Another Email Dump, Another CF/SOS Quid-pro-quo Deal
Here's the back-drop for the on-going saga -- about how much "private business" can someone conduct, when acting {off-line and through back-channels} in the capacity of one of America's most powerful "public servants" ...
from -- August 10, 2016
RON FOURNIER, NATIONAL JOURNAL: People very close to the Clintons, including a source who’s working with the Clintons for more than two decades who told me the week that the New York Times exposed this rogue server that what this was all about was the foundation, that — the blurring of the lines between their political and professional lives. That’s what was in the emails, was sort of — look for the pay to play. This kind of favor-giving...
Here's the back-story on how foreign interests become personally indebted to their "friends in high places" in far-off lands ...
Clinton Foundation donor received $13 million from State Department
by Rudy Takala, -- 4/18/16
The State Department doled out $13 million in grants for longtime friend and Clinton Foundation donor Muhammad Yunus during Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of state, according to federal records.
[...]When the Bangladeshi government in 2011 began investigating the bank over charges that funds had been mismanaged, Hillary Clinton intervened as secretary of state, contacting the country's officials directly in addition to holding a news conference in the U.S. to express "concern and hope" that the bank would "continue to function productively." Yunus was nonetheless forced out of his position later that year by his government.
[...]The fact that Yunus has contributed more than $100,000 to the foundation casts doubt on whether that correspondence should have taken place. The FBI reportedly opened an investigation in January to probe whether work at the department was inappropriately commingled with work at the foundation. [...]
And here's the latest email dump that shows how the intermingling of public and private business, knows no bounds when it comes to 'going that extra mile, to make those "special interests" feel special ...
Another day, another Hillary/Clinton Foundation scandal
by Paul Mirengoff, -- August 10, 2016
In today’s installment we learn that (1) Hillary Clinton, during an official visit to Bangladesh as Secretary of State, publicly defended the bank of a crooked long-time friend of her husband and major Clinton Foundation donor [Muhammad Yunnus], (2) in response, the Clinton Foundation emailed top Hillary aide Cheryl Mills about accepting a donation from the bank and a giant Abu Dhabi oil company, (3) the Clinton Foundation accepted the donation, and (4) Bill Clinton ended up with a big speaking fee.
This information comes from a May 7, 2012, email chain between Mills and the Clinton Foundation’s foreign policy director, obtained through the legal efforts of Citizens United, and from the reporting of Richard Pollock of the Daily Caller.
[...]Three hours later, Desai [CF's foreign policy director] forwarded Andich’s email to Mills [SOS' Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills] and wrote, “we’d welcome your guidance on accepting funds from TAQA [a giant oil and gas company in Abu Dhabi].” Mills replied, “Will call to discuss.”
The donation of TAQA funds was being offered by TAQA’s managing director in Scotland. He had agreed to give $60,000 to the Foundation for Bill to speak at a Scotland charity and auction.
Of course those were some "vested interests" that the Clinton Foundation/State Dept had some quid-pro-quo incentives in maintaining milking, [as the latest emails confirms, "they bought the ‘spend a day with President Clinton’ auction experience."].
Because it's not like it wasn't a two-way street ...
[Yunnus'] foundation donated between $100,000 to $250,000, according to the Clinton Foundation website. During Hillary’s tenure at State, the U.S. Agency for International Development, a State Department division, awarded millions of grant dollars to Yunus and to his allies
In 2010, it [TAQA] won the first of three “blanket agreements” with the Obama administration to import billions of cubic feet of natural gas from Canada into the United States.
Gotta keep those high-rollers happy -- no wonder Cheryl Mills was tapped as go-between, to make sure the latest pay-to-play donation/favor went all 'according to Hoyle'.
An off-line, very opaque, destined-to-be-deleted, Quid-pro-quo rulebook of Hoyle.
Because: "What the American people never see, will never hurt them, right?" ... U-betcha!

I know that ...
The Who: I Can See for Miles Lyrics
... and Miles!
And now... a song that sums up my feelings...
towards our esteemed Candidates... (Yes, my early 20's are showing.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
you sound like
some sort of Pinball Wizard, DMW.
Still say they are too big to jail.
If Trump wins, maybe the Clintons get indicted. If Hillary wins, never. When you stop to realize the Democratic Party knows all of this and stole the election to give it to her anyway, it says to me the Democratic Party needs to die.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If the GOP
holds the House and Senate,
There's an Impeachment Trial in someone's future.
Heck, there might be, even if they don't,
Assuming the story is ever clearly and plainly told.
This is exactly why they stole it
They would never allow the people to wield real power.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
Here here @DKMich
While any prudent person can see the pay to play in all their activities, the Party and "Important People" will sweep it all under the rug.
I eagerly await future wiki-dumps, but I am not hopeful anything will come of them...except bouts of high blood pressure for Blueslide.
I eagerly
await the news of Hillary eating a baby.
Her support from those in her camp will go up.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
It depends on whether she eats it raw or broiled and what the
side dishes are. The elite might have trouble condoning it (although, they will find a way to look aside) if the baby is fried or boiled as that is so declasse...and no French fries!
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
As long as she was eating
As long as she was eating Irish babies, she and her supporters would claim precedent and doubtless use recipes from the work cited below. (With Bush Admin-approved 'freedom fries' only, of course; never French fries, since the Bush admin fried freedom themselves, as well as providing precedent for Hillary's actions.)
And they'd never get the point of the work in question.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
This is the part I had in mind when I wrote that:
Roasted or baked may also work for the elite, but as I said, they would find other methods of preparation to be below their standards. Irish babies are no longer on the menu as that country is now a social democracy, and the meat will be a bit too equality laced for today's elitist tastes.
The commoners, though, will have to stick with Soylent Green.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
At this point,
If Hillary committed a felony on live-feed, in front of millions, would she get indicted? I tend to doubt it.
"Obama promised transparency, but Assange is the one who brought it."
The rule of law is dead in this country
The people in the government that knew that the Clintons were doing this and turned a blind eye to their corruption. I don't know of another word for what this is.
Using her position at the state department to interfere with cases before the government in return for donations and speaking fees.
Plus the donations to the foundation in order to get Bill's connection to other country's government to officials so that they can get lucrative contracts.
Then there is the deal Boeing got to build jets for Russia after Hillary used her position to get it for them and Boeing then donated millions to the foundation.
The Saudi weapons deals and countless others and with each deal, Bill would first get paid to give a speech, Hillary would do her thing, and then the foundation would receive millions.
And what has the Clinton foundation done with those billions of donations?
Her supporters tell us that they spend the money on AIDS drugs in Africa.
Which has been debunked.
And is that all they supposedly have used the money for? Which other charities have received money from the foundation?
According to the charity navigator, none.
The money goes to travel expenses, hotels, their lifestyle and the salaries of the people who work for the foundation.
How much money was spent in Haiti after the earthquake?
I don't have the time to go over the scam they played on the Haiti people, but look up 'Clinton foundation Haiti scandals'
And people in our government knew about this, yet did nothing!
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Will this FBI & states investigation lead somewhere?
Came up this morning on twitter. Not the most reliable source, but since only the right wingers seem to want to find out about the criminal behavior of the Clintons, need to see where it will go.
EXCLUSIVE: Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway
I think it came from the morning links on Naked Capitalism. One of the comments said that FBI has to get ahead of the story so that they can claim it is a nothing burger before Judicial Watch breaks the story.
Will this FBI & states investigation lead somewhere?
Came up this morning on twitter. Not the most reliable source, but since only the right wingers seem to want to find out about the criminal behavior of the Clintons, need to see where it will go.
EXCLUSIVE: Joint FBI-US Attorney Probe Of Clinton Foundation Is Underway
I think it came from the morning links on Naked Capitalism. One of the comments said that FBI has to get ahead of the story so that they can claim it is a nothing burger before Judicial Watch breaks the story.
If Clinton Foundation is such a credit to the Clintons ...
Where does CGI money go?
There was an article a few months ago stating that only about 5% of the 'donations' actually reach charitable efforts. All of the rest is spent on shmoozing, administrative costs, and fundraisers.
Why isn't anyone 'following the money' in that direction? What happens to the money once it is 'donated'? How much do the Clintons get paid as administrators (besides their 'speaking fees')?
The reason that I ask is because so many democrats (of which I am no longer a member of that org since #demexit) look at CGI as a noble enterprise. "They do so much good around the world." "They are saints." What would those 'good democrats' say if they found out the Clintons are spending that 'charity' money on islands or something?
It's one thing to squirm around some pay-to-play wink-wink everybody-does-it shenanigans. But how are the 'donations' actually being spent?
Maybe wikileaks can help us with that... lol
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
Clintons earned speaking fees of $11.7 million to Non-Profits
The Clintons have earned $11.7 million in speaking fees to non-profit organizations. When Hillary Clinton received $200,000 for speaking to the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach California in 2014, she donated it to the Clinton Foundation. Bill Clinton pocketed his speaking fee to this organization as personal income. Condi Rice, former Secretary of State to George W. Bush, got $60,000 and plowed most of it back into the Boys and Girls Club of Long Beach.
"Apparently, unnamed sources close to the Boys and Girls Club weren’t happy that Secretary Clinton gave her speech (closed to the media) and “took off without visiting any of the club’s facilities to meet the children who benefit from its services.” As Vogel notes, “By contrast, Rice spent the morning before her speech (which was open to the media) touring a club facility and talking with its children about the importance of staying in school and chasing their dreams.” Hillary Clinton’s dream is now the White House, which means that she might not be spending time touring charity facilities in a state like California that is already check-marked for the Democratic presidential candidate in 2016."
Warmonger Condi Should Be In the Dock
Along with all of the other war criminals of the Dubya-Cheney mal-Administration. That she runs about freely collecting money for spewing her lies sets a terrible example for girls of any community.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Nice little tax ruse
With Condi and the $60,000. Why not just speak for free and save the paperwork?
Good question about where the money goes.
I already wrote that a lot of it goes to their salaries, travel and lifestyles and I tried to find out how much the Clintons are paid, but the only article I could find was one about Chelsea's great gig when she worked for msnbc
I looked at the Clinton foundation's website to see what it said and just like Hillary's non answers, the website for s just as vague.
How it spends it's money.
Here's how they have helped the people in Haiti.
Nothing about creating public housing for the people who are still living in tents 6 years after the earthquake. Nothing about how they stole farmlands from farmers who had owned and worked on their farms for generations in order for the Clintons to help rebuild the sweatshops for the companies like Gap, Old Navy and the other ones who have the Haitians create their clothes.
Nor how Hillary's state department worked hard to make sure that the minimum wage wasn't raised from $.31 per hour to $.64.
Can't have those people cut into profits.
And nothing about how they got the casinos and hotels rebuilt for the tourists.
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
Good piece.
I especially liked:
Or as Bill Maher once quipped..."The Lucky Sperm Club".
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
Stud fees. That's what the line below made me think of.
How about 'The Golden Eggs Club' in this case?
Please consider subscribing monthly, to help keep c99 going.
What a bunch of weasel words.
//exploring the nexus of agriculture, energy and environment// my ass.
Hillary is a disgusting human being. There's really no other way to put it.
human being? n/t
Thanks for sharing your research.
It reminds me of something else I read a while back about Shillary helping out women in poorer countries. If you look closely, it was predatory loans.
It was something like: CGI gets investors to give loans to entrepreneurs. Women can make clothing and sell it online from developing nations etc. While CGI shows all happy faces when the loans are given, MSM does nothing to follow up. "Oh how wonderful Saint Bill and Saint Hillary are!" A year later, however, the people who borrowed the money are out of business and in debt for the rest of their lives for high interest loans that they can never repay.
Yeah, she's really helping women around the world (while her bank buddies get wealthier).
I'll see if I can find that one again.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when we are afraid of the light.
Under Hillary...
The State Department Was Open For Business.
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Clintons scandals and Pokémon
How are Clintons scandals and Pokémon alike?
No matter how hard you try, you'll never catch 'em all!!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
I thought it was more like...
Step out of your house and you'll see evidence of them EVERYWHERE!
But those who are paid not to the have the app think it's a myth.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Not the first bank/state/foundation episode.
Here's the Atlantic on UBS, how Hillary interfered with the IRS's case, and Bill subsequently got a big check.
Compared to other charities
the foundation is a joke. We all know it is a money laundering machine. Maybe 13% is used for charity?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I remember after the 1972 election
when I figured that Nixon got away with the Watergate break in; after a few months the whole cover up started unraveling. The two main differences I see today are the investigative journalists have been shunted off to relative obscurity by the main media honchos and in 1972 there was a definitive difference between Democrats and Republicans. Today we get snippets of the pay to play Clinton Foundation that was going on during HRC's sos tenure but these stories are coming to us from "fringe" sources. In 1973 (especially after March, 1973) there were stories daily about Watergate and of course the Watergate Hearings were televised and replayed in the evenings. The Democrats in the Senate were hellbent on getting to the bottom of Watergate and the Republicans only reluctantly went along. After the break in and cover up were well established some of the Republicans (Sen Baker of TN comes to mind) worked behind the scenes to coerce Nixon to resign rather than go through a trial of impeachment.
One of my biggest problems with all this is the complicity of the Obama Administration in all this. Wasn't there an agreement to keep the CF separate from State? Why wasn't somebody put in charge of making sure that agreement was followed? Why did Obama's people turn a blind eye to the email server mess? The Senate, too, had a responsibility to make sure the agreement they made with HRC was complied with. Maybe this whole pay to play fiasco shows just how compromised our whole system is in every aspect of national governing.
Not only was there a difference between dems & repubs in 1972,
Politicians still had some vestige of honor & duty, because the republican leaders went to Nixon & told him they wouldn't support him.
Imagine that happening in today's Democratic Party.
A Short History Lesson
American corporatists paid the Union costs of the Civil War in trade for title to the vast stretches of land along the routes chosen to build railroads. Despite several "panics" which happened afterward, the basic system continued unabated, until business owned the government by the 1920s. Then, their unrestrained excesses led to a complete collapse of the American economy.
Some of the more insightful capitalists sought to emulate Mussolini (Hitler hadn't come along yet) and desired to do to the US what Benito had done to Italy, only FDR messed that up. They tried to stage a coup in 1934, and essentially got away with it even though the benefits they sought didn't show up until FDR opened the war spigots in 1940. (FDR tapped a Major Eisenhower to be his liaison with these industrialists to get them on board with the nascent US war effort, which is when he learned about the military-industrial complex.)
The War Years were incredibly profitable, and few in Congress dared to do anything about the rampant profiteering. Senator Harry Truman was one such, going over the books of many of the war profiteers and threatening them with losing their contracts unless they got their costs more in order with what was expected. His reward was to be taken out of the Senate to be VEEP and not trouble the profiteers anymore.
No one since has come close to affecting the growing profits of the MIC.
Since government no longer can control the wealthy, the "charity" scam evolved for when war wasn't so profitable and lots of money was coming in. What the Clintons have done is to reverse the graft mechanism so that "charity" now funds war at the double expense of the tax payers. First, we lose the write-offs for charitable contributions, then we get to pay for the war materiel "donated" to warring parties.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
I have to run to the doctor's office but wanted to give you this
We now know who leaked the medical records and he is , of course, quite dead by now.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
From your link
How many mysterious deaths does that make?
Here in the USA arming and funding Israeli genocide and mass murder is perfectly OK, but objecting to it will get you expelled, arrested or deported.
I read somewhere that the elder Mr. Fleck
placed a "dead man's switch" on publication of the report. If he was smart enough to do this, perhaps he was also smart enough to not discuss this with his doctor son.
I think Dr. Fleck and his family need to take a sabbatical in some out of the way place.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
Too Late For That
If you can get anywhere, so can the agent assigned to clean you up.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Imagine the money Bill is going to make as 1st Gentleman
Hillary Clinton if her SOS job is any harbinger, will be spending most of her time on getting Bill speaking engagements and making sure big foundation donors get what they paid for.
This is an email story from 11 months ago
when apparently it got zero traction, but clearly sounds pay to play. This is Abedin asking for help from Teneo before she started working for them:
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member