greet in a community room at co-op city.. She arrived an hour late, only spoke for about 14 minues then left . Most of the people who attended were senior citizens.
Orwell was an optimist
I miss a bookmark feature on this site ...JtC?
I am bad using the search page, so it's helpful to have a list with your own bookmarks. Is that a difficult thing to implement on this site?
All the links in the comments here are just great. Thanks to the author for putting up this thread.
NY Times
NY Times
NBC News
Talking Points Memo
Crooks and Liars
Think Progress
And believe it or not - The American Conservative (Not at all what you'd expect - Lots of honest, thoughtful and thought-provoking writers (even when I disagree with them, which I find I don't always), and commenters who span the entire political spectrum engaging in respectful dialog. I know, it sounds like a pipe dream, but it isn't.)
I'll add The Progressive Army
and I listen to Tim Black.
The real news network
Countepunch, Democracy Now, Black agenda report, World socailist website
Solidarity forever
The real news network
Countepunch, Democracy Now, Black agenda report, World socailist website
Solidarity forever
What I can think of right off
Consortium News
Tom Dispatch
Mother Jones
Rolling Stone
Think Progress
Indian Country
Anything at all by Matt Taibbi and/or William Rivers Pitt - anywhere anytime. I'd read their shopping lists if they published them.
And....... some other stuff I can't remember right now.
Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup