The Aspie Corner's blog

Disability Caucus 9/9/2016: When Voc Rehab Can't Place You....

As I've said many times before, I've been in and out of Voc Rehab for well over a decade. Fifteen years, actually. And I've spent those years, close to half my life, trying to get out of a rut many of us disabled folks often fall into. But this month, I finally decided to say screw it....well, not entirely, but at least when it comes to looking for full time work or 'gainful employment'. This isn't their fault anymore than it is mine.

Let's Talk About Laziness

So once again someone from the boomer generation has referred to my generation as 'lazy'. That's funny, because most of us younger folks are either working multiple jobs while hanging on by the skin of our teeth, if we can even find those jobs to start with. We're also having to deal with the fact that our infrastructure is all but destroyed and the reality that our 'great' leaders refuse to do a damned thing about it unless Wall Street says it's okay.

Disability Caucus 8/30/16: The Futility of the (Job) Hunt

So tomorrow my employment specialist wants to take me to a few places she applied to on my behalf. No doubt they'll tell me they don't do anything face to face anymore and that everything is done online now because that's the default response. Even when I do get to introduce myself to a higher-up, it never really goes anywhere. You simply can't get your foot in the door in the IT world.

One Reason I'm Glad I Don't Have Children: Charter Schools (Video)

So a couple of years ago I wrote about how I had a vasectomy because my wife and I made the decision that we wouldn't have kids of our own. Seeing the video below will tell you just one of the many reasons why:


Disability Caucus 8/16/16: 'The Deserving' and A Starting Point

There's something that really pisses me off about this particular argument about people who deserve benefits and people who don't. That's one of the many topics I had to deal with when my mom and her partner visited. The guy is a real piece of work, let me tell you. Before I deleted my account, I argued with him quite a bit on facebook, especially when Bernie Sanders came up.

Our Top Candidates for President Are Certified Unapologetic Sociopaths (And Scumbags. Now Shut the Hell Up.)

There. I said it. If there's one thing that both the presumptive queen and her living puppet have proven throughout this entire clusterfuck of an election season, it's that neither of them are fit to hold public office.

Some people are willing to hold their nose and make the choice between the slow-acting poison and the gunshot to the head, but that's one choice I refuse to make. This is a literal Hobson's Choice here.

Disability Caucus 8/6/16: How the 'Gig Economy' and At-Will Employment Have Totally Screwed People with Disabilities

Finding a job was hard enough for people with disabilities even before our current economic cluster. Now, with more and more jobs requiring drivers' licenses and the ability to travel to multiple locations, it's damn near impossible to find any employment whatsoever.

"Political Correctness Run Amok!!!!111!" (Forgive me, this may be a long one)

The title here refers to people complaining about the state of many forms of media and entertainment today from Television to Video Games and Music to, yes, even Professional Wrestling. These cries of Political Correctness and 'SJW Censorship' have ruined everything according to some. There's just one problem with that: What many of these folks decry as Political Correctness Run Amok is simply a media response to changing and growing demographics.

New Hillary Supporter Talking Point: "Bernie's supporters just wanted to drag the rest of us down the SJW rabbit hole."

This talking point comes via a youtube comment exchange with a Clinton supporter who believed the lie that 25 percent of Sanders supporters would have voted for Trump in the general if Bernie won the primary. What is it with Hillary supporters and identity politics? They accuse us of using all that and acting like 'special little snowflakes' when the Clinton campaign did it themselves over and over and over again.

The Election and Folks With Disabilities: A Special Open Thread

Other people here have already written similar sentiments in regards to how Hillary's supporters keep trying to guilt us into stopping the Trumpenstein monster the Clintons and their allies in the media built to give her something she could beat to begin with, but I feel the need to take it a few steps further.
