The Aspie Corner's blog

Voted Early for Stein Today

That's right. And while there are many out there who will say this is a wasted vote, or worse, saying that voting third party is the same as voting Trump/Clinton depending on who you ask, I think it's far more wasteful to vote for the Queen or her Pied Piper Jester. Hell, if I were to post this on Orange State, Markos and his flying monkeys would have a fuckin' field day.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 10/20/2016: Recluse

There are times when I just wanna take a mega phone and tell the world that disabled life is rarely as it is portrayed on Tee Vee. Most of the time we keep to ourselves, or at least my wife and I do. She has a circle of friends she hangs with now and then but we're both home bodies. And I lost touch with the only 2 friends I ever had after leaving home for good.

Disability Caucus Open Thread 10/17/16: Square One

Whelp...after my meeting with Social Security, I'm back to square one. Literally. Since my childhood records were destroyed many moons ago I now have to apply for disability as an adult.

So now I'll have to face 10 more denials in five more years despite my well documented medical history. Even if I do go for legal representation. Fuck this shit.

See ya around,

Right Wing Caricatures vs. Reality Regarding the Perception of the Left-Wing

I'd like to start this post off by stating this: There is no effective left wing in the United States. Anything even resembling the left has been beaten to death time and time again throughout American history. The closest thing we had to a left wing government was from the mid 1930s to the 1960s and even then, back room deals were made to make sure that any left wing policy was as ineffective as possible.

Take a Look at This: Rick Scott Refuses to Extend Voter Registration Deadline for Florida due to Hurricane Matthew

I don't need to tell you that Hurricane Matthew is a monster storm. It cut a path of terrible destruction through the Caribbean, particularly Haiti. The death toll there is surging into the hundreds. Then it pummeled Florida, where President Obama declared a state of emergency on Thursday. Governor Rick Scott has refused to extend the voter registration deadline of October 11th, a ploy to ensure that many potential voters never make it to the polls.

Disability Caucus 9/22/2016: Transportation Concerns (And Trying Out Uber for the First Time)

So today the old lady and I had our first experience with Uber because my mother-in-law wasn't available to bring us to Urgent Care (Our county school board is riding her like hell with regards to training teachers). The experience wasn't bad and the drivers did their job well even with the minor traffic jam on the way home. We'll probably use them for trips we might have to make on our own that we can't do so by golf cart.

A Trump Win Would Empower The Greens? My Ass.

Someone said in my previous entry that Trump has to be elected to destroy the Democrats and empower the Green Party by 2020. Here's why that's total bullshit:

1. This was tried before with the Dems and the 50 state strategy. They ran on impeaching Bush and Cheney, Single Payer and Raising the Minimum Wage among other things. Every one of those things were immediately off the table once they were elected.

Truck Billary and Fump

Lately I've been hearing that some folks are going to vote for Trump to stop Hillary. Well, not me. I refuse to play into the narrative that voting for the Alt-Right and 'mainstream' right's darling (They're just mad he's saying what they've been yelling at us in code for decades) will save the country. I'm sorry, but I won't give any quarter to any of those morons. Not in a million years.
