Featured Editorials

A Year Old, but Pertinent: Cyberanalyst George Eliason Claims that the “Fancy Bear” Who Hacked the DNC Server is Ukrainian Intelligence – In League with the Atlantic Council and Crowdstrike

This essay was posted at the Way of the Bern subreddit about a year ago. In light of Trump's recent comments to Zelensky referring to Crowdstrike and "the server", it takes on new pertinence:

Cyberanalyst George Eliason has written some intriguing blogs recently claiming that the "Fancy Bear" which hacked the DNC server in mid-2016 was in fact a branch of Ukrainian intelligence linked to the Atlantic Council and Crowdstrike. I invite you to have a go at one of his recent essays:

Bernie needs to differentiate himself from Warren, here’s my idea: Economic Democracy

I’d like to start this post by saying the inspiration for this came from the Next System Project and Democracy Collaborative (although the ideas are not new). In another life, I would have been an economist and gone on to do the work they are doing. And thanks to my partner, for helping me with developing this.

Also, I am developing this idea, feel free to critique.
