Disability Caucus Open Thread 6/8/2016: How Slick Willy's Welfare 'Reform' Harms All of Us
So today I have my monthly appointment with the lady I have to see every month to make sure I'm looking for jobs and 'educating' myself on alison.com, because that's all they actually allow. All this just for a meager pittance in SNAP benefits. Every. Single. Month. In addition to re-applying every 6 months.
In the last 3 months alone I've applied to well over 100 jobs and have done quite a bit with Alison's course library and still have yet to have anything to show for it. There are much better things I could be doing with my time. But besides that, I keep in regular contact with Voc Rehab and everything else in between when it comes to disability services. Yet, I also have to do this crap because 'it's the rules'. Yeah, apparently it's against the rules to hire anyone who doesn't already work for the company or office I apply to again and again too.
I've said it before, I'll say it a thousand times: This isn't about helping people get back on their feet. It's about shaming them. And it's about making sure as little benefits are given out as possible. So what do we do about this? I'd love to know because I have no idea.
See ya around,

Dang, but that sucks . . .
It seems like a whole new system needs to be invented, built on lifting people up rather than tearing them down. A system that supports.
Only under a Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein presidency with progressive down candidates will this change. However, local communities could create these safe spaces too.
My brothers and I support my sister who is disabled. She gets a disability check and we pick up the rest of her expenses. We can only do that because we get rent money from our family farm our parents left to us. If we didn't have that, she could be homeless. She lives in the farm house. She was homeless for a while when she was younger (the family didn't know she was though!). Most people don't have family who are able to support them.
The republicans act like family and churches are supposed to take care of the poor. That is crap. If they could do it, they would be doing it already.
This is something I like about the Leap Manifesto. https://leapmanifesto.org/en/the-leap-manifesto/ They propose solving the climate crisis by taking care of everybody. By creating a system that lifts and supports everyone.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
You're right.
You are dealing with Bill Clinton's welfare reform. When companies will not hire people with disabilities, making people go through this is doubly ridiculous.
The aftermath of NAFTA and the IT bubble he added to the mix, created a huge labor shortage and need for minimum wage workers. To satisfy those employers and gratify the GOP, Clinton did welfare reform to push women off the rolls and into jobs that weren't even self-sufficient. The only positive outcome in his legislation as written was "case closure".
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Human kindness is overflowing and I think it's going to rain
today, as the poet wrote. 'Cause that's what you get with this welfare deform; the fact that "we" deign to give you any benefits at all is a kindness which "we" expect to be accepted cheerfully while "we" demand your ungrateful little slacker butt be put through the ringer to prove you're "truly needy."
Seems like this guy belongs to both parties now:
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
ISIS is losing everywhere
In Iraq (Fallujah), in Syria (near border of Turkey), and in Libya.
The only place they aren't losing is near Mosul.
I'll probably put together an essay sometime this week.
Perhaps you could pay a visit to Legal Aid to get some
help in dealing with "the system." When Welfare Reform was passed, it included funds to pay for people to help clients become employed. In NM it's called New Mexico Works. I worked for New Mexico Works. Part of my job was assisting clients in finding employment. Any idiot can check your paperwork to make sure you're fulfilling the work requirements for SNAP. The REAL job is that of an employment agency (employment counselor). If all they're doing is checking your paperwork, they're not doing their job. That's where Legal Aid can help you.
Side note: What I found most appalling were the many jobs that were supposed to be for "training." Some paid nothing, like an intern program. Better definition: indentured servitude.
Note#2: I worked for NM Works in 1997 or 1998. The program regulations may (probably) have changed over time. But it's worth checking with Legal Aid to find out.
Thanks for the tip. I'm not sure how this would work though.
I work with Voc Rehab as well which makes this all the more troubling. I've been in and out of VR for close to 15 years now and it's been like pushing a boulder up a hill to become gainfully employed. And Florida, Brevard County in particular, has been HORRIBLE for people with disabilities.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
Perhaps there's some way for the SNAP people to
coordinate with VR. They all have regulations, and I've been out of it for too long to know all the applicable regs. Back in the olden days (early 90's), people with disabilities were categorically eligible for Food Stamps (now, SNAP). I don't know if one has to have been approved for disability benefits to come under that umbrella. Someone at VR can answer that for you. Don't be afraid or embarrassed to utilize your disability to take some of the pressure off. In fact, exploit it. The benefits are there for hungry people. Withholding food is cruel and unusual punishment, prohibited per the Constitution. I wish I was in Brevard Co so I could walk you through it. It quite a web, even for the robust. Having a big mouth and a little knowledge is most beneficial. Find someone with those qualities and let them help you. Start at VR.
I talked to my VR Counselor about this and...
unfortunately her hands are tied so I seem to be stuck in a rut. Problem is, I'll be going through this month after month, year after year because finding employment is near impossible in this county, especially one where degrees would be involved.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.