Open Thread - The message the blacklist sent.

In 1941, the animators at Walt Disney's Studio went on strike. The business had grown from a few people to a 1200 person working place, but in all that time the wages had stayed quite low for all but a few at the very top. Were you to check the credits of any of the cartoons from this period, you would notice that not a single animators name was credited, only Walt Disney himself.
Later that year, Walt Disney paid for a full page advertisement in Variety, stating that the strike was a result of communist subversion. It was still early in the red scare, but he had already begun the conservative practice of looking at a group of people struggling to feed their familes, and finding communism. The charges didn't appear to have a great deal of impact at the time.
Then, on December 7, 1941, a massive attack was commenced on Pearl Harbor. Up to that point America had tried to keep its distance from the war overtaking Europe, but now events in the rest of the world could no longer be ignored by anyone.
Soon the entire country mobilized and sent a generation of young men off to fight in war, while those at home made do with rationing. The nations views hardened as they had to cope with fear.
In 1947, World War II ended, the Russians refused to give up ground in they had taken in Germany, and instead of liberating countries they had seized on the Eastern front, they kept control and established a communist regime. So began the cold war.
It was in November of that same year that a group of Hollywood scriptwriters and actors were called before the House on Unamerican Activities. The press called them the "Hollywood Ten." The Committee didn't state that they had broken the law. HUAC simply stated that they were accused of being Communists.
The ten refused to testify. They were eventually jailed. It was in this moment, only months after the Russians seized control of a large part of Eastern Europe, that the Committee connected people on the left in America with Communists. Whether they had ever actually attended a meeting or not, it was easy to state that someone was a Communist, and by implication was prepared to attack Americans, or was connected with the authoritarian assault committed oversees.
Hollywood studios are usually portrayed as being afraid of Congress at this time, but I suspect its more accurate to say that they were afraid of unions. Whichever was the case, they were quick to state that "unamerican influences" would not be tolerated, and the blacklist began. In short order, more than 300 people lost their jobs simply because they were called to testify. Most were never able to work in Hollywood again. The committee continued doing the same thing for many years.
While many people's lives were destroyed, its real effect was the chilling effect which the arrests had on the movie industry. Where before people occasionally voiced support for workers organizing for better wages, now people were afraid to say anything that might be considered Communist.
The Hollywood Ten were eventually sentenced to one year prison terms. One of the ten, Edward Dymytryk, publicly announced that he had once been a Communist and was prepared to give evidence against others as well. Not only was he given early release from jail, but his career recovered. The idea that being a Communist was a criminal offense was now well solidified in the mind of the public.
Many of those convicted had worked in their chosen career for years and had no other way to support their family. Some of the blacklisted writers adopted pseudonyms and continued writing under a different name for drastically reduced pay. Actors didn't have even that option.
Taken from Wikipedia:
The Hollywood blacklist had long gone hand in hand with the Red-baiting activities of J. Edgar Hoover's FBI. Adversaries of HUAC such as lawyer Bartley Crum, who defended some of the Hollywood Ten in front of the committee in 1947, were labeled as Communist sympathizers or subversives and targeted for investigation themselves.
In the 1950s, the FBI tapped Crum's phones, opened his mail, and placed him under continuous surveillance. As a result, he lost most of his clients and committed suicide in 1959.
Intimidating and dividing the left is now seen as a central purpose of the HUAC hearings. Fund-raising for once-popular humanitarian efforts became difficult, and despite the sympathies of many in the industry there was little open support in Hollywood for causes such as the African American Civil Rights Movement and opposition to nuclear weapons testing.
In time, work written by scriptwriter Dalton Trumbo was nominated for an Academy award, and he was hired to write Spartacus. In a sense, the blacklist was broken when Kirk Douglas wrote Dalton Trumbo's name, not his pseudonym, on a book stating that he was allowed on the premises. Even that little step got pushback as the studio asked him what he was doing.
Douglas later stated brazenly to journalists that Trumbo had written the script. A massive media attack was organized by people favoring the blacklist, and the studios wanted to capitulate. Kirk Douglas was tremendously powerful in Hollywood at the time, and his contract for Spartacus gave him the power to prevent the movie from ever beeing seen at all. The studio didn't want to lose its investment, so they were forced to move forward.
Many movie theaters refused to show Spartacus when it first came out. Spartacus was a huge hit, and when it did well across the country, theater owners decided that refusing to show movies was bad business.
The blacklist died a slow death. HUAC didn't go away, but over time being called before it lost all meaning because what it was doing came to be known as a shameful thing.
According to many of those of the time, most of the Hollywood Ten had in fact been Communists. Almost all of them said that they were not when called by HUAC, except Dalton Trumbo. Sometimes movies glamorize people who didn't deserve it, but in this case, Trumbo doesn't go nearly far enough to show just how courageous he was. He was one man against the machine.
Almost all his friends, who were also named and blacklisted, said they weren't Communists. By doing so, they reinforced the message that suggested it was a crime to be one.
Despite that, Trumbo never backed down. When found in contempt of court, he said to reporters that he did indeed hold the court in contempt.
When Kirk Douglas used Trumbo's name instead of his pseudonym, he had a great deal of power, but most people in his position probably wouldn't have done it. As respected as he was, it also meant that he had more to lose. If things had turned out differently his decision could have destroyed him. Even the rich and powerful can be taken down by the sort of people that he made enemies of.
Douglas himself was one of the most successful stars of that era. He made a few bad movies, but he made some great ones too, and he had far more range than many of his costars. Despite that, ending the blacklist was the best thing he ever did.
When people heard about the circumstances of all those people whose careers had been ruined, opinions began to change. HUAC had acted against virtually every sort of left leaning organization, accusing each of them of being Communists. Progressives were silenced by fear, and for almost a decade, progress stopped. His decision to fight the blacklist helped change America.
From the beginning of the red scare to the end, there was no substantial change to any law. The only things different were the ideas given by one American to another. Real change is only finalized by the law. Before you can make the law, you must make them believe.

At any moment it could happen again.
What would it be? Is it already happening? If you are Muslim, are you being targeted? Who is considered subsersive today? We are all being watched. Will they start calling us in for questioning? What will our crime be? Mob mentality is only a speech away. A paragraph away. A sentence away. A word away.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
There are plenty of 'Lists' in 2016
Terrorist watch lists - Visit the wrong website or search google with the wrong keyword, or say the wrong thing in a forum, and you too may join the list.
No Fly List - What's the criteria to get on it? Or get off it? You won't even know you are on this black list until you arrive at the airport.
No Speech List - Like the journalist who got blackballed off of HuffPo over the weekend for daring to write an article questioning Hellery's Health.
Favored Journos List - There are wikileaks HRC emails that show how only friendly Journos get invited to her events. And how the Journos clear their questions ahead of time thru Hellery's aides.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
The political cartoonist and author Ted Rall was not only fired
by the L.A. Times, he has been forced to take legal action against that company to protect his good name. The reason he was fired? "It has since come out that they(The L.A.Times) did so as a favor to Charlie Beck the $297,000 a year chief of the L.A. Police Department."
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Thanks for this comment--
I need all the names I can get of people who have been fired, censured, pressured, demonized for their journalistic work (and I include political cartoons in that). Any names other than Rall and Bruenig that anybody can come up with would be appreciated.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
You are welcome. Ted published a column on this & it's worse
than I wrote. Perhaps the column Rall wrote is at his website. Anyway, he was a victim of a reverse SLAPP suit, according to the column, and had to put up $75,000 as a bond in order to have a chance at justice. His admirers raised the money for him.
The ongoing episode shows how free speech is once again a joke and that the odds are stacked in favor of the rich and politically connected vs the rank and file citizen.
If you want to find his column, and cannot, I would be willing to type his column into an email or a message - sorry but I lack tech sophistication - and send it to you.
Rall also had his cartoons pulled from DailyKos because, it is said, those who control the content didn't like the way he drew Obama.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
The Ted Rall fiasco at dkos
was the first that I had become aware of overt censorship at that site. I am sure it was happening earlier, but this time was so blatant.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
They claimed racism, but they obviously didn't look at his
other cartoons. Interestingly, Tom the Dancing Bug protested,
Here's the Kos screenshot,
Technically he was not banned - they said "if it happens again," after which he left voluntarily rather than changing his cartooning style to kiss Kos' rump.
Of course, had he not changed his style and attempted to continue, he would have been banned.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
It's because Daily Kos
is not a democratic site - it's a Democratic Party site. Big difference obviously, and they're pretty clear about enforcing that. Kos stays loyal to the Party no matter where it goes or what it does. Stays loyal also to the systems and procedures of the US government in general. Progressive change is meant to be accomplished strictly from within the structure of the Democratic Party.
It is very ironic
since Markos' Democratic Party (big D) has proven itself to be very UN-democratic (little d). Which is also the reason why he has been bleeding writers, commenters, and members from his own also very undemocratic and autocratic site.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
cenk uygur, probably Ed Schultz, though that would be
harder to prove as they kept publishing that his ratings were low. Olberman, also harder to prove. Schuster suspended for using the word pimped out with respect to Chelsea Clinton. (He objected because reporters were not supposed to ask Chelsea questions, yet she was campaigning for Hillary during the 2008 primary. If he had used that term with respect to someone with no "juice" would he have been suspended? Don't know.) Later he looked for a new job--who could blame him and MSNBC fired him for that.
D.G. Seaman
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
In the world of the MSM, include Phil Donahue.
As far as I remember, Phil was thee only voice within the mass media who opposed the Bush build up to the invasion of Iraq. From Wikipedia entry on him:
And Dan Rather,
who dared to question Dubya's military record. They made short work of him.
I hadn't heard of that,
I'm glad that you mentioned. I've admired Ted Rall's work for a long but I hadn't heard of the way he'd been let go. That's really awful.
I just went to Ted Rall's web site & there's quite a bit of
information about his ongoing struggle with the L.A. Times. I didn't see the specific newspaper column but the relevant information is there and easy enough to find that even I found it.
I admire Ted Rall too. He's been to Afghanistan, w/o military or CIA "assistance, to write about that conflict and he's generally stuck up for the people in this country who have gotten the scroogie from the Wealthers for one reason or another.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
No kidding! My husband got upset with me because I told him I
googled "how to be a hacker"! He said "now you're on a list!" I said I am pretty sure I am already on some list but I have a perfectly innocent explanation for it: I watched Mr. Robot and became curious! Of course I did it at work not home!
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Good morning, all.
Thank you for the open thread, martian. Very interesting.
Did autocorrect change Trumbo to Trump in the paragraph following the blockquote?
Most likely
it was my fault that it went in there. I got behind and did a lousy job of correcting some errors in the article. I'll go through and fix it this morning.
If you add open thread to your tags, it will put your essay under the Open Threads column on the right. I haven't done it, but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.
It's happening now
Clinton's surrogates called Sanders a communist.
They now call those on the left opposing her useful idiots.
This whole Russia scare tactic is nothing more than a return to a time we thought would never come again. Well, surprise, it's back and this time the Democrats are the ones leading the charge.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Apparently being called a communist doesn't carry the sting
with young people that it once did. I recall seeing a poll that came out about the time of the Iowa caucuses that 10-12% of the people in the country had more positive feelings about "capital S" socialism and communism than they did about capitalism.
Where is a spokesperson for these people?
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
I left GOS ...
... on the day the red-baiting started. That was my limit. I have not been back since.
The Democrats didn't have ...
... clean hands then either.
RFK was a legal aide to Joe McCarthy who was a close family friend of the Kennedys.
Yes, that's for sure. RFK was a very late convert to speaking up
for the laboring class.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
... also approved wire tapping on MLK's phones because of King's alleged communist affiliations.
King did have communist affiliation since Bayard Rustin was
a member of the communist party until 1941. He left when the party devoted 100% to the war and ceased its work on equal rights. A big So-What as far as I am concerned but not to the RW and other apologists for capitalism.
Rustin was key in organizing King's March on Washington along with A. Phillip Randolph(who was a member of the Socialist Party).
So the FBI was never been keen on freedom of speech and freedom of assembly if it involves people who are marginal and need to be kept marginal.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Communists and socialists...
... were very important to the labor and civil rights movements.
We all benefit from the courage of people,known and unknown,from E.V.Debbs to Dalton Trumbo to Fred Hampton,who were willing to put their liberty,livelihoods,and lives on the line for a greater cause.
It seems that for the first 50 years of the 20th century, esp.
up to WW2, Leftists were the only organized groups that fought for equal rights for all Americans and they put their bodies on the line.
You mention Debs: It was a Democrat, Wilson, who made it illegal to criticize US involvement in WW1 and Wilson also encouraged mob action by letting vigilantes round up suspected "slackers" - young men who were not in the military and suspected of not holding a war-approved job. The "work-or-fight" edict from the Wilson administration was often enforced by extra-judicial means, namely mob action.
Debs himself, as mentioned above, got convicted and jailed for speaking out against the war.
"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"
Hellery’s Unpopularity Reaches 12 Month High
Now on par with Trump Unpopularity.
Just thought you guys would like to hear some good news. Hahaha.
Donnie The #ShitHole Douchebag. Fake Friend to the Working Class. Real Asshole.
Nowhere to go but down
Donald Trump's handlers have somehow gotten him to stop stepping on his dick every ten minutes, so Clinton's artificial post-convention bump is inevitably deflating. Maybe she should get out of the Hamptons and actually campaign for president?
Please help support caucus99percent!
Her Heinous should stoop so low as to campaign for what should be her coronation?
Heavens, that might even necessitate her actually speaking to real people instead of carefully screened, favorable audiences. /snark
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
She’ll refuse to do anything unscripted & run out the clock. n/t
Currently asking for lawyers to answer the interrogatories of JW
so she's busy now. Directing lowers. Nothing like a POTUS elected by 50 somethings.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
In the headlines this morning
NFL front office types are forming a blacklist of Colin Kaepernick for refusing to stand for the National Anthem, for Chrissakes. One called him a traitor. White privilege has rarely been so naked in recent years, but blacklists are not dead.
Please help support caucus99percent!
This isn't even half the story
(and by the way you need to get Donald Trump out of the picture and make it consistently "Dalton Trumbo").
The HUAC crap was a blatant and successful attack on the First Amendment (freedom of speech, freedom of assembly). This was recognized at the time and a counter-attack was attempted. It backfired catastrophically, as the "Committee for the First Amendment" was immediately labeled a "Communist front organization" and its members - particularly the prominent Hollywood stars who participated - smeared as "Communist sympathizers" until and unless they groveled and publicly apologized. Even Humphrey Bogart had to grovel in print - not so much for himself, but for the sake of Lauren Bacall, who participated with him and whose career was very young and vulnerable.
After that, no one dared even think of using a First Amendment defense, leaving only the weak and ineffective Fifth Amendment (you take the Fifth, it's an admission of guilt - always has been so, regardless of the Founders' intent).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I ran really behind
yesterday and a lot was left undone with this, hopefully the article looks a little better now.
He's still "Donald" in a couple of places
It's "Dalton".
I know everybody has Trump on the brain, but....
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
It's amazing how hard it is to avoid that mans name. Typing his name in place Trumbo's is really often. He doesn't deserve that association at all.
I see some veterans are defending Kaepernick's right to
not stand for the flag and anthem. Many are saying they served to "defend his free speech". That's actually what they're saying.
How in the bloody hell does serving in Iraq or Afghanistan defend our right to free speech? I wonder if they even think about that.
Apples and oranges
It is good that some veterans are standing up for Kaepernick. Their rationale for doing so, may be wrong, but I still applaud them for doing so. We can always work on trying to educate folks that fighting wars is not the way we defend free speech, but I am not going to diss them for standing up for Kaepernick's First Amendment rights.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Then don't diss them gg.
I wasn't dissing them either. You know I'm a vet. My point is that the singular reason nearly everyone is giving to oppose what Kaepernick did is because he's supposedly disrespecting those in the military who have fought for our freedoms. You know darn well that's not what they're doing and I believe it has to be challenged. Very few, if any that I can see, are doing that. To not challenge it is in effect authenticating it.
If I did diss them, it was not intended since I was defending them. I guess I wasn't very articulate.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
No, I didn't mean that. I think we're on the same page.
In honor of Gene Wilder and his former wife Gilda, "never mind".
We're good Al (n/t)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Speaking of vets...
I have no idea why the fuckityfuck do I do this to myself. I not only logged in to Orange State. I clicked on Teacher Ken. I mean, am I getting senile or what--I never ever ever read him even when I was posting there. And lines like this are why:
So let me get this straight Ken-- you opposed the war, but you were willing to demonstrate your heartfelt, conscience-ridden opposition by killing Vietnamese people if some asswipe told you to...
We have a drawer full of little bars of hotel soap in our bathroom cabinet, but there isn't enough soap in the world to ever get me clean again.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Servicemembers take an oath
to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Where and how they've served doesn't change the oath.
Are the vets you're referring to, Al, only those who served in the Afghanistan and Iraq, or are there some Vietnam vets in there, too, not to mention those who served from the mid-70s through the 80s, when the US was not engaged in combat operations?
Only connect. - E.M. Forster
I just used Afghanistan and Iraq as examples. My point
was they're not serving to protect my freedom of speech. My freedom of speech is protected in the U.S. Constitution. The only way they could be protecting my freedom of speech protected in the Constitution is if they're fighting an enemy that may destroy this country and thereby our supposed freedoms. That's not the case, never has been the case.
The biggest danger to our freedom of speech is our own government. So I'm simply challenging the rationale that those in the military are protecting our "freedoms".
Of course I support them supporting Kaepernick, but I don't support their false narratives about the U.S. military, which in effect are dangerous.
worse now - wasn't that slogan, that they were defending
our free speech by engaging in the Iraq war, the same sort of scaring the people to voice anti-Iraq war sentiments?
As you say, they may not even think about it, but for a reason. They were intimidated to think critically about the war. So, they have to accept this 'nice little cute lie of being the do-gooder fighters for our freedoms" as justification.
I would blame those, who come up with such slogans, (not the poor souls who have to accept them being used) whoever they are in the governmental elite and PR departments.
In no time has there been more oppression of free speech than during the Bush administration's first years of the Afghanistan and Iraq war, between 2001 to 2005 and the main stream media were the biggest enablers of that oppression. 9/11 attack was a perfect tool for the government to oppress free speech inside the US, to oppress critical thinking and to enhance fear mongering about all those "terrorists". What were the fear mongers against communists, became the fear mongering against Islam radicals.
Because these days more and more people start to see that "the war on terror" isn't quite working, they re-introduced the fear against Russia and Putin, which some folks still assosciate with communism. As you know oligarchy is loved by the evil Russians, evil East Europeans, the US foot-licking Western Europeans as much as by the do-gooders US fighters for our "freedoms". What a hoax these fear mongers are, all in the name to get a slice of the cake the oligarchs want to protect worldwide.
I never felt more fear and more intimidated to voice my opinion than nowadays. Even here. What may have been the blacklist in the cold post-wwII war, may be the surveillance powers of those who control the intertubes.
Thats very true.
What some people don't realize, even though its public information, is that all of our communications are being recorded as a process within a facility in the United States. Generally speaking no human being is supposed to look at any specific message, but there is a long list of people who have access to all of it and look at it for any reason they like.
That isn't a conspiracy theory. If you read the newspapers, they have essentially acknowledged all that.
If they determine you are a suspicious individual, they don't even need to get a warrant from a court anymore to go look up anything they like about you.
Now think about the sort of process the FBI used to determine who was "undesirable." You could have attended a meeting of Communists twelve years ago because you thought one of the girls there was hot. That alone can be enough to have them going through every phone call you ever made.
There is no privacy now.
Glenn Greenwald covers in a way this issue today
A New McCarthyism: Greenwald on Clinton Camp's Attempts to Link Trump, Stein & WikiLeaks to Russia
Another excellent OT, MXP!
It is very important that we remember history as we watch it being repeated once again.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Red scare hysteria? Now it’s the Democrats doing it
I really shouldn't anymore, but I read/commented on ....
I read/scan TOP in the same way I read Drudge--as a look at the current talking points agenda of the right. What is the message of the day? What are we being told to believe? In every post about Trump/Putin/Russia (Hillary "liberals" can now call the Russians what the right calls Muslims) posters and diarists are bringing back essentially the methods and tactics of the Red Scare. The sense I get is that they mean it--not just a heinous tactic to be used in an election and left alone after that. Look at the lingering attacks on Bernie and his supporters even after Hillary got the nomination. Recently, a close confidant of Hillary totally attacked Bernie for daring to question Hillary.
I did post sorta what I call Defoe-inspired snark (Quickest Way With Dissenters), but will stop. It may be fun, but futile as even the front pagers are engaging in the same type of Red Scare tactics and methods. I can't even read the Huffingtonpost it has become so virulent.
I suggested on FB this AM that we should all become
un-named officials to make sh*t up and release another rumor. I suspect those anon job pay quite well.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Its going to be an
incredibly ugly campaign by both sides.
Even though he's behind in the polls, Trump has already said that the only way he could possibly lose is if they steal the election. That's an incredibly stupid thing to say when you are obviously the less popular candidate.
He's casting doubt on the whole process. The whole process should be doubted I suppose, but he can never go low enough. Next morning he's always looking for something worse.
Those evil whistleblowers too
The truth is their enemy. Jail the truthsayers!
Meanwhile the $hill hollers RUSSIA! Masters of distraction. That's always been the distract people with nonsense instead of dealing with the problems of real people like poverty and so on.
Dom Helder Camara, Brazilian archbishop, as quoted in Peace Behind Bars : A Peacemaking Priest's Journal from Jail (1995)
One of my political mentors was called up on a HUAA trial (in the federal court in New Orleans). Accused of running a communist spy ring with Eleanor in the White House. Never got traction fortunately.
Seems the more things change, the more they stay the same.
Thanks for the thoughtful essay mxp.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Was not Jessilyn on DK for a time? Another...
We were all lucky, swimmers to be of no entity worth savaging.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Yeah, Jessilyn indeed used to post at TOP.
She has thick skin and tried her damnedest to ignore the reality there to get her message out, but the smug Dem centrists silenced her in the end. Their anti-Raddick campaign was unrelenting and they had no compunctions about the tactics they used. Lying, red-baiting, slut-shaming; it was all good for the lalala I can't hear you brigade.
These people are every bit as despicable as the worst of the Thugs.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
It may be also worthwhile to listen to Glenn Greenwald
talking about the potential new Pentagon chief under a Hillary Clinton presidency.
Glenn Greenwald: Obama Has Bombed 7 Nations, But Clinton Claims He Has Not Been Militaristic Enough
I am working very hard to get people to not vote for her!
O.k. When is the next meeting for the revolution?
-FuturePassed on Sunday, November 25, 2018 10:22 p.m.
Me too!
My 94 year old mother told me recently that she will not be voting for either Clinton or Trump, but is looking at third party candidates. I told her that I am voting for the Green Party candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, but I really did not care who she voted for as long as it was not Clinton or Trump. This is a big change as she was previously in the Clinton camp.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
My 96 year old mother, luckily housebound
will not remember election day 2016. She would vote for the long-storied woman. Works for me...
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
9/11 was this generation's litmus test
did the buildings fall down or blow up? etc.
Bill Maher got fired for saying the wrong thing and that lesson was quickly learned by everyone in broadcasting.
as with who shot JFK, the prohibition is still in effect, but fading.
Someone should do an essay on this
Above my pay grade:
The Privilege of Hillary Clinton Voters
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Speaking of Kirk Douglas, with Stanley Kubrick made one of the
best war films ever.
Being or becoming rich most definitely makes people soft. Driven by a fear of losing their status, velvet rope access and money pit if they dare call out the status quo, corruption or racism and bigotry, stars who could make a difference remain silent. And as we all know from the ActUp folks, Silence=Complicity.
As far as actors (who I personally don't consider in the same echelon as musicians/songwriters) there are great examples throughout. Marlon Brando comes to mind, requesting that a native American Indian woman accept his Academy Award. Emma Thompson has been remarkable lately too. Her fiery, straight-forward words about the virtues of socialism and commitment to climate change have been remarkable.
Check out Brando, along with Baldwin, Belafonte, Portier and surprise, Charlton Heston, presumably when he had a conscience. This kind of free-flowing roundtable on race would never happen today, although Bernie Sanders did something similar in Charleston, SC.
Was so disappointed to see SF 49er Hall of Famer Jerry Rice get soft and shifty in a tone deaf, wish washy, corporate Tweet to Kapernick, which was on the sidebar of a link someone referenced yesterday. "All lives matter. So much going on in this world today.Can we all just get along! Colin,I respect your stance but don't disrespect the Flag."
Fascism has come to America, as Sinclair Lewis said, wrapped in the flag (USA!USA! at the DNC) and carrying the cross.
Time to re-read Orwell on Nationalism and Fascism.
Good essay again, martianexpatriate. Thanks!
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
My mom and I saw the film Trumbo together.
She was a teenager at the time of HUAC, and more interested in getting out of the apartment and having fun, than interested in anything of a political nature. A few years later she married and started raising kids, still uninterested in politics, but peripherally aware. This movie made more of that history clear to her, and our discussion afterward contributed to her greater understanding of how current day politics (propaganda) thrives on fear and deliberate deception as well.
Thank you martian for this essay.
Here's a little story about the red scare
WWII was to defeat the Japanese who were pretty much just a militaristic country interested in having natural resources for the country, while the other theater of war was to defeat Nazi Fascism, not Communism. Interesting that while it's always mentioned in a rather nonchalant way was that Hitler always expected the British for sure and the Americans maybe to support him against Stalin and the communists, after all he had many supporters among both nationalities, Kennedy, Bush the royal family which is German to name a few.
The reason I mention this is that today hillary and co are using the red scare and while many are stating that we've become a fascist country already, which is where my thinking is.
Disclaimer: the last story my father told me before he passed was how the FBI visited his small neighborhood store in the early 50's inquiring about his father being a card carrying member of a grocers union which they just happened to believe was communist. They asked him if his was father was a commie and he the good child he was pleaded ignorance and so the story goes, that yes he was a card carrying communist.
I've always wondered why he never told me this earlier, was he trying to
protect me, was he still scared of what might happen.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley