DEA to consider re-classification of Marijuana......
Unless I have been dead asleep for awhile, this comes as big news to me. Why would the DEA suddenly decide it is time to rethink this? Maybe because we have a candidate who is talking about legalizing it and getting over the millions of people who have been jailed, fined and otherwise harrassed over a weed. A weed that has the potential to change US farming and health treatment as we know it.
Last I read they were talking about labeling CBD oils as experamental drugs so Big Pharma can control them.
So what's it going to be? I notice there are a lot of trial balloons going up right now about subjects that have not been discussed for years. All because one guy has started talking about stuff that the other major candidates won't touch with a ten-foot pole. Win or lose, Bernie has opened the Overton Window, not moved it a couple inches. Yea!!!!!

Sounds like more weaseling from the DEA
Look into, consider, maybe...
None of this is hard. It works, it helps many medical conditions, it's a fucking plant.
Let the last legacy of Nixon rot in the ground with him, and end the freaking drug war.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That's where I'm at, I predate Pot by some years,
but have seen it's effect on my own kids and a couple generations since then. It is like Prohibition was. All the clandestine meetings, buying, smuggling - the little guys who ended up in jail and the big guys who made millions.
My dad was a policeman during prohibition. He said they would be out busting some poor bastard for making bathtub gin, while the mayor and chief of police were at the docks overseeing unloading the boatloads of booze coming in from Canada. The more things change, the more they stay the same - someone is making money.
Nixon and his posse created this massive-waste-of-tax-payer 'agency'. Legalizing pot nationwide will cost a few bozos their comfy DEA jobs.
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
I have noticed that window moving
quite a bit lately. = ) Two states adopted $15, DEA, bunches of odds and ends from Sanders' campaign showing up all over the place. Ain't it great?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Alll this time, all the years of studies, the uncovering of history on how it got to be such a horrendous thing in the first place, career reasons for Henry Anslinger, political reasons for Nixon, metastasizing organized crime and violence, then decades of research and white-papers, systematically dismissed for political reasons, unjust imprisonment of probably millions over the decades, more young lives ruined by that than any drug, profits for private prisons, profits off drug tests for everybody and their dog, federal persecution of medical users and they're now going to think about easing up on some the worst of this draconian situation, maybe?
I feel like an alcoholic, abusive husband (DEA) just came home and announced he's thinking about giving up the booze. Or maybe just cutting down sharply. I'm supposed to stand up and cheer, pat him on the back, tell him what a good guy he is? On the other hand, I don't want to put down his good intentions, maybe he means it this time.
"OK, honey. I'll give you any help you ask for."
And remember not to hold my breath until he follows through.
Don't forget that all those people who were run
through the prison system for MJ, all lost their right to vote. Some had it restored, but many states prevent people from voting forever - that's another thing that needs to change.
It's a feature not a bug.
Disenfranchise as many people as possible; pretty soon there are only a handful to manipulate with propaganda.
Should change in status actually happen, one wonders how the Criminal Justus Industry will make up the revenue shortfall.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
They have too much.
It won't hurt them. They will think so, but we will be given relief.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
They go into real estate.
After all, they have these really large buildings they could rent out which was pretty much what they were doing before except it was subsidized by the government and the tenants were supplied by the justice system. In my town, they converted a very old prison into some very nice loft apartments.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
This sounds...
Like maybe the Pharma companies are exerting pressure. They stand to loose a TON of money if pot is made legal. However, but getting the DEA to move down marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule II - it will allow Pharma companies to do 'research' and control supply - while still allowing the DEA to go after your local pot seller. I could even see the federal government saying that 'marijuana can only be dispensed from reputable pharma companies' while cracking down on all of the other state laws. I don't trust the Feds on this issue.
Democrats, we tried to warn you. How is that guilt and shame working out?
Damn. I didn't think of that.
'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "
Yeah me either.
The only reason big pharma would ever get on board is if they were able to control supply.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
We shouldn't trust them on anything at this point,
it is clear that all the alphabet agencies are in bed with big business. When big business finds another revenue stream, they will use all the Federal agencies necessary to prohibit anyone else from making a buck.
If you read the second article, they are trying to classify CBD oils, which do not contain pot so that big pharma can "investigate" them and stop sales by small businesses.
Saw that Jen Hayden had a piece
at TOP yesterday while lurking, and someone said they hadn't heard Bernie Sanders make a definitive comment on marijuana.
Obviously he missed this moment:
Looking at
the so far successes in states that have legalized it,,,,,saved revenue not spent to arrest/try/incarcerate pot users has saved those states many millions of dollars, to add to that their revenues from taxation of the marijuana has netted those states HUGE increases to their budgets, massive windfalls, which goes to show how the country could fix part of our Federal Budget by legalizing it nation wide!
I think it is long past due that we stop letting the Puritans run the country
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I'm in Colorado, and all the threats about
the state going to hell if we legalized MJ have gone for naught. We are sitting on a pile of million dollar bills, figuring out what to do with them. Meanwhile, the big problem is banking. I say we start a state bank that handles all the MJ money. Yeah!!!!! We've had medical MJ for years, a lot of people got medical cards and did the dance, pretending they had back trouble. Legalizing the whole thing is just a lot more simple for everyone.
Our neighboring states Kansas & Oklahoma? Could be Nebraska, I have trouble keeping track of the retentive states. Their law suit against us has been thrown out.
I think the proposition
to legalize cannabis for recreational use has qualified for the November ballot -- hopefully this time it goes through.
DEA has the authority to administratively list a new drug
because Congress has 'delegated' the authority to them to do that, but marijuana is named in the statute itself, in Schedule I of the CSA. Has Congress really delegated to the DEA the ability to alter the statue and reschedule an originally listed controlled substance, without Congressional approval?
i'm asking because i don't know.
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
answer to my own question
Cannabis could be rescheduled either legislatively, through Congress, or through the executive branch. Congress has so far rejected all bills to reschedule cannabis. However, it is not unheard of for Congress to intervene in the drug scheduling process; in February 2000, for instance, the 105th Congress, in its second official session, passed Public Law 106-172, also known as the Hillory J. Farias and Samantha Reed Date-Rape Drug Prohibition Act of 2000,[19] adding GHB to Schedule I.On June 23, 2011, Rep. Barney Frank and Rep. Ron Paul introduced H.R. 2306, legislation that would completely remove cannabis from the federal schedules, limiting the federal government's role to policing cross-border or interstate transfers into states where it remains illegal.
The Controlled Substances Act also provides for a rulemaking process by which the United States Attorney General can reschedule cannabis administratively. These proceedings represent the only means of legalizing medical cannabis without an act of Congress. Rescheduling supporters have often cited the lengthy petition review process as a reason why cannabis is still illegal.The first petition took 22 years to review, the second took 7 years, the third was denied 9 years later. A 2013 petition by two state governors is still pending.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton supports transferring cannabis to Schedule II, while Bernie Sanders has introduced a bill to remove it from the schedules altogether.
"Don't believe everything you read online." -- Epicurus (Greek philosopher, 341–270 BCE)
Marijuana should be classified as a dairy product
Clearly a cash cow.
It's just a weed!
[video: width:420 height:315]
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
I like it!..............................n/t