The Aspie Corner's blog

Basic Rules for Fascist Governance (And Fuck Nazis, the KKK and the McResistance)

Dear Alt-Right and Toxic IdPol kids,

Please kindly shut the fuck up and realize you're all being fuckin' duped by the bourgeoisie.

Don't get the wrong idea here: If I were able I'd probably punch out a few Nazi skinheads and KKK members myself if the opportunity were there. It's what they deserve considering they push an ideology that advocates for mass murder based on skin color, ethnicity and disability (I belong to the disability category).

Bored Out of My Mind Random Crap

These days I'm trying to figure out ways to stay sane since jobs are virtually nonexistent. I don't really talk to people outside of my wife and her family and where the wife and I live there's nothing to do but shop and eat. Literally. I live right next to what could be described as an outdoor mall.

Hey Democrats: You Need A Message? Here You Go.

The other day someone posted about the big fail when it came to Democrats and their messaging campaign and there was a joke in the comment section about a donkey wearing a blue condom.

Well.....okay, please forgive me, I just had to.


Let's make it a contest and see who can come up with the most facetious tagline ever.

See ya around,

An Indignant Rant About Milquetoast 'Centrist' Right-wing Enablers

It's about 8 months after the electoral college handed Dipshit Dumpsterfire Trump the presidency (With the help of Hillary Clinton and the DNC) and the Democratic Party is still whining. Yet for all that whining, they can't seem to shake the very tactics, non-policies and toxic identity politics that led to their loss to begin with.

Disability Caucus 6/25/17: Help (Not) Wanted

A couple of weeks ago I went to a 'DiverseAbility' job fair hosted by Voc Rehab and other county employment services. Of course the whole thing was a waste of time because they only had a few employers and the rest were just plugging services I already use. Services Flori-Duh's government seems all to happy to slash every fuckin' year.

Diet and Exercise Tips from the Differently Abled

I've been trying for the last few years to lose weight, but with my disabilities, That's bound to happen when you're hemiplegic. But then I found something that doesn't suck: my complex wading pool. Sure, it might be only 3 to four feet deep, but there's a lot you can still do with that, with or without equipment.

How the Professional Class Kills Desire for Decent Employment

I recently started re-reading an old 18th century Chinese satirical novel called 'The Scholars', and I can't help but draw parallels not only between the blatantly corrupt literati of the Qing (or Ch'ing, depending on who you ask) Dynasty and the American Professional Class today, but the insane standards of both that made people waste their entire lives just to live up to them only to die trying or come up short.

A Friend Crosses the Rainbow Bridge

One of my cats has been having problems with his teeth and his left eye for the last few weeks. Today we brought him in for surgery this morning thinking a few teeth had to be removed and maybe he needed a shot of antibiotics for what we thought was pink eye that we tried to treat a couple weeks before with some ointment.

The Ableism and Idiocy of the Professional Class

DK's "professional class"
@The Aspie Corner

Perhaps I should have stopped sooner when the professional class there decided to give me shit because I couldn't obtain a drivers' license.

You are, of course, correct here.

The "make the able more able and fuck everybody else" anti-ethic puts DK in some nasty company: early 20th Century Fascism, the KKK, etc.
