My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Between Trump and Clinton; Trump is the lesser of two evils.
From:If you dislike Clinton's conservative policies vote for Stein, not Trump
MrWebster Thu, 09/01/2016 - 02:58pm 0
You are right, it can evolve and shake the foundations.
From:Dems on BLM: “Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.”
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 04:02pm 0
Meant as a reply to wink. Misplaced.
From:Dems on BLM: “Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.”
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 03:38pm 0
The movement now.
From:Dems on BLM: “Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.”
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 03:35pm 2 Wed, 08/31/2016 - 03:51pm
sorry just realized what i did wrong to double post
From:Dems on BLM: “Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.”
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 02:14pm 2 Wed, 08/31/2016 - 02:50pm
(No subject)
From:Dems on BLM: “Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.”
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 02:12pm 1 Wed, 08/31/2016 - 02:14pm
Obama crushed OWS. Hillary will crush BLM.
From:Dems on BLM: “Don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.”
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 02:09pm 2 Wed, 08/31/2016 - 04:03pm
Interesting story by John Pilger on American press
From:In the Age of Jingoism
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 01:52pm 2 Thu, 09/01/2016 - 03:50pm
The fantasy of progressive candidates in Democratic party
From:Again the Democratic Party Rejects progressives. Chooses DWS.
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 01:01pm 0
I really shouldn't anymore, but I read/commented on ....
From:Open Thread - The message the blacklist sent.
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 12:30pm 0
In the world of the MSM, include Phil Donahue.
From:Open Thread - The message the blacklist sent.
MrWebster Wed, 08/31/2016 - 12:06pm 0
We have an example of how this would work. Iraq/Aspen.
From:Bill Clinton's Jobs Plan for Detroit, MI
MrWebster Tue, 08/30/2016 - 07:30pm 0
Great video. (nm)
From:Conspiracy Theory? FBI Detects Hacked Voter Registration Databases in AZ and IL
MrWebster Tue, 08/30/2016 - 12:07am 0
Looks to me like HRC doing preemptive against some revelations.
From:Sanders made America distrust Hillary
MrWebster Mon, 08/29/2016 - 09:43pm 0
(No subject)
From:What Kaepernick actually said
MrWebster Mon, 08/29/2016 - 09:32pm 0
From:What Kaepernick actually said
MrWebster Mon, 08/29/2016 - 09:31pm 4 Tue, 08/30/2016 - 11:47am
LOL. Hey no problema.
From:Conspiracy Theory? FBI Detects Hacked Voter Registration Databases in AZ and IL
MrWebster Mon, 08/29/2016 - 06:19pm 1 Tue, 08/30/2016 - 12:41am
Putin solves nearly every problem.
From:Conspiracy Theory? FBI Detects Hacked Voter Registration Databases in AZ and IL
MrWebster Mon, 08/29/2016 - 06:01pm 1 Mon, 08/29/2016 - 06:05pm
The comments in that diary are hysterical, as in hysteria.
From:Conspiracy Theory? FBI Detects Hacked Voter Registration Databases in AZ and IL
MrWebster Mon, 08/29/2016 - 05:32pm 2 Tue, 08/30/2016 - 01:27pm
Very similar also to Iraq invasion
From:More violence is always the answer
MrWebster Sun, 08/28/2016 - 06:10pm 0
The ultimate death cult
From:More violence is always the answer
MrWebster Sun, 08/28/2016 - 06:06pm 0
I would add an edit
From:What's in a name?
MrWebster Sun, 08/28/2016 - 01:56pm 2 Sun, 08/28/2016 - 03:41pm
You got the game down.
From:Republican governors are denying food to the poor again
MrWebster Sun, 08/28/2016 - 01:33pm 1 Sun, 08/28/2016 - 07:25pm
in the spirit of Bipartisanship
From:Republican governors are denying food to the poor again
MrWebster Sat, 08/27/2016 - 11:06pm 0
Thanks for link. Two more.
From:A Perfect Example This Am On Why HRC Doesn't Do Press Conferences
MrWebster Fri, 08/26/2016 - 05:02pm 0
Over time, lots of examples of unions doing corporate bidding
From:American workers can do everything right and still lose.
MrWebster Fri, 08/26/2016 - 02:42pm 0
Maybe Putin can give us honest voting.
From:So NOW the MSM wants to talk about election fraud...
MrWebster Fri, 08/26/2016 - 02:12pm 0
Appealing to morality for further violence is bullshit
From:The Children are Starving
MrWebster Thu, 08/25/2016 - 07:36pm 0
Thanks for added info.
From:Sirota Provides Clinton Foundation Study Notes
MrWebster Wed, 08/24/2016 - 03:18pm 0
Clinton Foundation is a consulting business.
From:Sirota Provides Clinton Foundation Study Notes
MrWebster Wed, 08/24/2016 - 02:06pm 3 Wed, 08/24/2016 - 04:09pm
Red Scare reborn as Putin/Russian Scare by Democrats
From:Open Thread - Hollywood and the red scare.
MrWebster Wed, 08/24/2016 - 01:37pm 0
Hollywood group the most famous, but not only ones.
From:Open Thread - Hollywood and the red scare.
MrWebster Wed, 08/24/2016 - 12:52pm 1 Wed, 08/24/2016 - 02:06pm
And now this after the attacks on Bernie and his supporters
From:Yes, in mundane but still dirty ways, the nomination WAS stolen from Bernie
MrWebster Tue, 08/23/2016 - 11:19am 1 Tue, 08/23/2016 - 12:03pm
About Bill Clinton's personal revenue stream.
From:Yes, in mundane but still dirty ways, the nomination WAS stolen from Bernie
MrWebster Tue, 08/23/2016 - 11:14am 0
For American neocons, it is about Israel, not Syrian people.
From:Things are escalating fast in Syria
MrWebster Tue, 08/23/2016 - 11:01am 2 Wed, 08/24/2016 - 09:39pm
Imagine if Hillary is elected.
From:The political sands of Syria's war continue to shift
MrWebster Mon, 08/22/2016 - 01:58pm 0
Hillary is much worse if elected.
From:Are Hillary and Donald really so different?
MrWebster Sun, 08/21/2016 - 03:34pm 1 Sun, 08/21/2016 - 06:55pm
Clinton Cabal must be in a quandary.
From:Clinton Foundation Walks Back Pledge to Halt Foreign Donations
MrWebster Sat, 08/20/2016 - 12:19pm 3 Sun, 08/21/2016 - 08:13pm
That is the central fear of the email server scandal
From:Clinton Foundation Walks Back Pledge to Halt Foreign Donations
MrWebster Sat, 08/20/2016 - 11:29am 0
Had to happen
From:A new front opens in the Syrian Civil war
MrWebster Sat, 08/20/2016 - 11:16am 1 Sat, 08/20/2016 - 12:48pm
Didn't Krugman tell us that we can't have good things?
From:Krugman Piece Demostrates that Thomas Frank Is Correct
MrWebster Wed, 08/17/2016 - 05:30pm 0
Saw it when first proposed.
From:Summer of Obamacare
MrWebster Wed, 08/17/2016 - 05:12pm 3 Thu, 08/18/2016 - 01:50am
The coop I was using went belly up last month.
From:Summer of Obamacare
MrWebster Wed, 08/17/2016 - 05:01pm 0
From:Clinton Transition Team Head is TPP-Advocate. UPDATE Progressives Speak Out
MrWebster Tue, 08/16/2016 - 05:21pm 0
Do the Russians need to hack into NSA computers?
From:Snowden on the NSA being hacked
MrWebster Tue, 08/16/2016 - 04:27pm 2 Wed, 08/17/2016 - 12:24am
If Hillary wins, you are probably right.
From:Thomas Frank on the Real Potential Disaster of 2016
MrWebster Sun, 08/14/2016 - 09:36pm 0
HRC is being re-invented at those websites
From:Thomas Frank on the Real Potential Disaster of 2016
MrWebster Sun, 08/14/2016 - 09:21pm 0
Clinton will be an austerity war president
From:Thomas Frank on the Real Potential Disaster of 2016
MrWebster Sun, 08/14/2016 - 06:28pm 1 Sun, 08/14/2016 - 07:09pm
Trump still could be president, but through the House
From:Thomas Frank on the Real Potential Disaster of 2016
MrWebster Sun, 08/14/2016 - 06:25pm 1 Sun, 08/14/2016 - 07:18pm
The Facebook guy who renounced his citizenship
From:"The elites are not the problem right now, the people are"
MrWebster Sun, 08/14/2016 - 06:00pm 0
Basic value proposition: wealthy order society
From:"The elites are not the problem right now, the people are"
MrWebster Sun, 08/14/2016 - 05:32pm 0
Another one time contribution
From: C99p Matching Monthly Pledge Drive: Final Update!
MrWebster Sat, 08/13/2016 - 05:03pm 0
Will go into austerity mode to protect the Pentagon budget
From:I don't think Turkey is bluffing
MrWebster Sat, 08/13/2016 - 02:37pm 0
Imagine the money Bill is going to make as 1st Gentleman
From:Another Email Dump, Another CF/SOS Quid-pro-quo Deal
MrWebster Fri, 08/12/2016 - 03:12pm 0
Read about this earlier. Question is regarding superdelegate
From:Politico Features the Ethics Issue at State - READ ALL OF THIS
MrWebster Thu, 08/11/2016 - 06:06pm 1 Thu, 08/11/2016 - 06:52pm
I thought I could hold my nose, punch my face, and vote HRC
From:Lesser evilism and war
MrWebster Thu, 08/11/2016 - 05:42pm 0
This guy was a high official in the CIA?
From:Lesser evilism and war
MrWebster Thu, 08/11/2016 - 05:04pm 1 Thu, 08/11/2016 - 05:39pm
Recent developments in Aleppo
From:WTF is going on with U.S.-Turkey relations?
MrWebster Wed, 08/10/2016 - 04:40pm 2 Wed, 08/10/2016 - 10:38pm
Puts the debate over $15 min. in perspective
From:Remember that 'strong wage growth'? It just completely vanished
MrWebster Wed, 08/10/2016 - 04:22pm 2 Thu, 08/11/2016 - 08:35am
Seems right to me
From:Clinton Foundation looking even more corrupt
MrWebster Wed, 08/10/2016 - 03:03pm 1 Wed, 08/10/2016 - 03:24pm
Started with Tim Kaine as VP. Pivoting right and white
From:Outreach to anyone but the left
MrWebster Mon, 08/08/2016 - 05:29pm 0
NBC made Olympics boring
From:Junkyard Cesspool Wars 2016: Day 1
MrWebster Sun, 08/07/2016 - 03:56pm 2 Sun, 08/07/2016 - 04:14pm
How is this move to make the Democratic Party more progressive?
From:Our Revolution - A Song We've Heard Before
MrWebster Thu, 08/04/2016 - 12:21pm 1 Thu, 08/04/2016 - 10:27pm
The thing about the Trump attacks
From:I hate to be contentious like this --
MrWebster Wed, 08/03/2016 - 08:31pm 0
Anti-Semitism of West Europeans not acknowledged
From:How U.S. Foreign Policy works ..
MrWebster Wed, 08/03/2016 - 06:21pm 0
But the neocons supporting Hillary are asking the same questions
From:I hate to be contentious like this --
MrWebster Wed, 08/03/2016 - 05:03pm 1 Wed, 08/03/2016 - 05:24pm
why do the russians want to extend their borders?
From:The Quest for the New World Order
MrWebster Sun, 07/31/2016 - 09:16am 1 Sun, 07/31/2016 - 09:43am
works for me. Chickenhawks are chickenhawks
From:A vote for Hillary is a vote for war in Syria
MrWebster Sat, 07/30/2016 - 07:34pm 0
Moral argument nonsense and playing chicken with Putin
From:A vote for Hillary is a vote for war in Syria
MrWebster Sat, 07/30/2016 - 06:48pm 0
Rational actor
From:It takes a certain kind of privilege to not vote for Hillary
MrWebster Sat, 07/30/2016 - 02:23pm 0
Yes bad phrasing and incoherent
From:She's Only Been The Nominee For Less Than A Day And Here's The Right Pivot
MrWebster Sat, 07/30/2016 - 04:46am 1 Sat, 07/30/2016 - 05:53am
Americans and Europeans being prep'ed for war like Iraq
From:Hillary Clinton and the United States, A Threat to Humanity
MrWebster Fri, 07/29/2016 - 11:52pm 1 Sat, 07/30/2016 - 07:11pm
Good points.
From:She's Only Been The Nominee For Less Than A Day And Here's The Right Pivot
MrWebster Fri, 07/29/2016 - 08:44pm 1 Sat, 07/30/2016 - 12:42am
About the Goldwater Girl
From:She's Only Been The Nominee For Less Than A Day And Here's The Right Pivot
MrWebster Fri, 07/29/2016 - 07:50pm 1 Fri, 07/29/2016 - 08:03pm
Taking the propaganda lead
From:Clinton Camp HEAVILY invested in lies about Jill Stein
MrWebster Fri, 07/29/2016 - 03:50pm 1 Fri, 07/29/2016 - 08:14pm
Look for oldies but goodies rhetorical tools
From:Troll Diary Outline and Format (DO NOT DISTRIBUTE)
MrWebster Thu, 07/28/2016 - 11:32am 1 Thu, 07/28/2016 - 11:36am
Will Putin get a MIC sales commission?
From:If you believe Gun Control decreases violence - This does not happen on your watch.
MrWebster Thu, 07/28/2016 - 11:06am 1 Thu, 07/28/2016 - 11:24am
From:I've never been more proud of Bernie supporters
MrWebster Thu, 07/28/2016 - 06:05am 0
The hysteria is just beginning.
From:Who's to blame for the DNC email hack?
MrWebster Wed, 07/27/2016 - 08:08pm 2 Thu, 07/28/2016 - 11:49am
Great phrase. Can I add white-washing of the ticket?
From:90% of Sanders Supporters Are Now With Her! Really?
MrWebster Wed, 07/27/2016 - 02:31pm 2 Wed, 07/27/2016 - 09:30pm
Jill Stein will not be taken lightly by establishment Dems
From:The Democratic Party Convention
MrWebster Wed, 07/27/2016 - 01:39pm 0
EU and NATO can bring Turkey back into fold with better contract
From:The Big Winner of Turkey's Coup? Putin
MrWebster Wed, 07/27/2016 - 01:28pm 0
Dog whistle to end of timers?
From:So, this got left out of the reporting of the Jewish/Atheist reference
MrWebster Wed, 07/27/2016 - 01:17pm 0
Looks like counter now is that some emails are phony
From:Just What I Expected
MrWebster Tue, 07/26/2016 - 09:47pm 1 Tue, 07/26/2016 - 09:58pm
Thanks for link to Bromwich
From:Kucinich on the DNC Hack
MrWebster Tue, 07/26/2016 - 06:15pm 2 Tue, 07/26/2016 - 07:32pm
Can the convention be the basis of an anti-war movement?
From:Hello from Philly
MrWebster Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:25pm 1 Sun, 07/24/2016 - 04:47pm
With emails exposed after all the primary voting was finished.
From:Marshall Apologizes on Facebook, Clinton Camp Yells "Russia!"
MrWebster Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:11pm 0
Putin has horrible timing.
From:Marshall Apologizes on Facebook, Clinton Camp Yells "Russia!"
MrWebster Sun, 07/24/2016 - 02:08pm 1 Wed, 07/27/2016 - 07:35pm
Clinton Waking the Dogs of War.
From:Marshall Apologizes on Facebook, Clinton Camp Yells "Russia!"
MrWebster Sun, 07/24/2016 - 01:48pm 0
Bernie supporters should revel in the choice
From:$Hillary Clinton picks Tim kaine as running mate - it is official
MrWebster Fri, 07/22/2016 - 09:47pm 1 Fri, 07/22/2016 - 10:46pm
Fundamentally right. Increased troop levels is in the future.
From:We finally have a post-ISIS plan for Iraq
MrWebster Fri, 07/22/2016 - 12:42pm 0
Yah, I remember the "out vote them" argument
From:Lines of Evidence
MrWebster Wed, 07/20/2016 - 02:49pm 0
Interesting the quote
From:US "accidentally" obliterated 85 civilians. Same number as killed in Nice but you won't see wall-to-wall coverage
MrWebster Wed, 07/20/2016 - 02:22pm 1 Fri, 07/22/2016 - 12:13pm
Using my new word today: Agnotology (from ray p.)
From:US "accidentally" obliterated 85 civilians. Same number as killed in Nice but you won't see wall-to-wall coverage
MrWebster Wed, 07/20/2016 - 01:39pm 1 Wed, 07/20/2016 - 01:55pm
Thanks for the new word: Agnotology (nm)
From:Lines of Evidence
MrWebster Wed, 07/20/2016 - 01:12pm 0
Thanks. Dems cheating Dems.
From:Lines of Evidence
MrWebster Wed, 07/20/2016 - 12:58pm 1 Wed, 07/20/2016 - 02:22pm
Democrats cheating Democrats
From:Yes Virginia, the Election was Stolen from Bernie Sanders
MrWebster Tue, 07/19/2016 - 11:23pm 0
But even more than that
From: Robert Reich Bites the Dust, Finally Goes There
MrWebster Mon, 07/18/2016 - 03:18pm 0
Add in Oregon
From:Will Poors Pay The Fine Now That ACA Coops Strangled?
MrWebster Sun, 07/17/2016 - 10:37pm 0
Yes there was on the other site
From:Jill Stein Promotes Homeopathy, Panders on Vaccines
MrWebster Sun, 07/17/2016 - 01:33am 1 Sun, 07/17/2016 - 02:27am
