For anyone rah-rahing Hillary in New York
Hillary looked around for a state to run for senate in in 2000. She chose New York. It was the state I was living in, paying taxes in, and raising young children in. She reverse carpetbagged it, and I say that as a person with very, very deep southeastern US roots. I didn’t like that at all, but I voted for her because the other candidate sucked. New York may be a reliably blue state, but the democratic candidates the machine runs are certified oligarch wannabes if not oligarchs in their own right.
When 9/11 happened I was on the phone with a person who was on the phone with a person who died in the towers right then. That really sucked. You know what sucked more? What sucked more is that Hillary voted to go to war with Iraq.
My kids were 8 and 10 at the time. Now they’re 23 and 25 and their lives have been negatively impacted by that vote more than I could have even imagined at the time, even though I knew at the time I disagreed with it. That’s not something I can easily dismiss.
I didn’t like her then. I don’t like her now. I wish she’d do something to help me change my opinion, but she doesn’t seem to care about people like me. Just because I’m not rich doesn’t mean I’m stupid. I don’t think she gets that. Her condescending attitude towards people who don’t run in her circles really puts me off. Whatever. Back to the phone banking.

Tnx for saying what many of us in NY feel and her
The NY senate seat was a résumé filler... Nothing more.
End of that F'in story
Orwell was an optimist
Everything HRC Has Ever Done Was To Add to Her CV
Methodically, iine by line, lie by lie, HRC has constructed her CV to become POTUS. I am glad and relieved that Bernie chose to challenge her coronation. The Clintons have become wealthy, peddling their influence, which is why they are getting increasingly desperate to get back to the WH. Fuck that shit. Let them enjoy the holidays with Henry Fucking Kissinger, but I don't want that nasty old war criminal getting free overnights in the Lincoln bedroom. And I don't want to hear any more lies from the POTUS. I had enough when Nixon served, and W made Milhouse seem like a choir boy.
And that whole CV thing
is what some people among us call a resume. And even that's pretentious, because the 'e' on the end of resume needs an accent mark that isn't readily available to people who grew up regular in the United States. We can do this differently, recognizing the dignity of our neighbors, realizing that when we all prosper we all grow. Bernie speaks to that. No other presidential candidate does.
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. Period.
Thank you, nancy
The only thing that frosts me more than a person parachuting into a Senate seat is when someone's chief-of-staff inherits their seat when they leave. That whole entitlement thing is self-reinforcing.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Also a chance to chum it up with money.
Résumés only go so far. Ya gotta have the deep pockets behind you, too.
In politics
Résumé is just a polite word for leverage
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
I hope the polls for her
I hope the polls for her leading Bernie in NY get turned upside down by New Yorkers as they reject her Oligarch ass.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I hope that Dem Machine
gets taken apart on Election Day by the citizens of NY, and Bernie blows her out.
Me, too
Really much.
Canvass, canvass, canvass in NY. That's what we need. I wanted to get up there. Unfortunately I don't have the resources, but canvass if you can and phonebank and/or donate if you can't!
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. Period.
Your Sig totally ROCKS!
She was chosen to be the US Senator for NY
by Wall Street imo. A thank you gift for repealing Glass Steagle. And I voted for her too, sadly. What a waste.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
It wasn't AIPAC
They hated her at the time. She was much too cosy with Arafat.
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
So correct!
And then, someone obviously pulled her aside and Isr-Plained the facts of life, liberty, and the pursuit of griftiness to her.
Ever since, she has been anti Pallestinian and 100% pro nits and yahoos on the ultra-pro-war side which runs today's Israeli govmint.
Oh but she withdrew her
Oh but she withdrew her comments on Arafat's wife. Said it was a mistake
Steven this is for YOU!
From MO's reddit page in MA. DAMN.
Truman Foundation. WTF???? It's all Clinton people - who is doing this to the Sanders Campaign???? SHudder to think what must be happening now in NY, PA, and CA. Rachel Kleinfeld? WTF????
Saw it yesterday.
The rot runs deep.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I wonder what Daniel Patrick Moynihan would think of
Clinton today. I was not a fan of Moynihan, but he was serious about governing in a way Hillary Clinton has never been.
I wish I had been there for her "listening tour". Interesting strategy, if by "interesting" we mean nakedly ambitious in a way that doesn't even pretend to be about human constituents.
How she avoided making 18 million people puke at once is a mystery.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
Thank You, nancyjones
for this post and the phonebanking. I hope the good people of NY put HRC in her rightful place. History.
I love this hashtag
Agree 100% with it.
I miss Molly
Here's her take on the Red Queen from 2006:
Great article!
I pledge allegiance to liberty and justice for all. Period.
Molly let 'em gave it with both barrels.
So many good lines. But you can't beat the conclusion:
>Do not sit there cowering and pretending the only way to win is as Republican-lite. If the Washington-based party can't get up and fight, we'll find someone who can.
Thank God we did.
(No subject)
God bless you for that wisdom from Molly Ivins!
It would be worth it to run that as a full page ad in newspapers in Wisconsin and New York. Nothing has changed about #WhichHillary since 2006.
I didn't vote for her but I
I didn't vote for her but I was stuck with her as my Senator. She did not march with me in all the anti Iraq wars. She has never been by my side.
I wish more people knew that quiet pride and pleasure
of NOT voting for a Clinton.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Check out Bernie's
Rally in the South Bronx. It drew over 15,000 people!
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Are those Wall St. transcripts
in her carpetbag?
Perhaps she should have a look.
from a reasonably stable genius.