MSM winning the War on Alternative Media

The establishment news media explicitly told us who to vote for.

Among the top 100 largest newspapers in America, just two — the Las Vegas Review-Journal and the Florida Times-Union in Jacksonville — endorsed Trump...
Even Libertarian Party nominee Gary Johnson has had more success with editorial boards than Trump. This weekend, the Charleston Post & Courier became the fourth paper to back Johnson.

We didn't listen, and this shocked the MSM.
Polls showed that people's trust in the news media has been declining for a long time, but the news media obviously didn't care. They arrogantly disregarded polls that showed Americans are far more likely to believe the ads for the penis enlargement pills and "get rich" investments than the actual news stories in the magazines they are reading.
The MSM took the attitude of the Democrats of "where else are they going to go?"
Like the Democrats, the MSM was legitimately shocked when people flipped them the middle finger and defied them.
Like the Democrats, the MSM decided that an honest investigation into people's lack of faith in their organization wasn't in their interests. Instead they would find a scapegoat.
For the Dems the scapegoat was Putin. For the MSM it's "fake news", which is actual just code words for the alternative media.

Hillary Clinton recently made it clear that the truth by the alternative media is the enemy of the state. Clinton recently came out from her cave and blames the alternative media for her loss to Donald Trump during a ceremony for Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada), who is retiring from Congress. The queen of lies said

“The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that flooded social media over the past year — it’s now clear that so-called fake news can have real-world consequences.”

What does she mean by real world consequences? Does she mean the war she waged on Libya by the US-NATO alliance during her time as Secretary of State under the Obama administration that caused the deaths of thousands of people and displaced millions more who is now flooding the shores of the European Union?

No, that isn't what Hillary meant. She meant the MSM had lost control of the narrative, and that has negative political consequences for a lot of wealthy people.
So starting last fall, Google/Youtube began a censorship campaign.

I found this on Washington's Blog.

Since the “fake news” psyops, SimilarWeb reports of Internet traffic show steep declines in alternative news page views. Data from some of my favorite sites from December 2016 to the latest data available of February 2017:

Want to Know: 400K to 189K (- 53%)
Washington’s Blog: 620K to 397K (- 36%)
What Really Happened: 1.75M to 1.3 M (- 26%)
Activist Post: 1.35M to 950K (- 30%)
Prison Planet: 2.35M to 1.4M (- 40%)
David Icke: 2M to 1.5M (-25%)
Project Camelot: 180K to 100K (-44%)
Global Research: 3.2M to 3M (- 7%)

I don't read any of these except for Washington's Blog, but I was now curious. So I looked up ProporNot's bullsh*t list, and then checked the stats for sites I do sometimes read.


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ZimInSeattle's picture

move to reading independent sources. I pretty much stick to CounterPunch, ConsortiumNews, CommonDreams. For TV news I watch FreeSpeechTV and RT. No longer have Aljazeera on Dish it seems. YouTube for Jimmy Dore, TYT, The Real News Network. After this Syria strike and the glorification of it all by the MSM, I'll never look there again.

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"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020

@ZimInSeattle I pretty much stick with what you have mentioned as well and of course C99.

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Google/Youtube/Facebook cutting off links before they go viral, and such.

But that's only my guess.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@gjohnsit The freedom-loving Wall Street Journal has instituted a demonetization scheme by scaring potential alternative media sponsors with phony allegations of sites promoting racism.


As a consequence, companies such as Coca-Cola, GM and others are limiting or cancelling any advertising. One of the companies includes Pepsico which recently released (and rapidly cancelled) its disgustingly racist commercial featuring Kendal Jenner as a Black Lives Matter activist! What a stupid, insulting the geniuses of Pepsi created. If you go to YouTube you might still be able to watch the whole thing--but you won't see it on MSM anymore.

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CB's picture

outlet for British Qatari bumboy, Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani so you are not missing much.

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...would be that these declines are due to the fact that the election season is over. I would imagine that traffic at MSM internet sites would also have experienced the same secular decline.

There is no single momentous event on the calendar that focuses everyone's attention like there was last year.

I continue to have hope that the alternative news sources will continue to gain influence in spite of the de-monetizing campaign Google is waging against us. They must be getting some serious pressure from [the CIA through their] major advertiser influences.

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James Kroeger

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@ZimInSeattle It's the Russia thing. Russia/Trump collusion narrative fueling hysteria. Was a significant uptick in MSNBC viewership since Dec.

I'm probably the most disappointed in the American people I've ever been. Unbelievable that such a stupid little network of memes could successfully propagandize that many people. In September, October--we were protesting by the thousands in front of CNN, and openly hating the entire corrupt system. More people than ever before were targeting the whole corrupt system as the problem, and their resentment was intense. Their faith in the system was at an all-time low.

6 weeks later, people are rushing around shrieking about Trump and Putin and making truly outlandish claims about what behavior is justified by Trump's apocalyptic evil.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Steven D's picture

demonetizing progressive sites, which is also very bad news.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Strife Delivery's picture

@Steven D This has some serious implications for those who are trying to make their mark on the Youtube station here.

Those seeking alternative news media, instead of corporate mainstream media, either go to A) alternative news sites or B) follow news guys such as those on Youtube.

We should be very curious, but also extremely cautious, about what say the next 10-20 years will look like regarding news dissemination and how people go about gathering their information.

The average age of Fox viewers is what...68 supposedly (some research on my end shows people mixing median/average terminology, irritating but the best I got). CNN has a median of 61 and MSNBC at 63

More and more people, particularly younger people (folks like yours truly) don't go to corporate news organizations. Corporate news organizations can be profitable, but the main thrust of owning a news organization is the propaganda that you can disseminate out to the masses. Control the narrative, control the language, control the optics.

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CB's picture

@Strife Delivery

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lotlizard's picture

@CB On display: the Faustian deal celebrities make as the price of even halfway hitting it big in the MSM.

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@Strife Delivery that there won't be another 20 years in our future.

I cannot believe how news outlets and people are just drooling over Syria now.

So what if the US replaces Assad? How does that change anything? How is that going to reduce terrorism? It seems to me doing so would provoke more terrorism.

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@Steven D

We need an alternative to YouTube, on which progressive sites can also publish. This way awareness can be raised in Youtube viewers so that they know where to go to find them and the other site can be built up with the addition of music and comedy videos. This is what we should have done the moment the censorship was announced.

Doesn't anyone here know of anything which might prove suitable?

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Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.

A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.

Small example, though there is surely much more.

"Tips for analyzing news sites, and an informal list compiled by Dr. Melissa Zimdars, Assistant Professor at Merrimack College."

On the list:

Manning releases actual, documented proof of war crimes, indisputable, on WikiLeaks. For stealing actual, real documentation, branded a traitor and imprisoned.

Greenwald, now at The Intercept, is known for the Snowden break, again releasing documented proof of illegal, mass surveillance. For stealing actual, real documentation, Snowden deemed a traitor and guilty of high crimes.

For real, documented, undisputed and actually admitted to be truth, WikiLeaks and Greenwald now at The Intercept, are somehow now fake news sites, per official Harvard/MSM 'truth'.

"As Islamic State has lost fighters and territory over the last year, an Al Qaeda-founded militant group in Syria has grown in strength...The militant group formerly known as Al Nusra Front has expanded, in part, because its fighters also oppose Islamic State on the battlefield and are rarely targeted in airstrikes by U.S. and coalition aircraft, American officials say."

“We’re not fighting Al Nusra,” Col. Christopher Garver, spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition in Baghdad, said in a recent teleconference with reporters. “We are fighting Daesh."

Al Nusra/aka Al Qaeda is our Syrian ally, we've always been friends with Eastasia.

I know it's growing to be a tired cliche, but I can't help but see that we really are in 1984.

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have been too pure-hearted to grok that all sides would be doing the evils he described, not only Communists. Or, maybe he did realize it and I should not make knee jerk assumptions.

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Fake news iincludes pizzakidsexringgate, but also anything unflattering to her, true or not. And fake news, as she defines it, hurt her in the election and gave us Trump, which will have global consequences. I have seen many posts by bots claiming lies cost her the election.

IMO, Her is always about Her. She does not speak out for or against anything, unless she believes so doing with help her. JMO

Meanwhile, they are undermining our confidence in our ability to discern fact from fiction. IMO, they are trying to make us look to them to let us know what is real and what is "alternative fact." IOW, they are messing with our minds, big time to make us even more sheeple-ish than we, as a populace, already are.

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CB's picture

as is Newsbud. Consortium and Counterpunch not rated.

CNN, CNBC, Guardian, ABC are down.

I think that this may be an artifact of the election process. People have gone back to following the Lardassians. is a new site that is garnering a lot of views. Have a peek.

Newsbud- A 100% People-Funded Media with Integrity, in partnership with BFP, is an independent news, analyses and multimedia network. We do not receive a single penny from corporate advertisers, foundations, NGOs or partisan-affiliated entities. Not a penny! All Newsbud reports and multimedia productions are entirely independent, nonpartisan, and developed, written, produced, and vetted by our staff, who are paid with funding from the public-That’s you.

We cover select but significant blacked out stories and issues, while defying blinded partisanship and propaganda-driven mainstream views.

Edit: Sibel Edmonds is part of the Newsbud web site. Many of the old-timers here may remember her from her reporting on Operation Gladio B as well as blowing the whistle on US, Qatari, KSA and Turkish involvement in the Syrian 'uprising' in early 2011.

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@CB Ah, Sibel.

Another purveyor of documented truth in U.S. government, undisputed and actually explicitly 'gagged' into silence by the government because of these truths, where now we are told her Boiling Frogs site is 'fake' news.

Because truth are lies, lies are truth.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

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ggersh's picture

not sure of the accuracy, but if true doesn't this make a
mess for tptb?

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

SnappleBC's picture

@ggersh Nor did I see it adding anything new to the mix except an anonymous tweet. As much as I think our shadow government are often bumbling oafs, I have a hard time believing they'd have assassinated someone and left a paper trail.

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A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard

ggersh's picture

@SnappleBC @SnappleBC

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

orlbucfan's picture


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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

CB's picture

hole in the current Democratic narrative. Maybe the Democrats can also blame it on the devious Putin as some sort of double/triple agent operation to discredit and destroy the American political system.

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Benny's picture

Listed as Political->Clickbait

Jackpine Radicals made the list, but had no comment other than "political."

Democratic Underground is not on the list, nor are c99 or TPW. Guess we didn't make the honors list!

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One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson

orlbucfan's picture


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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.