Featured Editorials

eva bartlett commits actual journalism in Crimea

‘Return to Russia: Crimeans Tell the Real Story of the 2014 Referendum and Their Lives Since;
Eva Bartlett traveled to Crimea to see firsthand out how Crimeans have fared since 2014 when their country reunited with Russia, and what the referendum was really like’, Eva Bartlett, Oct. 9, 2019, mintpressnews.com (CC w/attribution)

As it is CC, I’ll include it all (save for a few photos), as much of her first-person reporting on several of the key issues defy MSM stereotypes .  (My bolds throughout)

The Weekly Watch

Variety, Varmints, and Victims

It's been a week of protest around the world. Do any of you remember such a global protest movement? Thousands of people have been arrested world wide.
I've been struggling with a groundhog all week. The varmint mowed down my broccoli in one night. Its groundhog day all over again.
We're losing diversity and variety of our food plants. This week we'll examine some attempts to maintain and grow many types food producing plants.
This first clip is dedicated to 'The Voice In the Wilderness' our resident tree grafter (11 min)

Interesting article about unified Middle East opposition to Erdogan's assault on Syria

After admitting I was foolish to have believed Trump was right to call Erdogan's bluff on the invasion, I find myself still thinking there may have been a rationale for Trump's move, as horrific as it has turned out to be.

Simon Tisdall describes a possible positive outcome from the negative reactions to Erdogan on the part of countries involved in the crisis:

Latin America is rebelling against America's neoliberalism

The mainstream media largely ignored the collapse of the center-left over the past decade. The ideology of "progressive on social issues, while being almost indistinguishable from the right-wing on economic issues" had died in 2008, but its zombie corpse lives on because the ruling class requires it.
Western democracy has been crumbling from within for a long time.
