The Aspie Corner's blog

Trivializing Tragedy and Life Experience: What is it about mass shootings and conspiracy theorists?

It seems like every time there's a mass shooting or similar tragedy, there's always some asshole with a youtube channel and Windows Movie Maker ready to trivialize it by screaming about how it was a hoax. You can find all sorts of videos like this on virtually every subject, but in the last few years, it's gotten particularly bad from Sandy Hook onward. It's gotten so bad that these folks don't even try to sound reasonable anymore.

After The Attack on Pulse Nightclub, I Will Never Visit Facebook Ever Again

When people say Facebook is the online refuge of the crazy and the stupid, this isn't an exaggeration. The attack on Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, FL proved that, especially among my own family members. In particular, my brother. He ranted on and on about how if any terrorists showed up to where he lived, he'd show 'em 'what America's all about'.....yeah....sure. This coming from the same guy who said he'd vote for Donald Trump if he were able to do so, same as my mom's significant other. Sad.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/16/2016: The Worship of Success

We hear all about what it means to be successful, or rather, twisted American Capitalist tales of it. You know, the whole 'Look at that guy! He started with nothing but the hairs on his head and now look at 'em. He has enough money to buy and sell everyone a thousand times over and he's a job creator. A model for success, I tell ya what!'

If I See That Hillary Ad One More Time...

I am going to destroy my monitor. Seriously. Every time I click another video on Youtube, this is the ad I get"Hillary Clinton tried to get us a Universal Healthcare system.' You know, the one Ted Kennedy was instrumental in getting through congress. Yeah, that's why you're fighting against it now, right? "Single Payer will never ever happen.' She said early in her campaign.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/9/2016: The Glass Floor

I've mentioned before that even though people like to tell us there are all sorts of things to help us get on our feet, we're always punished when we choose to use them. Even when we do manage to land a job, it's often temporary through supported employment (Often at minimum wage) or we end up volunteering with no chance in hell of getting a paid job.

"That's Okay. We'll Have the Revolution Without You."

One of the last comments I made before my banning at the Great Orange Shitcan was in response to a diary that asked whether or not we'd support Hillary if she gets the nomination. I simply answered 'No. There, happy?' One response to that was, as stated in the title:

That's Okay. We'll Have the Revolution Without You.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/8/2016: How Slick Willy's Welfare 'Reform' Harms All of Us

So today I have my monthly appointment with the lady I have to see every month to make sure I'm looking for jobs and 'educating' myself on, because that's all they actually allow. All this just for a meager pittance in SNAP benefits. Every. Single. Month. In addition to re-applying every 6 months.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/6/2016: Forced Entrepreneurship from Lack of Opportunity

I'm sure many disabled folks besides myself can attest to this, but many of us often do side jobs from home because of the lack of opportunity afforded us due to various conditions we deal with. In my case at least, it's not something I make much money with, if at all. You don't see too many people chomping at the bit to have boxes and boxes of pictures scanned, VHS videos or old audio cassettes digitized. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/4/16: Physical Disabilities, Exercise and Weight Loss

This has always been a tough topic for me, especially the weight loss. I've always been the husky kid with the big belly and my weight was always up and down. In recent years though...well, I'm 255 pounds. Up until a few years ago I managed to keep my weight between 200 and 215 (I'm around 6 feet tall). This probably doesn't help with my physical problems that I've had since I was very young. I gained all the weight in my stomach which probably escalates my back problems.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/1/16: Trying to Be Included in a System That Wants No Part of You

Most of us who have disabilities live on fixed incomes of some sort. And I'm willing to bet many of those same folks tried to do as I have: Got college degrees, tried to find work and at the end of the day, none of it really ever worked out. I honestly haven't had a single interview in almost 3 years. Maybe it's more than that now. Frankly I'm at the point where I no longer give a damn and I'm sure I'm not alone.
