The Aspie Corner's blog

A Question About Cats and Litter Box Trouble

I'm sure this is a strange thing to bring up on a politics site, but I've had trouble with one of my cats when it comes to the litter box. He always seems to go number one right outside of it and getting him to stop seems near impossible. I've dealt with this since he was a kitten more or less and he's just over 9 years old now. We ruled out infection just after we moved. Other than that, he hasn't had any real behavior problems to speak of but I have noticed a pattern.

Another Exile from DailyKos joins The Caucus

I suppose I should have seen the writing on the wall when Kos himself declared a virtual open season on anyone who refused to get behind Hillary Clinton after March 15th. As for me, there's a whole laundry list of reasons not to get behind her at all, but personally, her being open to cutting things like Social Security and Medicare are a deal breaker, faux progressive veneer aside.
