The Aspie Corner's blog

What is Our Recourse? Or, Punching Down is American Tradition

Debbie from Sane Progressive posted a 2 hour long rant which she soon deleted. From the half-hour I was able to catch before then it was obvious she was....tired. She wasn't the only one. Many other activists have thrown up their hands and quit because they feel like they have no way to fight back.

Repigs Move to Gut Americans With Disabilities Act

I didn't know about this until I read an essay titled 'They're Coming for the Americans With Disabilities Act' written by a deaf poster on TOP. There are two bills currently going through the Repig controlled house to do this.

The first is HR 620 which was introduced by that dumb son of a bitch, Ted Poe of Texas:

I've Been Vindicated

Those of you who follow my mostly depressing blog know how I feel about the job market. Well, my mother-in-law finally understands my perspective. Her partner has been looking for a job that's more in line with her experience and is still currently working. Problem is, most postings are asking for qualifications that far outweigh the job itself.

"You're Lazy", Said Every Non-Disabled, Neuro-Typical Person Ever

It's easy to judge a person who has dealt with multiple disabilities their entire lives who isn't working as 'lazy'. It's what most people do. Even people with other disabilities, i.e. "I have ADD and I do just fine."

Funnily enough, even if I were working a McJob or was working as a greeter at Walmart (Many people with disabilities often work as greeters), these same individuals still wouldn't be satisfied.

Corporate Media Admits Trump is Good for Business (via Jimmy Dore)

Yup. You read that right. The corporate news outlets couldn't be happier with Trump in charge due to the fact that their ratings are through the roof.


Yeah, because nothing says 'Great Journalism' like covering Trump's empty podium 24 hours a day to black out Bernie Sanders during the primaries.

Social Security Denies Me Yet Again

Yup. Second denial in 3 damn months. Apparently the only disabilities that are considered 'disabled enough under our rules' are blindness or death. It doesn't matter that I have medical records going back to childhood proving my disabilities, according to some fuckin' bureaucrat, my disabilities don't exist.

Guess it's time to lawyer up.
