My comments

Subject Author Posted Votes Replies Latest Reply
One explanation
From:They Found the New Evidence/Emails While Investigating Weiner's Sexting?!
bondibox Fri, 10/28/2016 - 07:02pm 1 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 08:02pm
MSNBC starts the spin
From:They Found the New Evidence/Emails While Investigating Weiner's Sexting?!
bondibox Fri, 10/28/2016 - 06:33pm 1 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 08:27pm
Subtle shift you introduced
From:They are no longer begging for my money, now just for me to go and
bondibox Thu, 10/27/2016 - 02:41pm 2 Fri, 10/28/2016 - 02:28am
It's beyond his control
From:Old Hopey-Changey lied. He did know she was running a private email scam and the DNC was freaked
bondibox Tue, 10/25/2016 - 11:01pm 1 Tue, 10/25/2016 - 11:25pm
Look at the graph
From:The Heroin Epidemic, and how MSM missed it again
bondibox Tue, 10/25/2016 - 08:29pm 0
Just had an idea
From:Are they about to grab Assange today?
bondibox Fri, 10/21/2016 - 09:48pm 0
Jimmy D had me LOLing this time
From:Jimmy Dore: "People won't vote third party because they are brainwashed"
bondibox Fri, 10/21/2016 - 04:54pm 0
It's published from a half dozen mirrors
From:Are they about to grab Assange today?
bondibox Fri, 10/21/2016 - 04:03pm 1 Fri, 10/21/2016 - 09:48pm
Trump's quiet voice
From:What happens in Vegas stays in
bondibox Thu, 10/20/2016 - 07:05pm 0
Last episode was particularly egregious
From:NBC/Hart poll most likely B.S.
bondibox Thu, 10/20/2016 - 04:37pm 0
THAT's how you work a protest
From:BLM in Seattle, WA today.
bondibox Wed, 10/19/2016 - 10:10pm 1 Wed, 10/19/2016 - 11:58pm
Bravo Chris Wallace
From:Debate Open Thread (Armageddon Edition)
bondibox Wed, 10/19/2016 - 09:13pm 0
I don't think so
From:Write in campaign, Op Deny 270
bondibox Sat, 10/15/2016 - 06:59pm 0
Pure Propaganda
From:Orange State can't go back, they have jumped the shark leaving reality behind
bondibox Fri, 10/14/2016 - 11:43pm 0
It has taken a while to grok
From:That Repatriation Thing
bondibox Thu, 10/13/2016 - 11:50am 0
Following the Money
From:That Repatriation Thing
bondibox Thu, 10/13/2016 - 05:06am 0
Holy Crap! What if...
From:That Repatriation Thing
bondibox Wed, 10/12/2016 - 07:27pm 0
Acid wash
From:I suffered through the debate so you don't have to
bondibox Tue, 10/11/2016 - 11:16am 0
You just made me wonder
From:To vote or not to vote that is the question
bondibox Mon, 10/10/2016 - 06:37pm 0
Are you suggesting the GOP will shun the Corporatocracy?
From:Write in campaign, Op Deny 270
bondibox Mon, 10/10/2016 - 06:18pm 1 Mon, 10/10/2016 - 06:34pm
Here's a revealing bit
From:The "Shoot me now" live debate thread
bondibox Sun, 10/09/2016 - 11:12pm 1 Mon, 10/10/2016 - 06:51am
Slightly O/T
From:Wikileaks Actual October (Small) Surprise: Partial Leaked Transcripts from several Clinton Speeches
bondibox Fri, 10/07/2016 - 11:45pm 2 Sat, 10/08/2016 - 06:03pm
Wikileaks Podesta emails Summary Pt I
From:Wikileaks Actual October (Small) Surprise: Partial Leaked Transcripts from several Clinton Speeches
bondibox Fri, 10/07/2016 - 10:41pm 0
Sirota has a good write up
From:Wikileaks Actual October (Small) Surprise: Partial Leaked Transcripts from several Clinton Speeches
bondibox Fri, 10/07/2016 - 08:58pm 1 Fri, 10/07/2016 - 09:52pm
Cable makes it 8 seconds
From:She does it again - manipulates
bondibox Thu, 10/06/2016 - 09:31pm 0
Too late
From:She does it again - manipulates
bondibox Thu, 10/06/2016 - 09:28pm 0
Took your advice
From:It Seems Really Dumb to Post This, But...
bondibox Thu, 10/06/2016 - 01:43pm 0
I think you nailed the timing of it
From:Strike while the iron is hot
bondibox Thu, 09/29/2016 - 11:30pm 1 Fri, 09/30/2016 - 02:13am
Isn't that the truth
From:(Poor Shillary supporters gonna have a sad) Who's the Boss?
bondibox Thu, 09/29/2016 - 11:17pm 0
From:Debate: What have we learned?
bondibox Tue, 09/27/2016 - 03:15pm 0
Thought it was a split decision
From:Debate: What have we learned?
bondibox Tue, 09/27/2016 - 04:52am 0
From:Late Night Nausea: The Clinton-Trump Debate watchers live blog
bondibox Mon, 09/26/2016 - 07:43pm 1 Mon, 09/26/2016 - 07:58pm
I, for one, will be enjoying this
From:Late Night Nausea: The Clinton-Trump Debate watchers live blog
bondibox Mon, 09/26/2016 - 07:40pm 1 Mon, 09/26/2016 - 07:40pm
Wilding -> Wild
From:DK further reveals their values
bondibox Sun, 09/25/2016 - 12:59pm 0
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Sat, 09/24/2016 - 11:30pm 0
So Here's a New One...
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Sat, 09/24/2016 - 10:54pm 1 Sat, 09/24/2016 - 11:06pm
Some Economist Said That
From:DNC's response to Sanders Donors' Class Action Suit will leave you Gobsmacked
bondibox Sat, 09/24/2016 - 04:48pm 1 Sat, 09/24/2016 - 07:59pm
Start Now
From:The election is irrelevant. Better to put our time to…
bondibox Thu, 09/22/2016 - 11:11pm 0
From:Hillary Clinton IT Guru Posted Server’s Security Keys to Public, Opening Door for Hackers to Access Emails
bondibox Thu, 09/22/2016 - 04:57pm 0
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Wed, 09/21/2016 - 09:01pm 1 Wed, 09/21/2016 - 10:13pm
Most likely situation will reach a head
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Wed, 09/21/2016 - 07:49am 0
My Theory
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Tue, 09/20/2016 - 11:54pm 0
Her tactic for hiding the problem
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Tue, 09/20/2016 - 09:45pm 0
For reference
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Tue, 09/20/2016 - 09:40pm 4 Thu, 09/22/2016 - 11:33am
Not an accident
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Tue, 09/20/2016 - 05:49pm 1 Tue, 09/20/2016 - 06:00pm
Couldn't put my finger on it
From:This Clinton mystery is getting out of hand
bondibox Tue, 09/20/2016 - 05:45pm 1 Tue, 09/20/2016 - 07:53pm
Carol Mahre is real
From:Many report overcharges after donating to Clinton Campaign
bondibox Mon, 09/19/2016 - 12:47am 1 Mon, 09/19/2016 - 10:48pm
Agree, and I disagree somewhat
From:Twelve-year-old PA kid's speech goes viral
bondibox Fri, 09/16/2016 - 04:18pm 2 Wed, 01/30/2019 - 07:19am
From:Pneumonia or not pneumonia--that is the question (paraphrasing Mr. Shakespeare)
bondibox Thu, 09/15/2016 - 06:57pm 2 Thu, 09/15/2016 - 08:44pm
From:This Metal Fragment is a Big Deal
bondibox Thu, 09/15/2016 - 12:40pm 0
Agree there's a catheter, but that wasn't a clip
From:Mission Impossible: Getting Hillary's story straight
bondibox Thu, 09/15/2016 - 12:23am 0
That almost needs an explanation
From:Mission Impossible: Getting Hillary's story straight
bondibox Wed, 09/14/2016 - 08:31am 2 Thu, 09/15/2016 - 07:13am
Someone PWNED ABC?
From:Here's a real brain twister for you.......................
bondibox Wed, 09/14/2016 - 02:56am 0
Missing Parts
From:Mission Impossible: Getting Hillary's story straight
bondibox Wed, 09/14/2016 - 02:08am 1 Wed, 09/14/2016 - 11:38am
This might explain a lot
From:Here's a real brain twister for you.......................
bondibox Tue, 09/13/2016 - 01:09pm 0
Exhaustion and Dehydration
From:Sunday Attic Clean (Sick Hillary edition)
bondibox Mon, 09/12/2016 - 09:14pm 0
From:A Look Back: Sept 11
bondibox Sun, 09/11/2016 - 11:02am 1 Sun, 09/11/2016 - 12:14pm
That's whack
From:A Look Back: Sept 11
bondibox Sat, 09/10/2016 - 10:27pm 0
The fecal photo is a fake
From:Drip, drip, drip, drip: Hillary's incontinence--make that a double!
bondibox Sun, 09/04/2016 - 11:32pm 1 Tue, 09/06/2016 - 06:09pm
Next Logical Progression
From:TOP goes 99.9% for the 0.1%
bondibox Sun, 09/04/2016 - 11:07pm 1 Tue, 09/06/2016 - 05:08am
Hey I resemble that remark!
From:Gee. All the "Smart Ones" with HRC
bondibox Wed, 08/31/2016 - 07:19pm 0
From:50 House Repugs Call for Special Prosecutor on Clinton Foundation
bondibox Tue, 08/30/2016 - 08:30pm 0
What about his face?
From:Have I been Had again?
bondibox Sat, 08/27/2016 - 09:02pm 1 Sun, 08/28/2016 - 02:20am
Small edit makes it truly Palinesque
From:Clinton Word Salad: Says Nothing Will Derail Her Path
bondibox Fri, 08/26/2016 - 10:25pm 1 Sun, 08/28/2016 - 11:44am
Giving up on converts
From:Open Thread - Hollywood and the red scare.
bondibox Wed, 08/24/2016 - 10:33am 0
Head Explodes
From:Truth to Power. ToP eats their own.
bondibox Wed, 08/24/2016 - 10:19am 1 Wed, 08/24/2016 - 10:41am
Original Bernie vs. Newfangled Bernie
From:Bernie Sanders' new group is already in turmoil;Key staffers quit amid lingering tensions from the Vermont senator's campaign
bondibox Tue, 08/23/2016 - 10:50pm 0
Pikes Peak used to have a lot of accidents
From:Prophylactic Braking
bondibox Mon, 08/22/2016 - 09:18pm 0
From:Thanks to Sandernista1812
bondibox Fri, 08/19/2016 - 10:31pm 0
Speaking of Jill, Vaxxers, and TOP
From:Thanks to Sandernista1812
bondibox Fri, 08/19/2016 - 09:39pm 0
That's a lot of salt
From:Bill Nye The Science Guy says Desalination -- That's the Ticket!
bondibox Tue, 08/16/2016 - 10:11pm 2 Wed, 08/17/2016 - 08:14am
Maybe, post-election
From:Clinton Transition Team Head is TPP-Advocate. UPDATE Progressives Speak Out
bondibox Tue, 08/16/2016 - 08:56pm 0
It's just click bait
From:NBC Poll: Do You Want Bernie Sanders Back In The Race?
bondibox Mon, 08/15/2016 - 07:36pm 0
From:NBC Poll: Do You Want Bernie Sanders Back In The Race?
bondibox Mon, 08/15/2016 - 07:22pm 0
Yes, but
From:NBC Poll: Do You Want Bernie Sanders Back In The Race?
bondibox Mon, 08/15/2016 - 07:21pm 0
Article has a bar chart
From:So much for 90% switching to Clinton?
bondibox Sun, 08/14/2016 - 10:28pm 1 Sun, 08/14/2016 - 11:02pm
From:The gender of the creator
bondibox Sun, 08/14/2016 - 10:17pm 0
It's a strategy
From:Hillbots Could Learn Something
bondibox Sat, 08/13/2016 - 11:04am 0
I think he's hit baseline support
From:How much will it cost the Republicans to get rid of Trump?
bondibox Fri, 08/12/2016 - 04:17pm 0
Kasich posed the greatest danger
From:How much will it cost the Republicans to get rid of Trump?
bondibox Fri, 08/12/2016 - 04:09pm 0
Well, yes and no
From:How much will it cost the Republicans to get rid of Trump?
bondibox Fri, 08/12/2016 - 04:06pm 0
From:The DHS Tracked Words List
bondibox Fri, 08/12/2016 - 03:05pm 2 Fri, 08/12/2016 - 04:18pm
Just like the Dem Platform
From:(Does anyone believe this?) Clinton forcefully disavows Obama's trade deal
bondibox Thu, 08/11/2016 - 08:54pm 1 Thu, 08/11/2016 - 09:04pm
Can they bump up Kaine?
From:Hillary Clinton's Neuropathology--Hillary IS LOSING HER MIND--literally
bondibox Thu, 08/11/2016 - 12:11pm 1 Thu, 08/11/2016 - 12:32pm
From:Hillary Clinton's Neuropathology--Hillary IS LOSING HER MIND--literally
bondibox Thu, 08/11/2016 - 12:03pm 0
Money is no object
From:Hillary Clinton's Neuropathology--Hillary IS LOSING HER MIND--literally
bondibox Thu, 08/11/2016 - 11:53am 0
Bad advice
From:Overnight Caption Contest XX
bondibox Thu, 08/11/2016 - 11:25am 0
Definitely the best strategy
From:Bern It Down!
bondibox Wed, 08/10/2016 - 10:21pm 0
Or ON the train?? n/t
From:Update: Julian struck a nerve BREAKING: Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was Wikileaks’ source, Assange admits in interview
bondibox Wed, 08/10/2016 - 03:11pm 0
From:Must See TV: Jill Stein .vs. Chuck Todd / NBC (MTP)
bondibox Wed, 08/10/2016 - 03:10pm 0
Can you imagine
From:Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, have a look at the End of the World.
bondibox Wed, 08/10/2016 - 11:06am 0
I'd have to give it a more proactive verdict
From:Before I go
bondibox Tue, 08/09/2016 - 09:10pm 0
From:Before I go
bondibox Tue, 08/09/2016 - 08:43pm 0
Good arguments
From:Before I go
bondibox Tue, 08/09/2016 - 07:52pm 1 Tue, 08/09/2016 - 08:06pm
Not going anywhere yet
From:Before I go
bondibox Tue, 08/09/2016 - 02:14pm 3 Wed, 08/10/2016 - 11:27am
Would it be uncool?
From:Hillary Clinton has right frontal lobe epilepsy! video analysis and medical literature review
bondibox Mon, 08/08/2016 - 01:04pm 1 Mon, 08/08/2016 - 02:14pm
I can't believe my dad called this a year ago
From:Hillary Clinton has right frontal lobe epilepsy! video analysis and medical literature review
bondibox Mon, 08/08/2016 - 12:59pm 0
Yeah, Tim Kaine WITH PAUL RYAN
From:Hillary Clinton has right frontal lobe epilepsy! video analysis and medical literature review
bondibox Mon, 08/08/2016 - 12:54pm 2 Tue, 08/09/2016 - 05:05am
One improvement
From:Minor Site Changes
bondibox Mon, 08/08/2016 - 09:42am 1 Mon, 08/08/2016 - 11:43am
It's TWO consecutive pictures
From:Please stop the "Scumbag Trump" and other such derogatory memes. Don't help Hillary lie.
bondibox Mon, 08/08/2016 - 09:38am 0
