My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
Regarding the JFK assasination.
From:New Info in Seth Rich Case Updated
orlbucfan Sun, 05/21/2017 - 08:05am 1 Sun, 05/21/2017 - 08:41am
Your photos are simply....magnificent, @boriscleto.
From:Friday Night Photos - Roast Duck edition
orlbucfan Sat, 05/20/2017 - 07:29am 0
Orrin Hatch scares the holy shite out of me!
From:Now, as you move atop your meditation pillow...
orlbucfan Thu, 05/18/2017 - 05:16pm 1 Thu, 05/18/2017 - 08:29pm
No shite, sherlock!
From:Trump committed the sin America does not forgive.
orlbucfan Thu, 05/18/2017 - 02:36pm 1 Thu, 05/18/2017 - 03:56pm
There's that magic/tragic date again: 1980. Major barforama!!
From:Single Payer Update and Reading List
orlbucfan Thu, 05/18/2017 - 12:26pm 1 Thu, 05/18/2017 - 02:09pm
Plus I hate the logo: dead giveaway right there!
From:Justice Democrats are Just Demagogues
orlbucfan Thu, 05/18/2017 - 11:40am 0
From:Justice Democrats are Just Demagogues
orlbucfan Thu, 05/18/2017 - 11:39am 1 Thu, 05/18/2017 - 11:40am
Wow....just wow....!
From:Hillary will now officially lead the McResistance
orlbucfan Tue, 05/16/2017 - 06:43am 0
That will be a cold day in you-know-where.
From:Hillary will now officially lead the McResistance
orlbucfan Mon, 05/15/2017 - 09:14pm 0
This is a bit O/T, PriceRip.
From:The Dodenhoff family was Warned
orlbucfan Sun, 05/14/2017 - 03:13pm 0
Bon matin, mon ami!
From:Open Thread - Friday, May 12, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 05/12/2017 - 08:01am 2 Fri, 05/12/2017 - 12:07pm
@CB: Plenty of Cheney garbage still embedded
From:James Comey fired! Watch out Hillary!
orlbucfan Wed, 05/10/2017 - 03:59pm 0
What a joke, @strife delivery!
From:Richsplaining Liberals
orlbucfan Tue, 05/09/2017 - 07:02am 1 Tue, 05/09/2017 - 10:49am
@Pluto: A-M-E-N!!
From:The logical contradiction of an industry headed toward ruin
orlbucfan Mon, 05/08/2017 - 07:19am 0
From:Where Is the Support in the Left Media for the #DNCFraudLawsuit? Say It Ain't So - Both Thomas Frank and TYT Panel Shirk From Standing With DNC Collusion and Fraud Issues. Where Are Our Allies?
orlbucfan Sun, 05/07/2017 - 09:58am 0
Bon matin, mon ami!
From:Open Thread - Friday, May 5, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 05/05/2017 - 10:29am 0
DWS is a shark, alright, a dead one.
From:Some more Establishment Democrat nastiness
orlbucfan Thu, 05/04/2017 - 07:02am 0
@Alligator Ed: talk about a BS form letter response.
From:Response from my Democratic Congressman who doesn't support single-payer
orlbucfan Tue, 05/02/2017 - 12:21pm 1 Tue, 05/02/2017 - 07:51pm
@Phoebe: you need to start your diaries up again.
From:America's Debt Slaves Are In Trouble
orlbucfan Tue, 05/02/2017 - 12:11pm 1 Wed, 05/10/2017 - 01:49pm
Get off the anti-Sanders rap!
From:Why did the Dems lose? It's even worse than you might think
orlbucfan Mon, 05/01/2017 - 04:47pm 1 Mon, 05/01/2017 - 05:44pm
Trick the Dicky Prick and then Rayguns. 6 years apart.
From:The President Addresses Gun Porn Convention
orlbucfan Sat, 04/29/2017 - 12:26pm 1 Sat, 04/29/2017 - 01:08pm
You are absolutely right about Johnson. More voters
From:Hou$e Democrat$, Autop$ied Them$elve$.
orlbucfan Fri, 04/28/2017 - 02:08pm 1 Fri, 04/28/2017 - 02:26pm
Hola Senor soul fine Tim! :-)
From:Open Thread - Friday, April 28, 2017 - Galactic Edition
orlbucfan Fri, 04/28/2017 - 01:41pm 0
bobswern is the blogger who taught me
From:Bob Swern Paints Himself With Honey And Lies Down On Daily Kos Ant Hill
orlbucfan Thu, 04/27/2017 - 06:44pm 1 Thu, 04/27/2017 - 09:44pm
Thank you for the nice compliment.
From:Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
orlbucfan Tue, 04/25/2017 - 02:25pm 0
Speaking of the devil (Satan). :-)
From:Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
orlbucfan Tue, 04/25/2017 - 07:56am 0
Good morning Music Mark!
From:Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
orlbucfan Tue, 04/25/2017 - 07:52am 1 Tue, 04/25/2017 - 09:47am
Wandered over to TOP for subir's diary.
From:Subir's takedown of Moulitsas at TOS is EPIC!
orlbucfan Mon, 04/24/2017 - 03:22pm 0
It was in Orlando in the east central part of FL.
From:The Weekly Watch
orlbucfan Sun, 04/23/2017 - 01:29pm 1 Sun, 04/23/2017 - 01:41pm
I prefer reading to listening when it comes to interviews.
From:The Weekly Watch
orlbucfan Sun, 04/23/2017 - 08:33am 1 Sun, 04/23/2017 - 08:47am
got science?
From:Let's get politics out of science.
orlbucfan Sat, 04/22/2017 - 08:16am 0
Actually working in the Sanders campaign
From:This is the ultimate in delusion
orlbucfan Fri, 04/21/2017 - 09:33am 1 Fri, 04/21/2017 - 11:40am
Hola mi (soul fine) amigo!
From:Open Thread - Friday, April 21, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 04/21/2017 - 08:56am 1 Fri, 04/21/2017 - 09:31am
It's great to hear that you are doing better, rl.
From:Open Thread - Friday, April 21, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 04/21/2017 - 08:43am 0
Markos Moulitas.
From:Huff(Com)Post's Ryan Grim Says TOP Experiencing A Resurgence Via The Resistance™. Commenters at TYT Video Say Progressives Left The Place For Good/Not Fooled by PR Makeover.
orlbucfan Thu, 04/20/2017 - 07:33am 0
How did he betray them @irishking?
From:Joe Lieberman's nightmare
orlbucfan Wed, 04/19/2017 - 09:09am 1 Wed, 04/19/2017 - 03:30pm
Easter and Religion in general.
From:Open Thread - Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
orlbucfan Tue, 04/18/2017 - 07:24am 0
From:Are the neoliberals beginning to lose their grip on the Democratic Party?
orlbucfan Mon, 04/17/2017 - 08:21am 1 Tue, 04/18/2017 - 08:55pm
Hope you are doing well, rl. :-)
From:Open Thread - Friday, April 14, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 04/14/2017 - 04:11pm 0
I dig me some Dixie Cups. :-)
From:Open Thread - Friday, April 14, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 04/14/2017 - 10:49am 0
Good morning, fellow soul (fine) freak. :-)
From:Open Thread - Friday, April 14, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 04/14/2017 - 08:40am 1 Fri, 04/14/2017 - 09:30am
Big whoop. Bet $hrill and the DLCers love it.
From:What the hell is wrong with us?
orlbucfan Thu, 04/13/2017 - 01:40pm 0
Know that I wish you the very best! :-)
From:At the Movies
orlbucfan Wed, 04/12/2017 - 11:04am 0
Don't mean to butt in, rl. I only
From:At the Movies
orlbucfan Wed, 04/12/2017 - 08:14am 1 Wed, 04/12/2017 - 09:04am
Hola, mi music amigo. :-)
From:Open Thread - Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
orlbucfan Tue, 04/11/2017 - 09:12am 0
DLC morphed into Democratic Leadership Craporate
From:Democrats and Neocons are now allies
orlbucfan Mon, 04/10/2017 - 06:08pm 0
Reminds me of the FL banana spiders. They were large
From:New spider species discovered in Baja
orlbucfan Sun, 04/09/2017 - 09:41am 0
You'd be surprised. :-)
From:MSM winning the War on Alternative Media
orlbucfan Sat, 04/08/2017 - 05:18pm 0
It's also the coin$$ you make off that propaganda.
From:MSM winning the War on Alternative Media
orlbucfan Sat, 04/08/2017 - 05:13pm 0
Hola mi soul (fine) amigo!
From:Open Thread - Friday, April 6, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 04/07/2017 - 09:16am 2 Fri, 04/07/2017 - 01:08pm
MoveOn is being infected in a similar fashion
From:Democratic Party Civil Wars: The DLC Empire Strikes Back
orlbucfan Thu, 04/06/2017 - 10:40am 0
Yep, and folks like me who have Demexited
From:Democratic Party Civil Wars: The DLC Empire Strikes Back
orlbucfan Thu, 04/06/2017 - 10:35am 0
@Big Al, why does the Bernster bug you so much??
From:Democratic Party Civil Wars: The DLC Empire Strikes Back
orlbucfan Thu, 04/06/2017 - 10:32am 1 Thu, 04/06/2017 - 01:15pm
[Insert loud Bronx cheer of disgust!]
From:Democratic Party Civil Wars: The DLC Empire Strikes Back
orlbucfan Thu, 04/06/2017 - 10:27am 1 Sat, 04/08/2017 - 01:03am
Thanks janis b for the heads-up!!
From:There are people here who will want to know of SpecialKinFlag's passing
orlbucfan Thu, 04/06/2017 - 10:02am 0
Man, I wish I was younger.
From:Do-it-yourself Diplomacy. Are you the "One"?
orlbucfan Wed, 04/05/2017 - 08:31am 0
Thank you, @dkmich!!
From:The Democratic Party Civil War Has Begun
orlbucfan Wed, 04/05/2017 - 08:06am 0
P.S.: Big Taibbi fan here, also. LOL.
From:Open Thread - Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
orlbucfan Tue, 04/04/2017 - 06:21pm 0
Potliquor was a Southern boogie rock band out of
From:Open Thread - Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
orlbucfan Tue, 04/04/2017 - 06:18pm 1 Tue, 04/04/2017 - 06:21pm
Checking in. I always watch for your diaries
From:Open Thread - Rants, Muses, Books & Music (and Some Cooking Too).
orlbucfan Tue, 04/04/2017 - 10:16am 1 Tue, 04/04/2017 - 12:27pm
Why are they "dead" to you? All 3 are human, therefore,
From:Is fake news the problem?
orlbucfan Tue, 04/04/2017 - 08:01am 2 Tue, 04/04/2017 - 05:31pm
Amen, enhydra lutris! :-)
From:Open Thread - Friday, March 31, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 03/31/2017 - 10:49am 1 Fri, 03/31/2017 - 10:59am
Hola mi (soul fine) amigo!
From:Open Thread - Friday, March 31, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 03/31/2017 - 09:57am 1 Fri, 03/31/2017 - 10:24am
Krugman is a former registered Repukelican.
From:Democrats Against Universal Health Care
orlbucfan Fri, 03/31/2017 - 08:59am 1 Fri, 03/31/2017 - 11:15am
rl: you are not a bag lady!! Good grief!
From:Open Thread 3/24/2017
orlbucfan Fri, 03/24/2017 - 02:30pm 0
You're not the only one SICK
From:It's Official: 'The Resistance' is being co-opted
orlbucfan Thu, 03/23/2017 - 10:39am 0
The Frightwingnutted horror
From:GOP's Health Care Solution: Destroy Medicaid
orlbucfan Wed, 03/22/2017 - 09:55pm 1 Thu, 03/23/2017 - 01:28am
You're referring to smote
From:(The planet almost became a better place on Saturday:) Media Matters founder David Brock suffers heart attack
orlbucfan Wed, 03/22/2017 - 08:48pm 0
2016 Election
From:No Ballot Left Behind or, Is Our Voters Learning?
orlbucfan Wed, 03/22/2017 - 09:40am 1 Wed, 03/22/2017 - 10:43am
Sorry, you haven't convinced me. You need to try harder.
From:BrandNewCongress / JusticeDemocrats join Forces to Support U.S. Imperialism
orlbucfan Tue, 03/21/2017 - 09:12am 1 Tue, 03/21/2017 - 09:41am
One of the great covers of a Berry tune
From:"Hail! Hail! Rock N Roll," Not "Hail To The Chief," Is America. Chuck Rolls Over, But His Legacy Is A Reminder Of That What Makes Us Great Is Our People & Its Music, Not Our Politicians.
orlbucfan Sun, 03/19/2017 - 10:43am 1 Sun, 03/19/2017 - 09:34pm
Happy St. Patrick's Day my soul (fine) friend!!
From:Open Thread - Friday, March 17, 2017 - The Road Goes On Forever
orlbucfan Fri, 03/17/2017 - 01:04pm 1 Fri, 03/17/2017 - 01:50pm
Sorry. :-)
From:More rant than essay, but what the hey.
orlbucfan Thu, 03/16/2017 - 02:28pm 0
What's up in Arkansas?
From:More rant than essay, but what the hey.
orlbucfan Thu, 03/16/2017 - 01:33pm 2 Thu, 03/16/2017 - 02:28pm
McCain's brain is fried to the point of senility.
From:Putin takes over the U.S. Senate
orlbucfan Thu, 03/16/2017 - 10:08am 1 Thu, 03/16/2017 - 03:10pm
Greatest tune the Beatles EVAH did
From:Putin takes over the U.S. Senate
orlbucfan Thu, 03/16/2017 - 10:05am 0
70 year old tRump is showing the symptoms
From:Is Donald Trump Off His Rocker?
orlbucfan Wed, 03/15/2017 - 10:27am 0
No, mebbe YOU should do some research!
From:Tulsi Gabbard doesn't want to arm terrorists, and Dems hate her for it
orlbucfan Wed, 03/15/2017 - 08:46am 0
It's my sincere hope that every one of these
From:Here is where I don my tinfoil hat
orlbucfan Tue, 03/14/2017 - 08:15pm 0
Bernie is an imperialist, huh?
From:Tulsi Gabbard doesn't want to arm terrorists, and Dems hate her for it
orlbucfan Tue, 03/14/2017 - 08:08pm 2 Wed, 03/15/2017 - 12:39am
I can only speak for myself.
From:Russian Trolls Fooled Sanders Voters, Including on Here
orlbucfan Sun, 03/12/2017 - 11:01am 0
Was Greenwald a kossack? Man, THAT was
From:Glenn Greenwald vs. 'Daily Kos Hacks'
orlbucfan Sat, 03/11/2017 - 10:44am 0
Hola my soul (fine) friend.
From:Open Thread - Friday, March 10, 2017
orlbucfan Sat, 03/11/2017 - 09:27am 0
Great diary and comments!!
From:Liberals must not say: "liberal," "left," "progressive" or "populist."
orlbucfan Thu, 03/09/2017 - 03:28pm 1 Fri, 03/10/2017 - 12:24pm
Why does the War Department still have troops
From:Trump Administration WARNS they will Blow up the Planet
orlbucfan Thu, 03/09/2017 - 07:57am 1 Thu, 03/09/2017 - 12:09pm
Why do you write "Democrat" when the correct
From:Have You Now, or Have You Ever Been, a Secret Agent of Vladimir Putin?
orlbucfan Mon, 03/06/2017 - 01:27pm 1 Mon, 03/06/2017 - 04:19pm
Rec'd!! I have always loved physics even though
From:Electrons and Photons and Black Holes, oh my!
orlbucfan Mon, 03/06/2017 - 08:09am 1 Mon, 03/06/2017 - 10:50pm
I got the equivalent of a double MA in both literary
From:The New Hero Of Liberals: George W. Bush
orlbucfan Sat, 03/04/2017 - 06:48pm 1 Sun, 03/05/2017 - 05:18am
Appreciate the comments. What I was pointing
From:The New Hero Of Liberals: George W. Bush
orlbucfan Sat, 03/04/2017 - 11:58am 3 Sat, 03/04/2017 - 02:01pm
This is a typo (I hope).
From:The New Hero Of Liberals: George W. Bush
orlbucfan Sat, 03/04/2017 - 11:14am 5 Sun, 03/05/2017 - 08:04pm
Rec'd X 1M for one of the GREATEST covers of
From:All Along Trump's Watchtower
orlbucfan Sat, 03/04/2017 - 09:39am 0
Since when are DLCers like the Obamas 'liberal"?
From:The New Hero Of Liberals: George W. Bush
orlbucfan Sat, 03/04/2017 - 08:49am 1 Tue, 03/07/2017 - 02:52pm
Let's call it what it really is: a Depression.
From:Trump's tax cuts and the coming recession
orlbucfan Fri, 03/03/2017 - 08:55pm 0
It's no secret to world history buffs that Iran
From:Democratic Party Warmonger Seeks War with Iran
orlbucfan Fri, 03/03/2017 - 06:04pm 0
Are people really that stupid now? I saw a
From:Oh, Snap! We've seen this before
orlbucfan Fri, 03/03/2017 - 05:49pm 0
He's senile on top of being an ethical embarrassment
From:Democratic Party Warmonger Seeks War with Iran
orlbucfan Fri, 03/03/2017 - 05:38pm 0
Same scenario here in Flori-DUMB. It's a closed primary
From:I may have to go back to Dems. Why? 2018 It's ABC time again!
orlbucfan Fri, 03/03/2017 - 07:58am 0
War, good god, what is it good for?? Absolutely NOTHING!
From:Trump Administration a bunch of warmongers too
orlbucfan Fri, 03/03/2017 - 07:38am 0
Good luck riverlover on your med interview!!
From:Open Thread - Friday, March 3, 2017
orlbucfan Fri, 03/03/2017 - 07:00am 2 Sat, 03/04/2017 - 10:01am
From:Anybody needing some ipecac? :-)
orlbucfan Thu, 03/02/2017 - 04:54pm 1 Thu, 03/02/2017 - 05:09pm
