The Children are Starving
I saw this article, "Syrian Children are Starving" which caused me to write, to tell others, "hey others, look at what's happening!"
Ya, the government and corporate media will just paint it the other way, up is down you know. They have since Obama's war on Syria began. That's our life now. We laughed, maybe never thought it would happen, then we realized we're in that book. We're extras. Did it happen while we weren't looking?
They will say the starving children proves Assad must go and Russia is evil and if you're a real American you'll be damn glad to see our fighter jets perform another Shock and Awe, even if they kill more children. Shock those Syrians and Awe the American Serfs. Stand in AWE you Serfs! We are America, land of the free and home of the BRAVE! There's nothing more BRAVE than killing children. USA! USA!
The ones who started this NOT A CIVIL war and have in effect caused the children to starve are demanding more WAR so they can starve, and kill, more children. Kill those children and God Bless America.
Think about the unreal callousness of that. Obama, Clinton, Kerry, Rice, Powers, etc. started a war with Syria, in keeping with the 7 countries plan, purposely unleashing their proxy terrorist/mercenary army on the country to destabilize, partition and remove their President from power. These people who have attacked Syria causing much death, destruction and STARVING CHILDREN, are using the excuse of starving children to convince the American Sheeple THEY NEED MORE WAR so they can cause more children to starve and die.
It's frustrating trying to explain the reality of the situation to others, that our President and those who work for him are cold blooded murderers and torturers of children. Sick, depraved, psychopaths who truly "think it's worth it", following in the footsteps of depraved war criminals like Madeleine "We think it was worth it" Albright, and Henry "They were only Cambodians" Kissinger. These are people who think nothing of causing the deaths of hundreds of thousands, millions of people including children, to advance their world domination agenda.
I see much of the left lament the wars and the starving children. Lament, lament. While they argue who is less evil, Hillary or Trump. While they switch political parties from the Democrats to the Greens to the We Need a New One Man. It's a shame the American people won't wake up and protest these wars by voting for Sanders, no wait, Stein. Because 5% is all that's needed to stop the war, save the starving children. A politician will do it so we don't have to.
I picture ahead five months. Hillary Clinton has been blessed by the Holy Book to be President of the Empire. Jill Stein got 3% of the vote. Bernie Sanders is hiding in his new house.
And the children are still starving.
What's needed now is a movement to end these wars. Moral victories, sending a hollow message, none of that is going to save the children. The antiwar movement has been close to dead since the Nobel Peace prize winner became President. Next up is Satan herself, a historically evil woman capable of starting a nuclear holocaust. Certainly someone who will continue the killing and the starving, served up with a cackle. The stage is literally being set for the next stage of U.S. imperialism. Obama out, Clinton in, they're going to up the ante.
There needs to be sustained, vocal antiwar protests taking place now and into the new year, here and globally. That can't be done by focusing on this interminable election. Waiting only allows more children to starve. There is one event that I know of happening in September in Washington D.C., "No War 2016". We need more. This needs to become the focus of the Sanders supporters who refuse to vote for Clinton because of the danger she presents with her hands on the reins of U.S. imperialism.
Save the Children.

Many are starving.
I place blame at at the feet of my own nation before I do others.
We're killing them with freedom.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Certainly plenty of blame to spread around.
But there's no denying "our" role.
WHAT freedom? I can't see one here!
(you forgot to enclose "freedom" in quotes)
The "freedom" our boss class wants to impose on Syria et al., is nothing of the sort -- here or elsewhere.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
In these situations and
In these situations and imposed by these perps, I believe that it's usually spelt 'freedumb' - but I think the Syrians know better already.
Can't the GIs toss them a few candy bars, maybe some pantyhose? Luckily, Hillary always supports women and children, even if you sometimes have to destroy the village to starve the children.
Going to go scream into my pillow for a while.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Killing them with "freedom", then killing us with police.
And, increasingly, the same exact humans on the front lines responsible for both.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
All Pet Dogs And Cats Were Eaten
I forget. Exactly what humanitarian purpose did Obama/Hillary have for invading Syria?
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
Unfortunately Vice and Vox, like they did with Ukraine,
purposely paint that upside down picture. Looking at their articles, they lay the blame squarely on Assad, like they did with Putin and Ukraine.
Oh yeah!
And Russian aggression!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
To help groups like Daesh lay siege to places like West Aleppo
Being starved by U.S.-supported jihadist rebels: “good”; doesn’t get reported by U.S. media.
Starving when the legal sovereign government of Syria tries to regain control of rebel areas: “bad”; take jihadist social media propaganda and allied secret services’ psyops and blare it all over the place, pretending it is objective reporting.
Because They Hate Our Freedoms!
Yeah. That's the ticket. We have to bomb "them" into the stone age because they hate our freedoms!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
The psychopathopathy of people who have no qualms about
killing people is beyond my understanding. The United States has killed over 1.3 BILLION PEOPLE SINCE 1945.
If there was any justice in this world then every president since then would be brought up on war crime charges.
Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya Syria and the many other military actions in countries that haven't threatened the US or its NATO allies are against the Nuremberg principle.
And then there's the many countries that the US has trained their military to kill people or torture them because they threatened the status quo.
Then add in the coups that have removed elected governments and saw brutal dictators installed who then commit heinous human rights violations while the US government agencies whose jobs are to stop these actions from happening sit back and do nothing. Unless the dictator that was installed quits playing by the rules of letting US interests steal their resources or build their factories or pipelines. Then those dictators need to be removed.
There hasn't been a war to protect the US or its freedoms for over a century.
Yes Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor, but why did the US not just attack Japan instead of going to Germany and other countries in Europe?
We know that the banks and many people and corporations were funding Hitler and both sides of the war.
There is evidence that Roosevelt and Churchill were aware of the concentration camps in 1941. Many boatloads of Jewish and other people trying to come to the US were refused entry and sent back to die.
Over 3 million people in Vietnam were killed by US troops, bombs and Agent Orange.
We watched thousands of Iraqis die on live tv during Shock and Awe and for what? The people there were no threat to the US and over 500 thousand children died because of the sanctions that the Clinton administration put on Iraq. How many other people also died from those sanctions? The government knew that the sanctions weren't going to affect Saddam, but his people.
During the Iraq war depleted uranium bombs were used in Fallujah and elsewhere and we know that thousands of babies are being born with hideous birth defects because of those bombs l that's another war crime.
The Iranian people went through the same thing when the US sanctioned Iran. Women couldn't get the medicine that they needed for cancer treatment, antibiotics and other medications weren't allowed in.
Then after Iraq war destroyed the country, Obama, Hillary and the US military decided that Gaddafi was next to go. Anyone know why he needed to be removed? Was it because he was planning to create a gold backed currency to compete with the US dollar and the Euro?
According to this article, yes.
And as the reason for many of the wars, the US and its allies wanted his oil and other resources and to build their own pipelines.
Hillary was instrumental in getting Obama to attack Syria without any regard to what will happen after Assad is removed, just like no one cared about what would happen to Iraq and Libya after Saddam and Gaddafi were removed.
But having the terrorists take over those countries is good for the defense contractor's profits
And the reason for the Syrian war was for the same reason for all the other so called wars.
And remember that Obama said that the reason he needed to remove Assad was because he used sarin gas on his people. Except that it wasn't Assad that gassed the Syrian people, it was the US backed Moderate Rebels that used the gas which they got from the CIA along with other weapons that belonged to Gaddafi which the CIA and the state department were running out of the embassy in Benghazi.
The sarin gas attack killed over One thousand people
Wrap your mind around that. Our government sacrificed over one thousand innocent civilians in Syria intentionally. And of course the American people believe that it was Assad that did that and now are behind the military removing Assad.
And to remove Assad, our government is working with the same terrorist group of Al Quada that they fought against during the Iraq war. And our troops are fighting alongside them.
If you had been in the military during the Iraq war and saw your fellow troops killed or injured be this terrorist group, how does one wrap their minds around fighting alongside them now?
Also remember that the US created that organization in the first place because the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan.
Then they along with our allie Saudi Arabia attacked this country on 9/11, but our government covered this information up for over 15 years. (You are either for us or against us unless you are friends with them like the Bush family is.
The same government propaganda is being used after the picture of the young boy in the ambulance was published and the attack is being blamed on Russia and Putin so that when either Obama or Hillary attacks Russia, the American people will be okay with it. Never mind that the war with Russia has been in the works for over a year.
Can they even be called wars if congress doesn't declare them wars?
Not according to the war powers act that states that only congress can declare wars. But Obama is using the 2003 AUMF which states that the president can use the military to fight Al Quada. Never mind that he isn't fighting Al Quada but ISIL which was created by the US, Saudi Arabia, the UK and our other allies after the AUMF was voted on.
Maybe I should have made this an essay instead of a comment, but I'm am so disgusted with our government having no problem with ordering the deaths and f millions of innocent civilians just so that the corporations can steal other country's resources without any regard for the millions of people that will die.
And the other reason why these leaders need to be removed and countries need to be destroyed is so that Israel will be the only superpower in the Middle East.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Clinton's own emails explain what one of the primary reasons
is for the Syria war, Israel, or better yet, Greater Israel. Like Iraq, like Iran will be.
Fun fact: approximately 70% of the so called ISIS fighters barely know what Islam is at all. It's estimated only about 5% are hard core Islamists. What many of us have been saying from the beginning, this isn't what it's being painted in the corporate media. It's largely a mercenary army getting paid to kill and destroy.
Putin knows.
Please post this lots of
Please post this lots of places! If this doesn't make people want to scream/cry and protest, there's something wrong with them.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Here is what I hope is an extreme example of life in Syria
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Tragically horrific. Thank goodness that American doctor helped.
I am going to share this story with everyone on my email list.
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
"Two hundred million guns are loaded
Satan cries "take aim" "
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
The children understand the reason
I have never understood how a country "built on Democracy," dedicated to government "by the people," can somehow find itself forcing our version of"democracy" on other nations. It runs counter to our stated beliefs. I teach elementary school. This is a discussion we have often, and the students (3rd grade, on up) are quick to point out the why of of it. They will tell you it's all about greed. Greed for power, greed for $, capital G Greed.
They will also ask we why people are so greedy, and I have no explanation. I cannot understand this thirst for more and more, when we already have so much more than most of the world. It is difficult to leave them with no good answers, but only, " It is not right, but it is what is. There is no good reason, and we must stand up and say that it isn't right, again and again and again."
I tried with a co-worker
the other day, telling her we should just get out of all of it. That discussion started about healthcare, with me saying it should be nationalized or whatever to get the profit motive out of it. The answer to that was "we can't afford it" and that gave me the opening to remind her we spend at least 1/3 of our yearly budget, if not more like 1/2 on "defense," get rid of that and this country is no where near broke. I didn't even hammer on the tax structure, didn't get to it, but tried to portray just how interconnected all of that really is! And the wars are for OIL, period. Profit for multinational Corporations, I did get that shot in at least.
This is an educated woman, and most likely a Liberal. She still believes we are protecting people by fighting our wars and is for real afraid that if we don't keep going to war, another country WILL come here and attack us. I tried pointing out the fallacy there, and we did not have a hostile argument or anything, but she just can't wrap her head around the idea of us NOT being at war.
Maybe a year ago I was right there with her in many ways - I think of my reaction then as the knee jerk one that is a response to how very well we've been trained in this country to just accept our wars and accept the excuses for them. But now? No, we never should have gone there in the first place, we have NO right to tell others how to govern themselves and we never have had that right. And we are doing massive evil in the world every day, under the name of Democracy and Freedom, which we no longer even really have ourselves. A sick and dying system in a sick and dying country. And the utter waste of lives, all for profit.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I have had the same
conversation with many friends, family and co workers, with mostly the same results.and I now see race ,religion, sex and education level have no baring. The brainwashing and or training has worked well. They are just scared little sheep.
Every once in a while though, have you noticed
sometimes there is a "look" they give you - like at first they think you're bat shit crazy, but then something starts to kind of make them think? The above conversation kind of went like that. While I'd LOVE to think it makes her go back and really think on it, I know that's just willfully naïve on my part. She'll go back to her daily life and not give it a second thought, while I dwell on it to the point of rage. But that little look always gives me a tiny, tiny bit of satisfaction, and some days, that's all I can hope for.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
And probably bitch her taxes are too high. No shit Sherlock!
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
America is the top terrorist country
who have we not invaded? Who have we not mettled with. Who have we not starved?
Anal feeding tubes
and atomic, nuclear testings and using WMD to kill civilians.
Not to mention the shit we do to our own people...
This country is a terrorist hot bed and corrupt government. We are evil.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
"We" (ordinary working-class Americans) aren't evil; as you point out, we're just another layer of fellow victims of the evil ones.
Those Americans with power are evil.
As Abraham Lincoln said: "If you want to really test a man's character, give him power." And many Americans are flunking that test big-time!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It's our country.
And "we" are also the ones who are turning a blind eye to all the evil.
No, not all of us. But more Americans care about Entertainment than they do reality. Most don't know how many Supreme Court Justices there are. But they can tell you all the names of the Kardashians and the judges on reality tv shows.
Apathy, Ignorance are not excuses for the evil our country does.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Hell, people are still
Hell, people are still talking about voting for this evil! Even here, on C-9!
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Not "our" country. Not right now, anyway.
But complete lack of control is, for those who qualify for that remark (read: 99+% of Americans). If you aren't the owner of the car, not the driver of the car, and do not possess the keys to the car, you're not responsible for the vehicular homicide perpetrated using the car -- even if that "car" is the only home you've ever known.
As a longtime veteran of the American anti-war movement, I can tell you that we've tried everything imaginable -- to exhaustion -- to get "our" country off the eternal war footing and the interventionist "unpaid world policeman" role which demands it. Protesting hasn't worked. Violent "direct actions" haven't worked. Voting hasn't worked. Striking hasn't worked. Monkeywrenching hasn't worked. Hacking (a form of monkeywrenching) hasn't worked. Wikileaks hasn't worked. All that happens is that the poor bastards at the center of the actions end up persecuted for the rest of their lives, while folks like me live prosperity-free adult lives as punishment for the non-crime of never joining the military (or in my specific case, being rejected by the military for being a non-athlete, although I certainly had athlete's feet....).
The entirety of the fault here lies with such Americans as Henry Fucking Kissinger (KKKlinton's BFF) who consider everyone outside the war footing complex to be "useless eaters".
I know you know all of this, Janet. My question to you (and everyone else reading this) is: just how do we break the evil spell? How do we break the thrall of the warmongers? What will get us our country back into our hands and not theirs, now?
I respectfully submit that this is THE question of this hour -- the only one at similar rank to human-caused climate change.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Absolutely agree with you
I don't know what the next stage is. We seem to have zero power. People speak of voting and elections and it makes me want to scream. None of it is even real anymore.
I fear that the only way is to take the control and power away from those who have it. Not just the abusers of that power but the complete idea of having the power needs to be abolished. No one should have that much power to strip others of it. That includes the military, the media and the moguls.
But I think my low opinion of the masses in America stems from the apathy as well as the continued slaughter of people all around us and the complete lack of compassion from Americans as a whole - comes from me working in some form of customer service. Also as a parent of a disabled child, I have seen the ugliness of Americans. As someone who has lived abroad, I've cringed at the Ugly America stereotype being justified over and over again.
I just don't think enough people care. More people seem to be willing to hate than to think.
I love talking and learning with you. Thanks
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
Any time, Janet!
Any time, Janet!
I note that even the Greanville Post has noticed what I've been pointing out here:
(Click on that link, folks -- it's one of Greanville's better articles and is worth the read!)
While I am at it, kindly please allow me to tell you how much I appreciate having contact with you as well, Janet! When I'm getting emails from respected friends containing passages like:
you can easily understand how I really appreciate and need to have some reasonably sane crazies easily to hand!
p.s. The debunking I discovered about the Holocaust denial claims actually came with a side of panache and therefore a garnish of schadenfreude. The debunking article is here. That's right, that's The Times of Israel who debunked the bullshit!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
NOT our country. NOT our quarrels. NOT OUR WAR!
NOT our country. NOT our quarrels. NOT OUR WAR!
We have no business intervening everywhere on Earth,
Switching to a non-interventionistic foreign policy would save us as much as 3/4 of our current military spending. Think of how much better off we'd all be if we didn't have to spend those trillions.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Great comment, lizzyh7 - you
Great comment, lizzyh7 - you probably have made her think a bit, which isn't always exactly easy, considering all of the disinformation campaigns/brainwashing going on. If we each could all make just a few other people begin to think and question more, the tipping point might be reached in time to save at least some planetary life.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
I know the look very well
and you are probably right most wont give it a second thought, but the way I look at it is even if I only get one person to understand, it keeps the thought alive. One thing I have learned from raising my kids is that I always thought they didn't hear or listen to much of what I said but now that they are adults I see they were listening and they heard most of it.
Thanks Al
good to read about something other then freaking Bernie's shoe waving politics. Glad your writing and posting .We need you here. Why do American's believe the fictional story line were fed? National security my ass. Putin did it my ass.
Putin did it (too).
Oh, Putin did his fair share. (This is the "kernel of truth" lying technique at work.)
Most major state actors have this kind of crime on their hands. To snatch the GEICO slogan, if you're the head of a modern state, it's what you do.
I suspect that there are as many voices in Russia crying for "Russia without Putin!" as American ones crying "America without Clinton!". (BBC World News has been broadcasting footage of the former.) And both are equally correct. NO nation can afford to be or become the world's unpaid policeman. And with the small amount of added access to information every human being has because of the invention of the Internet, everybody now knows it.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Yo Big Al. Thanks for the post amigo.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Appealing to morality for further violence is bullshit
I don't accept moral arguments for more violence as the violence never started for moral reasons. The Syrian war was never about reform, democracy, etc. It was about removing or impeding an Iranian/Syrian block against Israel. Want to save the kids--well more bombing will not solve that.
John Pilger: Provoking Nuclear War by Media
Another excllent article by John Pilger.
All these happy little propagandists should not forget that the judges at Nuremburg held propagangists equally liable with arms merchants and war planners for the ultimate crime of war of aggression.
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
...But only the losing side was ever punished
The Allies committed war crimes too - but nothing was ever done about that, because "We Won". The Germans were right to complain that it was "victors' justice".
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Let's look at the arms shipments to the Middle East
Obama, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, has sent $110 billion in arms to Saudi Arabia over a six year period.
To thine own self be true.