(Does anyone believe this?) Clinton forcefully disavows Obama's trade deal

Hillary Clinton on Thursday forcefully rejected the notion that she will support the Trans-Pacific Partnership if she’s elected in November, telling a blue-collar crowd in Michigan that “I oppose it now, I’ll oppose it after the election, and I’ll oppose it as president.”

Donald Trump has accused Clinton of lying about her opposition to the 12-nation trade pact, which President Barack Obama has aggressively pushed. Following a POLITICO report last month in which Clinton ally and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe suggested Clinton would come around to a modified version of the deal, Trump called Clinton a liar and said her running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, is one of the deal’s top supporters.


“Too many companies lobbied for trade deals so they could sell products abroad, but then they instead moved abroad and sold back into the United States,” she said. “It is also true that China and other countries have gamed the system for too long. Enforcement — particularly during the Bush administration — has been too lax. Investments at home that would make us more competitive have been completely blocked in Congress, and American workers and communities have paid the price.”

“But the answer is not to rant and rave — or to cut ourselves off from the world,” she continued. “That would end up killing even more jobs. The answer is to finally make trade work for us, not against us. So my message to every worker in Michigan and across America is this: I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages — including the Trans-Pacific Partnership.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/clinton-reject-obama-trade-226920#...


I don't believe her lying ass for one second. I notice she sure left herself some 'wiggle room' in this statement. But I think Obama plans to sign it himself during his 'lame duck' session and she won't even have to dirty her little paws with it. It's all a scam.

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But not me.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

detroitmechworks's picture

But that assumes that she wouldn't bald faced lie to us.

Besides there's plenty of folks to tell me that she's being completely truthful THIS time.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

bondibox's picture

"We will oppose trade agreements that do not support good American jobs, raise wages, and improve our national security. We believe any new trade agreements must include strong and enforceable labor and environmental standards in their core text with streamlined and effective enforcement mechanisms. Trade agreements should crack down on the unfair and illegal subsidies other countries grant their businesses at the expense of ours. It should promote innovation of and access to lifesaving medicines. And it should protect a free and open internet. We should never enter into a trade agreement that prevents our government, or other governments, from putting in place rules that protect the environment, food safety, or the health of American citizens or others around the world."

Translate: Any Trade agreement must provide each American man, woman, and child with the potential to have their choice of a puppy, a unicorn, or a rainbow with a leprechaun and at least one pot of gold.

And if you believe that, you deserve to get Hillary as your president.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

She compared American workers to Michael Phelps and some female gymnast, saying American workers can't wait to compete with the world! Cheers and flag waving.

IOW, I'm gonna support this fucking treaty, and I'm going to pull out every lame-ass lie that's been used to steal your jobs by supporting all the other fucking treaties that have enshrined corporate sovereignty for decades.

You'd have to be as stupid as the average Republican voter to believe her bullshit. Sadly, Democratic voters have become just as stupid as Republican voters.

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You have a problem competing with Haitians making 23 cents an hour? Wimp! American workers will proudly take 21.5 cents an hour and half pay on Saturdays. We're number 1!

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MsGrin's picture

I will stop any trade deal that kills jobs or holds down wages

How she gets out of this is that there's no proof ahead of the fact that TPP will suppress wages or kill jobs, so she's going to claim that it doesn't and therefore, she's for the bill. Mark my words. Maybe she'll get a toothness nod in to protecting American jobs. This is all optics and she constantly talks out of both sides of her mouth. She hasn't said anything which will keep her from signing it into law.

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'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member

edg's picture

It took over a decade before the job-killing, wage suppressing effects of NAFTA were acknowledged and even today there are apologists telling us we shouldn't believe our own lying eyes about the 650,000 lost jobs, multi-billion dollar trade deficit with Mexico, depressed U.S. wages, loss of livelihood for 1.3 million Mexican farmers and the evisceration of American labor unions.

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I think we all know that it's going to get rammed through in the lame duck session. I want some one to ask her this. "If elected and the TPP, as it stands today, is already the law, will you do everything in your power to repeal it?"

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wait for it: My hands were tied. They were going to overrde my veto, or we were able to get the fig leaves in an ammendment that allowed me to support it

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Fighting for democratic principles,... well, since forever

I can't imagine anyone in this state believing her. The only support she has in MI imo comes from middle-aged woman, the stupid lesser of evil Democrats, and minorities who still think Bill is the first black President. MI has been so hijacked by the DeVos/Grand Rapids crowd/ Hillary only won the three most populated counties in Michigan and one of them includes Detroit.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Pluto's Republic's picture

Had she not destroyed nations with her misguided power and callously killed and displaced tens of thousands of innocent people — her promise might have worked. But, no sale.

People are careful now, more thoughtful. Decency and morality has gained the upper hand across the US. It's not good news for Hillary.

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Lenzabi's picture

She is seeking to get a landslide. Jill not Hill 2016!

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So long, and thanks for all the fish

said the same thing about CFTA, a year later they were touting it's passage.

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Solidarity forever

I cannot understand this trustworthiness tour at all.
I see her face, and I see Pinocchio. I hear her voice and change the channel. I read her quotes and wonder why I wasted my time.

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kharma's picture

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

kharma's picture

they are letting on. She needs our votes and she can keep dreaming.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

elenacarlena's picture

says. She will find some things in the agreement to change, then she will approve it. "It's not the same TPP that Obama wanted." But the effect will be the same on us.

And as others have pointed out, there is the further possibility that it will be passed by Obama and the Repugs before the new Pres takes office.

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Thaumlord-Exelbirth's picture

And lead a war against ISIS and give all the land to Israel. And a free puppy for every jewish person in the world.

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