TOP goes 99.9% for the 0.1%
I wrote this at TOP on a NYT article shewing how she is hobnobbing with the billionaires and the 0.1% ers.
Read the hilarious comments.
Assuming you’re right that all we have are the “nicer” billionaires? Whatever, but yeah I’d be fine with that. Warren Buffet and George Soros any day over the Koch brothers. How can you not understand the difference? Or is this more RW crap? yeah let me guess, the latter.
There is nothing wrong with being rich. Nothing. Stop with that nonsense. I have no problem with Hillary Clinton being rich or having rich friends.
As for Hillary’s fundraising, I have no problem with an anti-fascist coalition involving billionaires who oppose fascism and contribute to Hillary.
Oh please. That story could have written by OPOL or Geebeebee. I truly don’t give a fuck who Hillary grabs cash from. The more the better.
Now there's a compliment !!
And then there are comments I can agree with as well
Blairite neoliberalism, like Clintonianism, is the policy regime that lets rich and upper class people feel good about themselves. They get most of the benefits of neoliberalism without having to watch a boot stomping a face over and over again, as under Cameron.
That doesn’t alter the fact that neoliberalism is a cruel, unsustainable policy regime based on exporting British manufacturing, favoring “the City” and the financial industry over all others, and on pushing income and ownership of assets towards a small number of people. Nor did that change under Blairite Labour.
… All this, however, is neither there nor that. The bottom line is that being a Blairite, Clintonian or other third way type, lets the rich and well off have their wealth, their tax cuts and feel good about themselves too...
I like being "the cat amongst the pigeons".
Being threatened with a banhammer simply for linking to the NYT seems a bit much. As I implied, TK does that all the time to standing ovations.
Hypocrisy, much, GOS?

Eradicate the billionaires.
til there are no rich no more.
Defending the very rich in any manner to me is ridiculous. I cannot imagine being that rich because I wouldn't allow myself to be that rich. To be that rich, you need a sociopathic personality in order to accumulate such insane levels of wealth compared to the rest of humanity, especially considering the struggle of so much of humanity. Most no doubt believe they deserve it.
I don't make exceptions. The system is what it is and needs to be changed, but the people most benefiting are selfish greedy bastards.
I don't have a problem with people getting rich, it's those that
then use those riches to influence political decisions that fuck the rest of us that I have a problem with.
Which is pretty much ALL of the billionaire class.
Yeah, it might be a broad brush, something that I am loath to use, but in this case that brushing has been thoroughly earned.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
And further down the thread they come over here to find things
to bash c99 about! Increasing our site traffic. Well done, sir/ma'am, well done.
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This was my favorite...
LOL. Because we all know how kind the Hillary supporters at Agent Orange have been to Bernie this past year.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I know a cesspool, and this ain't it.
Who are these Trump voters and supporters of Gary Johnson within our midst.
Not that I actually care.......... because people are free to state their views on a, wait for it, non partisan site.
They seem unable to comprehend thinking beyond a 'team'.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I've seen a few. At least some speculation about voting for
anyone other than Her Heinous.
They might even be talking about me, in their reading-incomprehension way. I have suggested that those who want to vote for Stein find some Trump supporters to convince to vote for Johnson, to ensure that Her Heinous still has more votes than Trump.
Anyway, "cesspool" of course, pure projection.
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Is 'afficionado' the same as a 'voter'?
And what's an '-ite'?
It's like they can't wrap their brains around the idea that someone could actually vote for someone other than one of the duopoly party candidates.
Like people who support Stein or Johnson are not real voters.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
And we are picking on teacherken
How cute, he wants us to change our DK usernames.
If anyone says anything to his face or writes anything that doesn't fit it with the group think, they would be HR'd into oblivion so what would be the point of saying anything to TK?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Baiting us into saying or doing something that'll get us TO'd
or NR'd or the dread BAN, that's their game. Little do they realize how irrelevant they are becoming to us.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
If you actually did that...
Then they'd want you banned for sock puppetry.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
They act like they are the only people who should be taken
seriously and any other website is inferior to DK.
There was a time that it was the first site I went to each morning, but it has become a Hillary is great, Trump said something stupid website that I rarely open diaries on the wreck list.
And the FP has been full of anti Trump diaries since the start of the election season.
No one writes about down ticket candidates like they used to.
Zen Trainer wrote a diary about this issue asking why people feel the need to write a diary each time one of them say something instead of writing about down ticket candidates so that the democrats can win back congress.
The next day it was the same.
And now it's fine for Hillary to take advantage of CU because she has to take money in order to beat Trump!
And when is the last time Hillary or her supporters talked about the issues instead of degrading Trump?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The authoritarian mind...
tolerates no rivals.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The neo-liberal mind too.
If that's any different. It's all about the condescension.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Next Logical Progression
It's only a matter of time before kos starts banning people for things they write on other blogs. One day he'll point to our little gossipy sewing circle and say we're all banned at TOP.
As for TK, he deserves all the ragging we can deliver. You'd think that as someone whose reputation is being a teacher who blogs, he'd be a little more careful about grammatical errors.
“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”
The Hillbots already try it. When they talk to me there about
what I say here or elsewhere, I just say something like, "A fan! Thank you for being so interested in my words that you follow me from site to site. I really appreciate it!"
They're trying to get us to discuss what we say here; which, if it's banned there, then give them an excuse to ban us. Don't take the bait! I tell them something like, "Kos has asked that we not ____ on his Web site so I won't. If you want to discuss this, you'll have to join me at c99" or meet me on Facebook or whatever.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
"99% caucasians"
I see that Moulitsas and Company haven't stopped doing the Ku Klux Klan and its ilk's work for them via race-baiting.
If you see the word "privilege" used on Daily Kos, the user may as well be a Kard Karrying Klansman, as such a person is forwarding the KKK's evil Kause.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Would they be the DKK? N/T
The "DKKK" more likely
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Back when I was nanobot
This comment reminded me of my bad old days at GOS so I googled "daily kos & nanobot". lol!
It's All About nanobot!
"They'll say we're disturbing the peace, but there is no peace. What really bothers them is that we are disturbing the war." Howard Zinn
They hid that?!!!
Funny, Bill Moyers would bring that up all the time. I guess TOP is a place that would downvote Moyers. They fucking hate working people.
Solidarity forever
They would, they DID, and they ran him off!
Or, perhaps more accurately, he decided that their circle of jerks wasn't worth wasting his valuable words on.
They've run off a lot of prominent people over the years, starting with one Candidate Barack Obama (who posted one or two diaries, got an intensely hostile reception, and promptly disappeared from the site forever).
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
I didn't know they ran Obama off! That's quite a mark of
distinction. Distinctively foolish, distinctively obnoxious, distinctively hypocritical....
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In other words, Distinctively Kos-like behavior. :)
They sure are a hypocritical, shallow thinking bunch of folks over there....
Their mentality about their candidate is identical to that of rabid sports fans that I have known over the years. Otherwise mature, normal people, but say something negative about "Their" team (as if they were on it, lol!) and they go apeshit.
Irrational identity politics may be even worse amongst those so called "Liberals" than it is amongst the far right.
They got no problems throwing politicians under the bus that betray their agenda.
Pains me to say it, but we could learn a thing or two from the Tea Party types in that area if no other...
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Welp I think I have reached my rage qouta for the month.
Running off Bill?!!! Shame doesn't exist in that world.
Solidarity forever
I was hostile to Obama...
when the Democratic Senator showed up at Agent Orange to endorse John Roberts for the Supreme Court.
I consider it one of my proudest moments at that place.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Is this what you were looking for?
Ronald Wright or John Steinbeck
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the "something something someone" was an attempt at humor.
I thought it might be. But then again, sometimes I can only
remember fragments of something I want to share.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
You have a strong stomach, tapu dali
from a reasonably stable genius.
Amazing, isn't it?
When citizens united first came out, that site was against it, but since it helps Hillary it's acceptable for her to get money from all the rich people. Including possibly people in foreign governments through her PACS.
It's the same thing about Obama's wars in Libya and Syria and everywhere he is using drones.
It was wrong when Bush invaded Iraq on false pretenses, but it's okay for Obama to blame Assad using sarin gas when he and Hillary and others knew that it was the Syrian rebels that used it and that the CIA gave them from the embassy in Benghazi.
That site is unrecognizable from what it was during the Bush years.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Almost overnight (on the Ides of March) it went from
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
Way before the Ides.
They were IOKIYAHRC long before the Ides. The Ides was just the line that would not be crossed in criticizing Her Highness or her campaign, or else the banhammer would find your account. As for TK, there's no cure for what he's got.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
That's the truth. I used to read TK quite a bit, now I go out of
my way to avoid him. He has completely destroyed his credibility, AFAIAC.
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I, too, read TK
regularly. Not every Diary he posted, but prolly one outta three. When I read in one of his posts that he was a flamer for HRC that did it for me.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
TK is too cloying. It oozes out of his dreck.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
I think it happened long before
The ides of March as I stated above. Look at how many years people gave Obama a pass for not doing what he campaigned on.
"Playing 11 dimensional chess" for Gawd's sake when after he finally got the ACA passed without a public option and a mandate. People said that he can now work on making it better. Even now people are saying that Hillary is going to expand the ACA even though no democrat has been working on it since it passed.
And the way that DK was changing in various ways was why people created this site I believe.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
They're going to have to do something about the ACA. The
insurance companies are dropping out.
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That's how we got Medicare (and Medicaid)
The insurance companies refused to cover elderly people and sick poor people, and back in those days it was unacceptable to let people suffer and die unnecessarily. So the government picked up the slack and the tab.
Unfortunately, since then the public discourse has been totally poisoned by "Greed Is Good", "Selfishness is a Virtue", and "If you can['t afford it, fuck off and die!"
There may be some shreds of conscience left - I have to hope so.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That is One of the More Memorable 11th Dimensional Pawn Moves:
The ACA is designed to fail. Once it does it will be replaced with Medicare for All.
Funny, though, won't that leave millions without insurance? I mean, the ubiquitous argument was that heartless, privileged progressives want people to go without medicine to win a political argument.
Don't they know that people are going to die! when the ACA fails and must be replaced?
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
It won't be them that do the dying, so why should they care?
They are a hypocritical bunch.
Every time I saw one of those asshats trot out the "White Privilege = Not voting for Clinton" meme I laugh, particularly when in earlier or later posts they reveal that they work/live in the upper-middle class at least.
Only those WITH privilege can support Clinton, because for those without she is quite likely a death sentence.
There are few personality traits that disgust me more than a blatant hypocrite.
That was why I did my #DemExit, the party is rife with them.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
"make it better" ??
Standard incrementalist dreck. The "work on making it better" part isn't happening; no attempts are being made. Or will be unless and until we can get Her Heinous and all the rest of the Turd Wayers back in the GOP where they belong.
Oftener than not, you have to obtain what you want all at once, or never. Most opportunities only appear once.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That was the reason why people gave him a pass for
voting for the FISA bill that he promised he would filibuster. They said that he had to vote for it so that he could become president and then he would work on undoing the illegal spying on us. Instead he expanded the program and now there are 800 private companies involved in spying on us. And for what reason? It didn't stop any of the attacks by anyone.
The movie massacre still happened. Dylan Roof still shot 9 people. The Boston bombings still happened even though the FBI had interviewed and had them under surveillance and their uncle called the FBI and warned them.Orlando shooting still happened.
The only terrorists attacks that the FBI has stopped were the ones that they set some patsy up to do.
And I haven't heard of one person who is working on making the ACA better, even Bernie.
The only ones who were working on it was the republicans.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
We'll be on our 22nd increment towards solving climate change
When we get permanently walloped by it.
Beware the bullshit factories.
incrementalist excrements
sentence reconstructed for blockquote
As the size of the incremental slices rapidly approaches zero.
All of this also applies to income inequality, educational debt, interventionist foreign policy and all the war that goes with it.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That was then.
Now is now, and Trump. Evil.
Hillary now and FOREVAH.
The front pagers, all of them, are all in.
Where is Dr.Zombiexxx on all of this?
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The doc hasn't diaried in 78 days and hasn't commented in
71 days. Uh oh. Mojo is okay.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
Doc Zombie
IIRC, Doc Zombie's now hanging here. As for so many of the rest of us, TOP became far too odious for him......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Oh, good! I haven't seen him here, I don't think.
Wave at us, Doc, so we know you're surviving!
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
We are all white supremacists
and this site is unsustainable and about to implode.
I never realized this until I read those comments. I now feel so enlightened.
who doesn't support henry kissinger is a white supremacist. that's been well known since 1865. ask armando if you're ignorant enough to argue.
Or teacherken
He has 2-3 diaries every day 'suggesting' 'encouraging' ect that people read this must read diary.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
well, to be fair
tk is a high-end google scholar. (not to involve Google Scholar, which is an actual scholarly exercise)
I really don't understand....
If they truly are mainstream Democrats............. I want nothing to do with them, or their wretched 'Party'.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Daily Kos is Progressive Like MSNBC is Progressive. nt
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
Dkos isn't an aberration, it is an accurate reflection.
That is the Democratic party my friends.
Many of us fell for their platitudes and lies, myself included, something I feel deep chagrin about because after seeing through the Repubs bullshit I should have been smarter and saw that they were actually little different.
But I am AWAKE now.
The Democratic party has lost me forever, after this cycle I will not even vote for so called progressives that run under the democratic umbrella simply because I will do nothing to prop up that party and trying to take it over from the bottom up would be an exercise in futility as this cycle has already shown.
Progressive candidates, REAL progressive candidates will NEVER have a seat at the table in the democratic party because the party is ANTI progressive by it's very nature.
If a Progressive candidate wants to earn my vote in the future they are gonna need to find another party to do so in, because it won't be that corrupt bunch of oligarch shills.
"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me
Vous snarque, gjohnsit:
First of all, it's they who are the white supremacists -- even the ones who aren't white themselves! By the never-ending race baiting, they're doing the white supremacists' evil work for them. And on their own dime, no less. Talk about double victimization!
And I know you were being sarcastic, but reading that dreck leaves me feeling a strong need for a shower.....
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
So true
I've gone from being very sensitive to sympathetic to any charge of racism, to being skeptical and thick-skinned when I hear the accusation. Simply from it being over-used, used in lue of having a reasoned argument, and used for attention-seeking.
Clique dynamics ugly as the Alt-Right — they are the Alt-Center
They think the formula for winning is to declare anyone not on board with them racist and probably anti-Semitic to boot.
People Interested in Social Justice and Social Cohesion Don't
stoke racial fires to defeat their political opponents.
The damage that HRC and the Profit Posse over at dKos have done to social justice and solidarity is great.
Really gross, strategically flawed political messaging over there.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
gjohn, I saw how Tamar selectively
attacked your statement about Kap and racism. Even after you pointed out how some of what you wrote was left out.
And that's what they do, take what we write about here out of context.
I was happy to see that they haven't given up on us Hillary haters because we have the audacity to criticize her, her policies and all of the republican neoconservatives from the Bush administration that have endorsed her.
And I saw many diaries there celebrating whenever another republican endorsed her.
Can they really be that naive about the reason why they are endorsing her? Seriously?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Seriously. The Proprietor over there, Markos Moulitsas, was always a conserva at heart. With Her Heinous and her Turd Way fellow-travellers in place, old man Moulitsas can claim to be a "Democrat" while still being a right-wing neocon militaristic thus-and-such. Were the Dems what the likes of FDR and JFK advocated them to be -- and, by rights, what they should be, the advocates for the ordinary working-class American -- Moulitsas would still be a Republican, embracing all the baggage that entails.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
It's sad really.
Now the New York Times is a right-wing source, same with the AP and MSNBC. We tried to tell 'em ...
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I can't read any of the comments anymore
once I realized that this got flagged:
Thy have totally jumped the shark.
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
I need a shower ... /nt
There are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns – the ones we don't know we don't know.
I pronounce you free to go. You could just start posting your
avatar after every comment OT! You fought the good fight.
No worries, slung mud washes right off.
Please check out Pet Vet Help, consider joining us to help pets, and follow me @ElenaCarlena on Twitter! Thank you.
I went over and T & R'd it.
I'm not gonna' get into the thread. I still post there for local politics but the Cult of Personality stuff makes me vom.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
They would not begrudge billionaires
their right to administer the world, nor to so lavishly consume the fruits thereof. For have these mighty titans not knelt before the Queen? And is the Queen not truly One of Us?
Billionaires Are Obviously Better Than Us. Look How Much Money
they have.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
We need him to be here, subito!
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
nothing wrong with our billionaires
but college for all (including billionaires' kids)? No way!
Let 'em go on and on
over there at TOP. The shit really hasn't hit the fan yet.
Since Hillary has the nomination, what's left there at TOP is moronic. Precious little actual critical thinking. It's a fan boy magazine for Clinton using Trump as the constant distraction.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
True, it has become rather dull
and one-dimensional for the most part. Still plenty of traffic though. I suppose Markos must be pleased with the results of his handiwork?
Not so much--
Thug Markos' site may generate traffic but his site has a 60% bounce rate and length of time of visit per user is two and a half minutes.
"I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones."
John Cage
Nah, He Can't Poison the Well or Neuter/Pummel Leftist Ideas
if we are doing it somewhere else.
“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu
"The shit really hasn't hit the fan yet"
I'll say. I have a feeling there's quite a lot of shit piling up, waiting to be thrown at a pretty powerful fan.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Cognitive Dissonance is building up for sure.
Hillary supporters have been re-inventing her for some time now. Problem is the re-invention is not who she is and was. There is not even among her supporters any critique allowed of her policies in order to reform them, or push her in another direction. I am going to invest in the company that makes Prozac: the nervous states of cognitive dissonance will be felt near and far.
Nice, tapu
Your diary 'over there' portrays a fine and very caustic perspective. It’s the first diary and comments that I’ve read there in a while - outside of the 3 people I still follow. I think that your diary and the misguided comments are a very sad reflection of the understanding or ‘being in touch with’, too many Americans are deprived of, or deprive themselves of.
The irony of the "anti-fascist" comment
It's painful. Almost too painful. Like, hot-gluing your hand to a hot skillet painful.
OPOL sure took a lot of shit there
All he did was write great diaries. F**k those abusers.
Beware the bullshit factories.
OPOL or geebeebee
I'd throw a fookin' party if folks over at DK likened a diary I wrote to OPOL's writing. Or geebeebee's, for that matter.
Why do I not read over there since the Ides of March Decree? Because I live in Colorado Springs, Colorado. If I want to consume some conserva-dreck, I've got plenty of homegrown supply. I don't need to be importing any interstate.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I just feel sorry for Tom Tomorrow, having to fixate on Trump
This cartoon from February was probably the last time the “real,” non-neutered, non-Trump-fixated Tom Tomorrow was seen.