My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
"DNC reports worst April of fundraising since 2009"
From:The Evening Blues - 5-22-17
MrWebster Mon, 05/22/2017 - 08:54pm 4 Tue, 05/23/2017 - 12:29am
Yeah, same here. Clinton welfare reform all over again?
From:The Evening Blues - 5-22-17
MrWebster Mon, 05/22/2017 - 07:59pm 0
NYTimes. Dems can't focus on messages cause Russia.
From:Dems are losing by every metric SINCE the election
MrWebster Mon, 05/22/2017 - 10:26am 1 Mon, 05/22/2017 - 10:47am
So who exactly decides the message?
From:Dems are losing by every metric SINCE the election
MrWebster Mon, 05/22/2017 - 10:03am 1 Mon, 05/22/2017 - 12:45pm
Democrats want your money, your vote, but not you.
From:Dems are losing by every metric SINCE the election
MrWebster Sun, 05/21/2017 - 10:42pm 1 Mon, 05/22/2017 - 02:19am
And from 1975 no less.
From:RoseAnn DeMorro to Dems: "This is my unification speech: IT'S A WARNING"
MrWebster Sun, 05/21/2017 - 08:28pm 0
Union leadership stabbing themselves in the back.
From:RoseAnn DeMorro to Dems: "This is my unification speech: IT'S A WARNING"
MrWebster Sun, 05/21/2017 - 03:11pm 4 Mon, 05/22/2017 - 10:52am
Going to be hard to dislodge the propaganda.
From:New Info in Seth Rich Case Updated
MrWebster Sat, 05/20/2017 - 09:02pm 0
The war will bring on world wide economic depression
From:When in doubt, bomb Syria
MrWebster Sat, 05/20/2017 - 04:41pm 0
Party establishment needs to fear the base.
From:Progressives are starting to become a real problem for Democratic establishment
MrWebster Sat, 05/20/2017 - 04:35pm 0
How many elections won by dems since Trump took office?
From:Progressives are starting to become a real problem for Democratic establishment
MrWebster Sat, 05/20/2017 - 04:29pm 1 Sun, 05/21/2017 - 04:22am
Valid point, but what has Trump as POTUS actually done so far
From:21st Century Corporate Propaganda
MrWebster Fri, 05/19/2017 - 03:23pm 0
agreed. otherwise just guilt by association.
From:21st Century Corporate Propaganda
MrWebster Fri, 05/19/2017 - 02:38pm 0
Seems like a slow mission creep toward total war/invasion.
From:When in doubt, bomb Syria
MrWebster Fri, 05/19/2017 - 02:03pm 1 Sat, 05/20/2017 - 12:02pm
Never fear our corporations & banksters will retake White House!
From:21st Century Corporate Propaganda
MrWebster Fri, 05/19/2017 - 01:48am 0
Without Markos electoral savvy dems would be in the minority
From:Markos being openly mocked in the press for being a complete dick
MrWebster Wed, 05/17/2017 - 01:00pm 0
Most excellent analogy
From:Hillary will now officially lead the McResistance
MrWebster Tue, 05/16/2017 - 10:56pm 0
So your graph raises a question? Who has remained behind?
From:The Evening Blues - 5-16-17
MrWebster Tue, 05/16/2017 - 08:41pm 1 Tue, 05/16/2017 - 11:07pm
Tracey twittered what every alternate Russia headline should be.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-15-17
MrWebster Tue, 05/16/2017 - 12:09am 2 Wed, 05/17/2017 - 10:09am
Is there joy in republican Mudville today?
From:Hillary will now officially lead the McResistance
MrWebster Mon, 05/15/2017 - 11:49pm 1 Tue, 05/16/2017 - 10:56am
Just a thought on priorities.
From:What Are Your Demands?
MrWebster Sun, 05/14/2017 - 05:34pm 0
Excellent writing.
From:Rule of Law and its demise
MrWebster Sun, 05/14/2017 - 05:14am 0
Yah jury ignorance was another excuse.
From:Rule of Law and its demise
MrWebster Sat, 05/13/2017 - 02:11pm 0
But Wall Street laws are too complex for criminal prosecution
From:Rule of Law and its demise
MrWebster Sat, 05/13/2017 - 12:59pm 2 Sat, 05/13/2017 - 02:50pm
Destroyed very idea of contracts. Oh, the Hebrews.
From:Rule of Law and its demise
MrWebster Sat, 05/13/2017 - 12:47am 0
Trevor said things about Russia that were borderline racist
From:The Evening Blues - 5-12-17
MrWebster Fri, 05/12/2017 - 10:39pm 0
Stewart may have gotten some karma payback.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-12-17
MrWebster Fri, 05/12/2017 - 10:33pm 0
Oregon regulators almost killed off the retail business end.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-12-17
MrWebster Fri, 05/12/2017 - 10:19pm 0
About Shattered video and political illusion known as HRC.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-12-17
MrWebster Fri, 05/12/2017 - 10:14pm 0
Yup, good catch. Just more Clintonista insiders.
From:The DNC gets new leadership
MrWebster Fri, 05/12/2017 - 03:54pm 0
Thanks for link to AIDAN O'BRIEN piece.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-10-17
MrWebster Thu, 05/11/2017 - 02:21pm 0
Puts into context remarks Obama made a month apart
From:The Dying Days of Liberalism: Max Forte nicely summarizes Tom Frank's Listen Liberal
MrWebster Thu, 05/11/2017 - 02:11pm 1 Thu, 05/11/2017 - 03:07pm
Greenwald on Democracy Now this morning
From:James Comey fired! Watch out Hillary!
MrWebster Wed, 05/10/2017 - 01:54pm 1 Wed, 05/10/2017 - 07:39pm
Ah sheet. Comey wherefore art thou.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-9-17
MrWebster Tue, 05/09/2017 - 11:18pm 1 Wed, 05/10/2017 - 12:55pm
What will the democrats do on health care if they win House?
From:The Evening Blues - 5-8-17
MrWebster Mon, 05/08/2017 - 10:12pm 0
Same in 2000 after Florida. It was Naders fault.
From:Where Is the Support in the Left Media for the #DNCFraudLawsuit? Say It Ain't So - Both Thomas Frank and TYT Panel Shirk From Standing With DNC Collusion and Fraud Issues. Where Are Our Allies?
MrWebster Mon, 05/08/2017 - 11:33am 0
My take on collard greens. Sorry lost thread.
From:42,238,000 - That's the Number of Food Insecure People in America
MrWebster Sun, 05/07/2017 - 11:46pm 1 Mon, 05/08/2017 - 03:37am
Ah suggestion
From:(This could leave a mark:) ‘Shattered,’ Book About Clinton Campaign, May Become TV Series
MrWebster Sun, 05/07/2017 - 05:58pm 0
Another run? oh man is right.
From:(This could leave a mark:) ‘Shattered,’ Book About Clinton Campaign, May Become TV Series
MrWebster Sun, 05/07/2017 - 05:57pm 0
Putin almost gave us honest elections.
From:Where Is the Support in the Left Media for the #DNCFraudLawsuit? Say It Ain't So - Both Thomas Frank and TYT Panel Shirk From Standing With DNC Collusion and Fraud Issues. Where Are Our Allies?
MrWebster Sun, 05/07/2017 - 05:54pm 1 Mon, 05/08/2017 - 10:39am
At this point, I really am speechless and can only babble.
From:Democrats just can't stop failing
MrWebster Sat, 05/06/2017 - 08:42pm 0
Will end result be a white washing of Clinton(s)?
From:(This could leave a mark:) ‘Shattered,’ Book About Clinton Campaign, May Become TV Series
MrWebster Sat, 05/06/2017 - 06:57pm 1 Sat, 05/06/2017 - 08:54pm
Interesting map that shows state of democratic party
From:The Evening Blues - 5-5-17
MrWebster Sat, 05/06/2017 - 12:27pm 0
Indeed. Health care is thee issue to "radicalize" the base
From:Why just saying 'No' will never, ever be enough
MrWebster Sat, 05/06/2017 - 11:44am 0
That's why the silence on policy
From:Why just saying 'No' will never, ever be enough
MrWebster Fri, 05/05/2017 - 01:57pm 1 Sat, 05/06/2017 - 12:36am
Setting up shop as a influence peddler?
From:(Things that make you go "Hmmmm") Hillary Clinton Will Launch a PAC
MrWebster Thu, 05/04/2017 - 01:47am 0
The Caitlyn Johnstone piece incredible video
From:The Evening Blues - 5-3-17
MrWebster Wed, 05/03/2017 - 07:42pm 0
Very good news.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-3-17
MrWebster Wed, 05/03/2017 - 07:33pm 1 Wed, 05/03/2017 - 08:02pm
From what I have been reading, Putin has given up.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-3-17
MrWebster Wed, 05/03/2017 - 07:30pm 1 Wed, 05/03/2017 - 09:16pm
Clinton is shoveling dirt on the grave of the democratic party
From:Hillary takes "ABSOLUTE responsibility" for her winning campaign!
MrWebster Wed, 05/03/2017 - 03:21pm 4 Thu, 05/04/2017 - 04:16pm
Damn, like blindly throw a dart and every score is perfect
From:Response from my Democratic Congressman who doesn't support single-payer
MrWebster Tue, 05/02/2017 - 10:05pm 0
Good article about the ineffective tyrant.
From:The Evening Blues - 5-2-17
MrWebster Tue, 05/02/2017 - 08:34pm 1 Tue, 05/02/2017 - 08:48pm
And looks like Hillary is coming out of woods to lead party
From:Why did the Dems lose? It's even worse than you might think
MrWebster Tue, 05/02/2017 - 07:58pm 0
Looks like dems are coalescing on the same excuses.
From:Response from my Democratic Congressman who doesn't support single-payer
MrWebster Tue, 05/02/2017 - 03:55pm 0
Looks like IBT is exposing alot of insider money antics
From:Response from my Democratic Congressman who doesn't support single-payer
MrWebster Tue, 05/02/2017 - 03:48pm 1 Tue, 05/02/2017 - 04:02pm
The Rush Limberger syndrome with democratic politicians?
From:Response from my Democratic Congressman who doesn't support single-payer
MrWebster Tue, 05/02/2017 - 03:18pm 3 Wed, 05/03/2017 - 02:32pm
And sorta like election fraud.
From:Why did the Dems lose? It's even worse than you might think
MrWebster Tue, 05/02/2017 - 03:05pm 0
Interesting stuff as I finally finished it.
From:Why did the Dems lose? It's even worse than you might think
MrWebster Tue, 05/02/2017 - 01:03am 1 Tue, 05/02/2017 - 06:22pm
Thanks for link.
From:Why did the Dems lose? It's even worse than you might think
MrWebster Mon, 05/01/2017 - 07:48pm 1 Tue, 05/02/2017 - 08:49am
American companies outsourcing their databases to scammers
From:Living in a Cyberwar Glass House
MrWebster Sun, 04/30/2017 - 04:50pm 0
Pattern of selective choices on reality in Russia
From:Russia Must Be Stopped!
MrWebster Sun, 04/30/2017 - 02:14pm 0
Now that is interesting...
From:Markos is on a mission against Bernie supporters
MrWebster Sat, 04/29/2017 - 08:38pm 0
Amazing how fast the Russian conspiracy was re-born.
From:Russia Must Be Stopped!
MrWebster Sat, 04/29/2017 - 08:21pm 3 Mon, 05/01/2017 - 07:23pm
Satire is the only available response now. Rationality is gone.
From:Russia Must Be Stopped!
MrWebster Sat, 04/29/2017 - 06:51pm 1 Sat, 04/29/2017 - 10:14pm
TOP failing in main mission? More and better democrats? where?
From:Markos is on a mission against Bernie supporters
MrWebster Fri, 04/28/2017 - 08:05pm 0
But Hillary said "We are not Denmark" and was dang proud of it.
From:Markos is on a mission against Bernie supporters
MrWebster Fri, 04/28/2017 - 02:42pm 1 Sat, 04/29/2017 - 06:57am
Amen to all of that.
From:How Does The Democratic Party View Me Under Their Identity Politics Microscope?
MrWebster Wed, 04/26/2017 - 12:30pm 0
More about age as another contributory factor of early death
From:A real good example of why the Democrats lost, and will keep losing
MrWebster Wed, 04/26/2017 - 12:22am 0
Bernie did not support disabled people according to TOP
From:How Does The Democratic Party View Me Under Their Identity Politics Microscope?
MrWebster Tue, 04/25/2017 - 09:09pm 1 Tue, 04/25/2017 - 10:25pm
Yah I was thinking of getting one.
From:How Does The Democratic Party View Me Under Their Identity Politics Microscope?
MrWebster Tue, 04/25/2017 - 09:00pm 0
Gawd the propaganda does not stop: NK and Afgan/Russians
From:The Evening Blues - 4-25-17
MrWebster Tue, 04/25/2017 - 08:57pm 1 Tue, 04/25/2017 - 09:12pm
Is there some dog whistle that gets them barking at same time?
From:The Evening Blues - 4-25-17
MrWebster Tue, 04/25/2017 - 08:22pm 0
Insanity is the word of the day.
From:The Evening Blues - 4-25-17
MrWebster Tue, 04/25/2017 - 08:15pm 0
The rates may go down as he loses influence in the party
From:(The reason Wall Street Skated:) Obama to give $400,000 speech at Wall Street conference
MrWebster Tue, 04/25/2017 - 07:58pm 0
You could easily obtain a "Get Out of Identity Jail Card"
From:How Does The Democratic Party View Me Under Their Identity Politics Microscope?
MrWebster Tue, 04/25/2017 - 05:23pm 1 Tue, 04/25/2017 - 07:55pm
oh man I remember those cards.
From:Independents abandoning the Democratic Party
MrWebster Mon, 04/24/2017 - 08:47pm 0
Why do democrats vote against their own interests?
From:Democrats Deny Their Problems Attracting Support From Ordinary Americans At Their Peril
MrWebster Mon, 04/24/2017 - 07:19pm 1 Tue, 04/25/2017 - 10:13am
Speaking of McGovern. My first vote for president.
From:Independents abandoning the Democratic Party
MrWebster Mon, 04/24/2017 - 05:07pm 2 Mon, 04/24/2017 - 06:40pm
Sorry, but looks like Clintons/Obama gave party a permanent STD.
From:Independents abandoning the Democratic Party
MrWebster Mon, 04/24/2017 - 04:47pm 1 Mon, 04/24/2017 - 05:22pm
The bitter pill.
From:Democrats Deny Their Problems Attracting Support From Ordinary Americans At Their Peril
MrWebster Mon, 04/24/2017 - 04:02pm 2 Mon, 04/24/2017 - 08:01pm
Forgot to add, Baltimore dem mayor vetoed $15/min wage
From:Hey Dems, When You Don't Know What You Stand For, People Won't Stand With You
MrWebster Sun, 04/23/2017 - 08:15pm 0
Excellent essay. (nm)
From:Hey Dems, When You Don't Know What You Stand For, People Won't Stand With You
MrWebster Sun, 04/23/2017 - 08:01pm 1 Sun, 04/23/2017 - 08:15pm
Recent poll says Rendell is wrong about dems being in touch.
From:Hey Dems, When You Don't Know What You Stand For, People Won't Stand With You
MrWebster Sun, 04/23/2017 - 08:00pm 0
Greenwald twitter has a poll from WP/ABC which says it all
From:A question SJW's need to answer
MrWebster Sun, 04/23/2017 - 06:37pm 0
thank you. Also, great essay you had on OWS.
From:A question SJW's need to answer
MrWebster Sun, 04/23/2017 - 05:57pm 0
Giving you $15/hr min. wage won't fix racism!! But Russia!!!
From:A question SJW's need to answer
MrWebster Sun, 04/23/2017 - 11:25am 1 Sun, 04/23/2017 - 04:55pm
Try as I might, I don't get Bernie anymore.
From:The Evening Blues - 4-21-17
MrWebster Sat, 04/22/2017 - 12:17pm 1 Sat, 04/22/2017 - 01:29pm
It's like déjà vu all over again
From:The Evening Blues - 4-21-17
MrWebster Sat, 04/22/2017 - 11:48am 0
72% supported Iraq invasion according to Gallup at the time
From:The Evening Blues - 4-21-17
MrWebster Sat, 04/22/2017 - 11:37am 0
that was brilliant.
From:This is the ultimate in delusion
MrWebster Fri, 04/21/2017 - 09:02pm 0
Karma is a mother.
From:The Evening Blues - 4-21-17
MrWebster Fri, 04/21/2017 - 06:31pm 1 Fri, 04/21/2017 - 08:16pm
Goes against the Russian narrative also
From:This is the ultimate in delusion
MrWebster Fri, 04/21/2017 - 01:48pm 0
Power, influence, adoration, entitlement, money
From:This is the ultimate in delusion
MrWebster Fri, 04/21/2017 - 01:43pm 1 Sat, 04/22/2017 - 09:03pm
Establishment dems still in power and still losing elections.
From:The Evening Blues - 4-20-17
MrWebster Thu, 04/20/2017 - 06:13pm 1 Thu, 04/20/2017 - 07:22pm
How big or not big are candidates playing Russian interference?
From:Well that was hilarious
MrWebster Thu, 04/20/2017 - 03:43pm 1 Fri, 04/21/2017 - 12:44pm
Bernie is spreading anti-neoliberal "radical" message.
From:Dems return to slandering Bernie, and DKos takes the lead
MrWebster Thu, 04/20/2017 - 03:32pm 1 Fri, 04/21/2017 - 02:29pm
Good lawd the establishment "liberal" media.
From:Huff(Com)Post's Ryan Grim Says TOP Experiencing A Resurgence Via The Resistance™. Commenters at TYT Video Say Progressives Left The Place For Good/Not Fooled by PR Makeover.
MrWebster Wed, 04/19/2017 - 05:46pm 0
Grimm wrote an hit piece claiming Sander supporters Putin dupes
From:Huff(Com)Post's Ryan Grim Says TOP Experiencing A Resurgence Via The Resistance™. Commenters at TYT Video Say Progressives Left The Place For Good/Not Fooled by PR Makeover.
MrWebster Wed, 04/19/2017 - 04:11pm 1 Wed, 04/19/2017 - 04:29pm
thanks for any report.
From:The Evening Blues - 4-17-17
MrWebster Mon, 04/17/2017 - 10:45pm 0
Perez is going to support and adopt Bernie's policy positions?
From:The Evening Blues - 4-17-17
MrWebster Mon, 04/17/2017 - 09:38pm 3 Tue, 04/18/2017 - 12:41am
