Snowden on the NSA being hacked

Perhaps you heard about this already.
If not, here is a quick recap:

hackers calling themselves the Shadow Brokers have collected NSA-created malware from a staging server run by the Equation Group, an internal hacking team. The Shadow Brokers published two chunks of data, one “open” chunk and another encrypted file containing the “best files” that they will sell for at least $1 million. Wikileaks has said they already own the “auction” files and will publish them in “due course.”
They’ve also released images of the file tree containing a script kiddie-like trove of exploits ostensibly created and used by the NSA as well as a page calling out cyber warriors and “Wealthy Elites.” The page also contains links to the two files, both encrypted...
First, we need to understand what these files are and what they do. These are hacking tools including RATs – or remote access Trojans – and exploits designed to attack web and file servers.

Most Americans, especially those on TOP, start clutching their pearls whenever someone mentions that hackers from North Korea, or China, or Russia hacked servers in the United States.
Americans seem to be completely unaware that the most aggressive state-sponsored hackers in the world live near Washington D.C.
Or maybe Americans don't care because we're the "good guys".

Either way, this hack was different. Because while other hacks from Russia, like the DNC hack, may or may not have been state-sponsored, this hack of the NSA obviously was state-sponsored.
Edward Snowden explains.

Or to put it another way.

Computer security researchers around the world are now reviewing computer networks for these tools. And wherever they find this leaked code, they'll know the NSA was spying.
The United States currently claims the moral high ground and censures China, Iran, North Korea and Russia for hacking Americans. But it could soon be caught doing the same to others.

If you keep your eye out you'll be seeing evidence of this popping up soon.

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MsGrin's picture

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

Right after the Snowden revelations, was reading how private contractors were used to do security clearances, and how they majorly botched them. Given that Snowden was a middle level programmer who could access almost anything and the lax clearances, the Russians would need only one person to penetrate the NSA, or given the number of private contractors, get one to turn. I am convinced that at least the Russians already knew everything Snowden knew plus more. All they have to do is turn to an inside source and get any software. But then again, maybe the hacking is meant to get us off the trail of any insiders.

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riverlover's picture

Is NSA sowing distrust and mayhem now?

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

the current harmonic trend across all MSM is that it's all Russia's fault (and by default, Trumps fault).

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NonnyO's picture

... the primaries just past...?

But then again, maybe the hacking is meant to get us off the trail of any insiders.

Wouldn't it be "embarrassing" if inside hackers were traced back to the DNC or the Clinton Foundation from states where voter registrations were deleted or changed? Or to the Clinton Foundation server or to a new server in their basement...?

Where was his server relocated when they set up her server when she became SoS? Colorado? Wyoming? I just read that not long ago or heard it on a YouTube video, I remember that.

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I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960

... Or to put it another way.

Computer security researchers around the world are now reviewing computer networks for these tools. And wherever they find this leaked code, they'll know the NSA was spying.
The United States currently claims the moral high ground and censures China, Iran, North Korea and Russia for hacking Americans. But it could soon be caught doing the same to others.

If you keep your eye out you'll be seeing evidence of this popping up soon.

Oh, boy, reruns!

NSA 'hacking unit' infiltrates computers around the world – report
• NSA: Tailored Access Operations a 'unique national asset'
• Former NSA chief calls Edward Snowden a 'traitor'

Joanna Walters in New York
Sunday 29 December 2013

NSA Spied on Companies and Groups including U.S Allies
Arif Majeed 2 years ago Data security, News, NSA

The National Security Agency has spied on hundreds of companies and groups around the world, including in countries allied with the US government, as part of an effort designed to allow agents to hack into any cellphone network, no matter where it's located, according to a report published Thursday. ...

... It's not the first time the US agency has been reported to introduce backdoors into widely used technologies. Last year documents provided by former NSA subcontractor Edward Snowden—the same source for documents supporting Thursday's story by The Intercept—showed that the NSA worked with standards bodies to adopt encryption technologies with known vulnerabilities in them. Two weeks later, the RSA division of EMC warned customers to stop using the default configuration of its BSAFE BSAFE toolkit and Data Protection Manager because it contained code reported to contain an NSA-engineered vulnerability. ...

NSA planned hack of Google app store
May 21, 2015

The US National Security Agency developed plans to hack into data links to app stores operated by Google and Samsung to plant spyware on smartphones, a media report said Thursday.

The online news site The Intercept said US intelligence developed the plan with allies in Britain, Canada, New Zealand and Australia, a group known as the "Five Eyes" alliance. ...

... The project called "Irritant Horn" would allow the agencies to hijack data connections to app stores and surreptitiously implant malicious software on smartphones that would allow for data to be harvested. ...

Germany's Angela Merkel: Relations with U.S. 'severely shaken' over spying claims

By Laura Smith-Spark, CNN

Updated 1:10 PM ET, Thu October 24, 2013

... Talk of the NSA's reported spying on Germany and other allies dominated Merkel's news conference in Brussels, Belgium. It illustrated the anger over this story in Europe and the challenges facing Washington because of it.
The Chancellor insisted she isn't the only one concerned; other European leaders, she said, voiced similar sentiments during the first day of the summit Thursday.
Her comments echoed some she'd made upon arriving Thursday in Belgium, when she said that discussions of "what sort of data protection do we need and what transparency is there" should now be on European leaders' agenda.
"We need trust,..." she said. "Spying among friends is never acceptable." ...

... The German allegation comes in the same week that French daily newspaper Le Monde reported claims the NSA intercepted more than 70 million phone calls in France over 30 days.
And The Guardian newspaper -- citing a document obtained from U.S. government contractor-turned-whistleblower Edward Snowden -- reported Thursday that the NSA monitored phone conversations of 35 world leaders. The confidential memo is from 2006, which is before Obama became president. None of the monitored world leaders is identified. ...

... 'Completely unacceptable'
Even before the latest allegations, Germany and other nations had expressed concerns about alleged U.S. spying after Snowden -- a former National Security Agency contractor -- leaked classified information about American surveillance programs.
Spy chief: reports of NSA logging French phone calls are false
German news magazine Der Spiegel reported in June that leaks from Snowden detailed how the agency bugged EU offices in Washington and New York, and conducted an "electronic eavesdropping operation" that tapped into an EU building in Brussels.
Merkel spoke with Obama by phone in July about allegations that the United States was conducting surveillance on its European allies.
Merkel made it clear that if the information about the U.S. having monitored her phone were true, it would be "completely unacceptable," spokesman Steffen Seibert said of Wednesday's call with Obama. ...

Now, just imagine the level of contempt and distrust world leaders will be feeling at the prospect of a President Clinton or Trump, rather than an honest, experienced, sane and sensible President Bernie, the one who actually did win the Dem primary and would have won the General in a landslide?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

What goes around comes around. Like drone warfare, cyber is affordable to practically any nation on earth. And anything the USA develops can be stolen and copied.

I suppose the only thing that is keeping us safe right now is the computer software equivalent of the Cold War mutual assured destruction (MAD) doctrine.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

featheredsprite's picture

Nothing, absolutely nothing is completely unhackable.

And if Wikileaks already has the stuff that is being auctioned off, probably others do, too.

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Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.

the owners of this country, and the world, will decide the internet is just a pain in their asses and unplug it.

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Look at Facebook

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has streamlined versions of a kill switch to shut off access to specific areas or more broadly. Hillary's been vocal about the need to "tighten" the Internet in the name of security (of course), but almost certainly for tighter control of info that's allowed to get out to the rest of us and that we're allowed to share. Not a fan of anything resembling transparency, the Clintons and their cronies.

P.S. Many thanks for the info you bring us here, especially on economies and markets. Keep forgetting to express my appreciation.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

gulfgal98's picture

if the empire is finally beginning to crack. See my first sig line courtesy of Dr. Cornel West.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

fabled dinosaur the knowledge hasn't reached the brain yet. It will probably take arrests before they clearly register it.

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Orwell: Where's the omelette?

is doing a pretty good job of degrading itself in the eyes of the world. So at least the illusions are cracking. Americans will be the last to know.

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jamess's picture

NSA stands for?

"No Such Agency"

yuk, yuk

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Ravensword's picture

The Shadow Brokers.

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