The Aspie Corner's blog

Disability Caucus 2/27/2017: What Jobs? They're Lying.

Today I went on yet another car ride with the employment specialist across the county to follow up on jobs I know I'll never even be considered for.

Stop being negative, she says. Bah. I've spent 15 fuckin' years with Voc Rehab and despite spending years in college completing 2 degree programs, holding several intern and volunteer positions over 3 years during and after college, I still can't get a single god damned employer to take me seriously.

An Update on My Cat

A little while ago I wrote about the tough decision to re-home my cat, Mr. Mittens. After spending a few days on my partner's grandmother's porch and being told he's too old to adopt (He will be 10 in March), my mother in law decided to take him (it was her partner's idea) and it seems to be going pretty well considering he's now living with another cat and a small dog, a Chorkie, they call them. He's been wearing a Feliway collar while acclimating.

Disability Caucus 2/8/2017: Back to so-called 'Work Participation' again.....maybe.

Whelp..I should have seen this coming. Last February I had to participate in 'Work Participation' to keep SNAP Benefits. By August I had been exempt somehow, yet they seem to have completely forgotten that when I renewed in January when I received a mailer from my local 'Career Source' branch.

Freedom of Speech vs the 'Right' to a Platform (Or, Milo Just Wants to Throw Bombs)

It seems to me that internet reactionaries can't get it through their fuckin' heads that Freedom of Speech does not entitle one to a platform. But that doesn't seem to matter to youtube talking heads defending a turd-flinging troll like Milo Yianopolous or the supposedly left-wing 'But FREEZE PEACH!!!11!!' fascist enablers. That's right. I'm going there. Why?

Disability Caucus 1/31/2017: Disability Rights Advocacy as a Career?

The other day my employment specialist sent me a link to a job with the college I got my degrees from for a part time administrative assistant. Let me just tell you right off the bat that the requirements...I'm sorry, 'minimum qualifications' for the job are flat out insane. Here, let me post what I mean below:

Disability Caucus 1/28/2017: Not Worthy of an Office Job

May of this year will mark 5 years since graduating college. As of now I still have yet to find a stable job for one reason or another. Just last year I sent out resumes for over 200 postings and to make a long story short, no one was interested either because I didn't have experience or a license.

Dipshit Trump: A New Low for America (Thanks, Hillary!)

The Trump Era has only just begun and already we're seeing some of the worst attacks on the environment in recent memory. Dipshit Extraordinaire signed Executive Orders reinstating Keystone XL and the Dakota Access Pipeline. He owns stock in the company backing DAPL as well.


Losing a Friend, Update 2

Yesterday the local humane society couldn't take Mr. Mittens so he's at my partner's grandmother's house staying on the porch with everything he needs. We also had a guy over to clean the carpets and may have to replace them for obvious reasons. My mother-in-law told me he's happy to be outside on the enclosed porch so I guess that's something for now. He can enjoy the outdoors and he's pretty well cared for but I'll feel uneasy until I know for sure he has a permanent home again.

It's Done. (Losing a Friend, Update)

My mother in law picked up Mr. Mittens (The Brownish One) today. Even though it feels like being kicked in the stomach, there's already a family ready meet him and possibly take him in. I'll give the folks at my local humane society credit. They do great work with animals. And they've always been great with him, Pumpkin and Midnight.

Losing a Friend (With Pictures)

A while back I wrote a diary asking for help with litter box trouble. Well, after years and years of trying everything we could think of, we can't think of any other choice than to re-home the little guy. I guess I should have expected this after we moved into a condo with carpet a couple years ago and have had to spend a fortune dealing with that and the stress that came with it.
