Featured Editorials

the Novichok™ Chimera fades further

Dawn Sturgess, guardian photo

The White Queen to Alice: ‘Why, sometimes I’ve believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast’

First, a few excerpts fromNew Developments in the Skripal Case Reveal it for the Sham it Always Was’, Oct. 16, 2019, James Oneill, journal-neo.org

Oneill brings the unbelievable narrative of the Skripals’ having been poisoned by ‘a highly toxic substance where only minute quantities are required to cause an almost instant death, and yet they went to a pub, to a restaurant, and to a lake to feed some ducks.  He spends time wondering why in the world some Russian Agents would poison a spy that the Russians had already repatriated to the UK, as well as his (assumedly) innocent daughter, there to visit her father before her upcoming wedding.

The Weekly Watch

Fertile Soils and Fertile Minds

The YouTube algorithm has delivered some interesting comments/statements by teachers on my feed. I want to share a few of those. I'm so glad my teaching career was in a smaller rural school with quite a different environment. At any rate those interviews make it obvious why we don't have a thinking, civil population. My original notion for today's column was to focus on soil fertility. This is really the time of year to address that, so when its time for spring planting the soil is already prepared. Then I started putting these two concepts together in my mind...we can use agricultural practices to make soil fertile and we can use educational techniques to create healthy fertile minds capable of independent thought. Both touch the future in profound ways.

fertile minds.jpg

Back In Black: #BernieInQueens Was Magnificent and Stirring. #BerniesBack Alright.

Greeting folks. Haven't been around in a while. But I do peek in as much as possible. Similarly, I haven't been out among The People much at all. Two very small children not only wear you down but limit your interactions, especially at this demanding stage.

While Rome Burns

It's time for a long overdue rant. I just learned that I lost another friend to cancer. He was 58 years old and the 3rd friend I've lost to cancer in the past 6 months. Why can't we beat this disease? Why aren't we fighting harder? Why don't we do a better job of caring for our own people instead of policing the whole damn world?
