Is Donald Trump Off His Rocker?
(Edit: Evidently the article I linked from Counterpunch was unlabeled satire that I didn't catch. Fake news if you will which Counterpunch should be a little leery of since they're on the oligarchy's fake news list. Doesn't change my opinion of Trump's mental state though.)
I'm asking seriously, is Donald Trump nuts? Do we have a president that is off his rocker or is he just too weird for comfort?
My daughter dated this dude for a while whose father was in prison for attempted rape of a minor. The dude and his family tried to rationalize that the girl was actually 17 years old and he was desperate because he hadn't had sex with his wife for a long period of time. He met the girl online, lied about his age (50) and got caught by the cops when he went to her house unannounced and tried to engage her in person, twice.
My daughter tenuously accepted that excuse for awhile until I asked her, "who does that?" Their relationship ended soon thereafter.
That's the same way I feel about this latest Trump "tweetstorm"
"It started with some seemingly innocuous if strange insults last Saturday morning at 4 AM:
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “Oh Canada: you invented ice hockey but you haven’t won a Stanley Cup in 24 years. Terrible! P.S.: Too many donuts at Tim Hortons?”
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “My father took me to a Rangers game when I was a kid and they played the Canadian National Anthem in our big beautiful Madison Square Garden. Horrible!”
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “Justin Trudeau is a great guy. But he doesn’t have what it takes to Make Canada Great Again. Too bad!”
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “Name a great Canadian…oh, wait, you can’t. I’d like to see Wayne Gretzky quarterback the New England Patriots. Good luck with that, ‘Great One’!”
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “Ivanka and I watched the ‘Red Green Show’ the other night. Worst show ever. Canada should be ashamed!”
But then, about 20 minutes into Trump’s Twitter outburst, things got more serious:Donald J. Trump @realDonald Trump: “Canada stole our property with its Underground Railroad. Time to pay America back!” (Many Black slaves were smuggled out of the US. south and into northern states and Canada by the abolitionists’ “Underground Railroad”).
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “Canada, we have not forgotten Lake Champlain!” (This must be a reference to U.S. General Henry Dearborn’s failed effort to march into Canada and seize Montreal during the War of 1812. Dearborn’s campaign floundered on the shores of Lake Champlain)."
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: “Canada you can never build a wall strong enough to keep our big beautiful soldiers off your soil. Slap-shots will never defeat the world’s greatest fighting force!”
A final provocative Tweet want out at 4:45 am before Trump turned his attention to his ongoing Twitter feud with Arnold Schwarzenegger:Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump : “Have just learned that ISIS is moving into Alberta Tar Sands. Sharia law and North American energy do NOT mix! Time for us to go back into Canada & this time get the oil?”
I have to ask, who would do that as president of the United States"? Ya, Donald Trump, but who else?
That does not represent normal behavior to me and considering his position as President of the United States, I can't imagine any rational person acting in this manner.
We have a serious situation here and we don't need some off his rocker asshole playing fucking games on Twitter. It is not only weird and creepy, it borders on sick, like mentally ill type sick. This silver spoon, narcissistic racist bigot is clearly acting like a man who has created his own reality. That is unacceptable. That can take us all down.
Evidently this twitter tantrum was because of what Trump heard from Bannon and Breitbart and about Canadians not buying his daughter's perfume.
"Asked to explain the President’s latest Tweets, white house spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that the President has asked Steve Bannon and a “crack team “of Breitbart News investigators to see if there is any truth to “disturbing rumors the president heard on the radio.” Trump learned from right- wing talk-show host Mark Levin that Islamic State cells has been formed in Alberta. “The president believes the threat is real,” said Mrs. Sanders.
Inside White House sources report that Trump is upset about recent reports of poor sales for his daughter’s perfume brand in Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, and Vancouver."
They're under your bed Trump! ISIS has formed cells in your kitchen staff, stop eating!
We could be so lucky.

You have to ask?
Off His Rocker?
Damn Al.
Of course. Verified.
But he's what we have. Forgetaboutit. There are more devious induhviduals we have to worry about.
The presinut is but a figurehead. A bust, so to say, of what most wish of an emperor.
To ignore him, will be his downfall.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I'd like to see the bastard impeached.
Watch out.
You'll get pence.
I'm just not into that whole bible thing. I dislike trump. I dislike religion more.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I think this whole article is snark. I read Trump's twitter page frequently and I never saw these tweets.
More from article:
definitely snark
This just might not be snarky, Olinda
Just remember somebody in the government asked Cambodia to pay for all those bombs we "didn't" drop on them.
So is Donald Trump endorsing slavery or just knavery?
He is a person with significant personality disorder, often reacting like a playground bully.
Sure, Trump
Sure, Trump is crazy enough to tweet this stuff, and has tweeted crazy things before, but this article is parody. Trump didn't tweet these particular crazy tweets.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump : “Have just learned that ISIS is moving into Alberta Tar Sands. Sharia law and North American energy do NOT mix! Time for us to go back into Canada & this time get the oil?”
He threatens to invade Canada and no one is talking about it except the author of this article. Supposed to have happened days ago - Saturday - and no one else thinks it's worth mentioning? It's not true.
I got punk'd did I.
Should I take this down?
Big Al,
Hi Al, and good morning!
Nah, I wouldn't worry about it. It's still interesting. Maybe an edit at the top to point out it's satire.
Trump has such a reputation for writing just these kinds of tweets that I think the article is pretty irresponsible for not putting a satire label on it somewhere. It's too easy to believe Trump would do exactly this. The main reason I got suspicious right away is that I do read his Twitter page really frequently and couldn't see how I would have missed this many crazy tweets.
Morning Olinda.
Ya, didn't even faze me that Trump could have said this stuff. Great job by the author, I admit that, but wish he'd have put a snark tag on there somewhere.
Oh well, lesson learned. I was going to check the backstory but didn't. If I'd have done that I'd have known.
Thanks for pointing it out and have a great day!
heh, Al, I don't believe you, snarkalissimo is my
nick name for you now. YOU DIDN'T CHECK the source and couldn't see the snark, because there was a snark tag lacking? Really, Al, you? Troll us again. I love to fall for it. /s
It was the
Czech pilsner mimi, made me think I knew what I was doing. Should have known better. Oh well, I'll switch (back) to German pilsner.
Well, I hope not and this does look like snark - but the corporate media fails to mention a lot of real stuff. And I do believe that Trump is off his rocker. In any event, I'll believe he won't when he leaves office having not done so. This might have given him ideas... s/...???
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Evening Al,
I believe that Trump is definitely disordered. Also that he excels in a talent for creating drama. He fuels madness (chaos), especially in the minds of Americans, while the real madness plays out more discreetely and secretively below the surface of the awareness of most. America is still a very young, impressionable country, struggling in an adolescent stage of hormonal chaos.
I hope I don’t regret having just written this.
A narcissist and spoilt brat that grew up with a golden spoon
wedged up his ass, what is not to like, throw in some sociopathy and hey presto a Herr Hair twit-storm.
De-evolution is a fact.
[washington adams jefferson madison monroe jqadams] goes to
[reagan bush clinton gwbush obama trump].
The Fathers have serious faults, but NOW THAT WE NEED THEM SO BADLY...
Where have you gone, Joe Dimaggio? The nation..
What's that? Dead? Joe's dead?
He's been dead for a long time now, Babe.
And the others?
He is getting ready to renegotiate NAFTA
He thinks he'll get a "better deal" by slagging the competition before it starts. Yes, he is bonkers. And he is King Twitter Troll, don't bother yourself with social media storms that's what I say.
Then again, if North Korea ever comes online in any significant way, social media could literally blow the planet to smithereens. The guys in power already act like school boys. Do not give them ammo. Bonkers!
I hardly ever listen to Trump blaring his Great America crap all over the place, while the masses wait for trickle down, scratching and clawing over every crumb. "That's the system." No Thanks. Do I care if it swaps figure-heads every four years? Yeah, all I have left is my one vote, and it is worthless.
We know what trickles down and what rolls down.
The NSA did it, of course...
I doubt by now that the Trump twitter account is controlled by Donald Trump. I really don't care if he is off his rocker or if it's the NSA that's off the rocker. I also don't care if counterpunch or big AL is off the rocker. If all are off the rocker, we are off the rocker as well. End of story.
What I do care about is that other countries' populations don't understand how this is possible and it creates huuuuge problems. I also don't care if the article is snark or not and who lied the heck about what.
Someone should buy twitter and erase all the stuff on there. There shouldn't be a technology so unregulated existing. Fuck twitter. Trump is what he is and I don't know what he is but I know what he shouldn't be. President.
re: Twitter
The value in Twitter is who you follow and not following so many people that your feed gets cluttered. For example, I use Twitter as a sort of headline news service. I follow a lot of news and commentary websites and writers who will often post their latest article links on Twitter before they actually appear at the website.
I rec'd your comment, but I could never support shutting it down or erasing contents which is a form of censorship. I am opposed to all censorship.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Censorship and fairness to the people
In many countries, certain types of damaging speech or hate speech is criminalized. Some criminalize deliberate lies meant to misinform the public about important civic or policy issues. Others criminalize harm caused slander. We knew it was coming post-Snowden, but Europe has finally laid down the law on Americans doing business there.
This news story may interest you.
Americans are known for their acute thinking and piercing logic skills, so censorship is something we will never have to worry about. They know how to sift out the lies and misinformation from the media cacophony, and make wise choices for the future of the democracy. This level-headedness is apparent everywhere you look. No ethical or civic limits on speech are required. /snark
Hate speech is vastly different
For example, the almost complete black out of Bernie Sanders' candidacy because the MSM was supporting Hillary Clinton. Or as another example, Florida governor Rick Scott's ban on the use of the words "climate change" and "global warming" in any state document, presentation, or correspondence because he is an climate change denier. These types of bans may be offensive to some because of their own personal agendas, but they should not be prohibited simply for those reasons.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I don't disagree.
To me, the article looks at criminalizing well beyond hate speech. Much of what is said on Twitter each day in the US is a crime in Europe. But I didn't pose the question properly. Your answer was great, though, in spite of that.
This will drastically reduce Twitter and Facebook content
gulfgal, I ranted to make noise, I exaggerate to provoke
on purpose. I have a twitter account and use it sometimes to follow those I follow, which are 163 people. hmm. I read it may be every three days or so. I seldom retwitter other people's twitters or click on twitter for articles I find worth otherwise to support. I just don't like to express my support for an article via a click on the twitter icon.
My comment was to be taken as a sarkastic, snarkalistic response to AL's essay, which I read first thing after waking up, which means that I react badly, ie half asleep and mad to read "off the rocker people's news tweets". First thing in the morning and then such "stuff". nah, nah.
Honestly I don't think I am guilty of free speeck oppression or not knowing what is free speech and what is hate speech and what is abusive usage of free speech tools. I am so sorry that I couldn't cross over to you as a reasonable person with regards to free speech rights in the appropriate manner.
But there is no doubt in my mind that twitter is a tool people can be addicted to and abuse, like any other social medial sites in which you can converse with other people, freely and uncensored.
Pluto posted an excellent link to clarify the US versus German point of views vis a vis freedom of speech rights on social media. Can't add anything to that other than that I tend do understand and trust those arguments more than the absolute freedom of speech defenders' pov. It's a matter of trust. And I don't trust people not abusing other people by letting themselves go verbally into the pig mud pool.
There is another thing I am opposed to. People who enter the US these days have to reveal their social media account's passwords. Aside from the fact that I don't know my twitter account's password by heart as well as other accounts I have, I really think one should think about who is hypocritical here with "freedom of speech and privacy rights" of social media accounts, me or TPTB in the US.
And in case Al really asked us seriously if Trump if off his rocker. I would say at least at 4 am in the morning typing tweets he is, if it's him who types them.
Oh dear
I am very opposed to all the intrusiveness that our government places upon people's rights including those of foreign visitors. None of it makes us safer, just oppressed by our government.
Just the other day, my husband and I received a questionnaire from the Census Bureau called the American Community Survey. It said we were chosen at random and were required to answer all the questions under penalty of law. The census surveys are very intrusive, but this American Community Survey was even more intrusive including personal health questions. We filled it out but I felt very violated by my own government for requiring me to answer questions that I feel are not their business.
So I am very touchy about issues of personal freedom and the ways that our government is incrementally inserting itself into every aspect of our lives. I apologize for not seeing the snark in your comment.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I apologize too, because it's clear that my way of
expressing myself spontaneously, when upset, has elements of teasing, sarkasm etc. that is not caught by many American readers and crosses over as very rude and impolite. I should be more careful. And I should calm down and nip myself in the bud so to speak before go into full bloom mode.
In addition, this is a good article on the rights
people have vis a vis the actions the Custom and Border Patrol people seizing and searching your electronic devices and cell phones.
Can Customs and Border Officials Search Your Phone? These Are Your Rights - Posted on Mar 15, 2017 - By Patrick G. Lee / ProPublica
Personally, I don't do and have never joined social media - so if I cross the border and have no passwords to reveal, do I maybe get tortured (a la Bush Admin) until I make something up? Seriously, what do they do to people who've stayed off social media sites?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
Honestly, I had no idea that anyone had any doubt about that.
70 year old tRump is showing the symptoms
of an actual physical brain illness called Dementia. Raygun had it, too. No matter, FRightringnuts ran him down the country's throat in 1980 & 1984. It was very apparent in the re-election campaign which the brain damaged 'wonder' won in a landslide. The only difference is the legislative/media buffer. It protected the country as the FRightwing shitjobs didn't control the Congress, courts, state and local legislatures, and the media like they do now. He's tweeting what Bannon/POX 'News' whispers in his ear. Therefore, be careful reading this crap. Always check the source. Rec'd!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Everyone in power in DC is crazy!
This article seemed to satirize all of them. I like Counter Punch and read it a lot. It's not really a news site more a opinion publication that has some interesting and excellent writers. Crazy is the fact that the so called real news world would put Counter Punch on a fake news list. The real fake news comes from the likes of the WaPo, The Guardian, the NYT's and any other corporately owned propaganda organ. I think this is satire as the author Paul Street is one I read and like.
Trump really nuts but then again so are Pence, Billary, Chuck and Nancy. Which is more insane all this spooky carrying on about Russia or Trump's steady stream of non filtered tweeting. If any of these global pol 'leader's' were half way sane they would not be killing the planet and humanity for profit and dominance. The whole lot of them are psychotic armed and dangerous. Even the progressive's are at best sociopaths, including Bernie. Surreal times, when the ruling class opens it's ugly mouth and you cannot believe that a such sick human beings have power.
Impeach the puppet Trump? Good luck with that as the line of succession looks to be just as creepy and unfit. They may sound more sane but believe me they aren't. Look into The Mad Bomber Hillary's eyes and what you see is way more scarier then the power-mad, piggy, greedy Trump's. The remedy for all of this is not going to come from any governmental parliamentary means. 'The pump don't work cause the vandal's took the handles.'
On the bench, ready to come to bat after Trump strikes out