A Trump Win Would Empower The Greens? My Ass.

Someone said in my previous entry that Trump has to be elected to destroy the Democrats and empower the Green Party by 2020. Here's why that's total bullshit:

1. This was tried before with the Dems and the 50 state strategy. They ran on impeaching Bush and Cheney, Single Payer and Raising the Minimum Wage among other things. Every one of those things were immediately off the table once they were elected.

2. The Repigs tried the same thing with the Tea Party. Once those douchebags got into office, it was business as usual with a side of 'We won't work with that dang ol' naygar in OUR White House'.

So tell me, how would a Trumpy Boy victory empower the Greens anymore than a Billary victory? Both of them are incredibly thin skinned when it comes to any issue at all and both would be far more likely to shit on any and all dissent when elected. That's how narcissists and sociopaths operate.

Besides, Trumpy Boy may have won his primary 'fair and square', but the corporate media told us it was Trump v. Billary for almost 2 years straight and said to us that none of the other candidates mattered. And he sure as shit won't expose Billary's corruption when the time comes because it was already exposed by activists all over the country during and after the primary clusterfuck. He won't jail her either because he's too damn close to the Clintons to begin with.

If we're going to empower the Green Party, then we ought to vote GREEN. Not Blue, and definitely not Red.

See ya around,


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bottom and go up; and, there has to be political space once the party has become a coherent entity.

I think the political space is there and will remain there; what's needed is local organizing and solidarity with other local organizations.

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"The justness of individual land right is not justifiable to those to whom the land by right of first claim collectively belonged"

elenacarlena's picture

We have the two worst mainstream candidates with the biggest unfavorable numbers ever, and even we on this blog can't come to a consensus as to which is worse, suggesting that they are not that far apart so it doesn't matter whether Clinton or Trump wins. So that means we can vote third party with a clear conscience and encourage everyone else to do the same, including vote Johnson if they're adamantly right wing.

We'll do local later. This may be our best chance in a lifetime to vote in substantial numbers for third parties. Even if they hack the vote, think of how they'll feel seeing big third party numbers before they change them. Plus the bigger those numbers, the more chance of the hackers getting caught.

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sensetolisten's picture

Please do not misquote me again.


I became a "single issue voter" when (#1) I saw Comey betray his oath of office and not indict the traitor, lying about the Espionage Act requiring "intent" when it is clear that subsection (f) does not require intent, and (#2) when I saw the massive overwhelming conclusive evidence that DNC rigged the election, and (#3) when I saw every single Democrat in congress, along with the Democrat President say nothing about any of this ..... and that single issue is Exposing / Prosecuting Hillary and the Clinton Arkansas Mafia Crime Family corruption, because I believe their corruption is so pervasive within US Politics and is so pervasive within the US Government that it is crippling our nation, and this represents the single greatest threat to our democracy today. It's a matter of priority, and the robbing U.S. citizens of our very right to vote means our democracy itself is in mortal danger. There is nothing --- no policy, no position, no value --- greater than our right to vote. Without the right to vote, we have nothing. This is the threat that the Hillary/DNC corruption represents today. And the only candidate who is explicitly exposing Hillary's corruption is Donald Trump, so I am supporting Donald Trump. It is that simple. I also like that he is opposed to the TPP and is in favor of reinstating Glass Steagall Act.

I love Stein / Green Party and fully believe they are the future for this nation, but I am not sure she can win in 2016, because the best she can hope for is 70% of the liberal vote (and even this assumes Hillary does not rig the general election) but with the massive increase in voters that Republicans are getting this election as we saw in the Rep Primary, she has no chance, I am sorry to say, though I would love to be wrong ---- however, I do believe it is CRITICAL that Stein does win the majority of the liberal vote in 2016 in order to destroy the Democrat Party, so my strategic objectives are:

(a) supporting Trump to beat Hillary, and

(b) supporting Stein to win the liberal vote, and

(c) destroying the Democrat Party.

I also added my own judgement call:

At this exact unique moment in time, which we have NEVER experienced before, there is a confluence of populist movements converging, wherein:

#1) I think a Democrat Party landslide defeat,

#2) with Hillary as the "anointed" nominee, via a rigged Democrat Party primary election wherein the populist clear winner candidate (Bernie) was cheated, by Trump, of all people, given how he is perceived,

#3) coupled with Stein/Green Party winning THE MAJORITY OF THE LIBERAL VOTE (70%), will...

#4) result in the crippling disgrace of the Democrat Party,

A disgrace so crippling that it will destroy the credibility and viability of the Democrat Party, and will thus enable the Green Party to establish itself as the viable and trustable liberal party for the future. It is the confluence of all of these factors, combined, in a virtual "perfect storm" that will destroy the Democrat Party. And, not only would this make me "ecstatic".... even more so, I believe this is an imperative for our future, because, I do agree, Climate Change is most critical, but without our "RIGHT TO VOTE" we cannot attack ANY issue. In other words, I am not advocating for anyone specifically to vote for Trump or Stein, either one is 100% okay with me. I believe each person should vote their conscience. I am taking the time to discuss Trump simply because I think he needs defending here, since this essay was attacking him, unfairly. I would and have defended Stein with equal passion. I am stressing Trump because I believe he is the first step, for the aforementioned reasons, namely, because I believe he is the only one with the courage and spine to expose Hillary's corruption.

Please bear in mind here, and this is the most critical point, due to the massive overwhelming corrupt power of Hillary/DNC, she/they can rig any election by a Green Party candidate, just like they rigged the
Democrat Primary election and stole the nomination from Bernie, so there is no way that a Green Party can fight that corruption, only a ruthless SOB powerful Businessman like Trump can expose that corruption, and live to talk about it. THAT is my main point. So yes, Trump does help the Green Party, by being the leader with the courage and power to expose Hillary's and the DNC's corruption. Neither Stein nor Bernie had either the courage or power to expose Hillary's corruption outright. If either of them did, they would have ended up like Seth Rich, Shawn Lucas, John Ashe, and Vince Foster.

Do you get me now?

Please do not misquote me again by taking my words out of context, if you do so, then you are no better than Hillary's Propaganda minions misquoting and outright lying about Trump. I am supporting Trump because Trump is EXPOSING HILLARY'S CORRUPTION. PERIOD.

Please note that I did not say, "exposing corruption" ... I said, "exposing Hillary's corruption" .... because at this juncture in time, it is ONLY Hillary's corruption that I am focused upon, because her's is so bad and so pervasive in our politics and government that she represents a direct and immediate and clear and present danger to our democracy. BAR NONE.

Stein is not exposing Hillary's corruption.
Bernie did not expose Hillary's corruption.


If you say ANYTHING about my position and FAIL to mention this, first and foremost, then you are outright lying.

Now, if you want to support Stein and the Green Party, please, by all means, do so, and I will applaud you and I will even admire you, in fact, as I said, I think that agenda is ALSO important, as a second step, but to me it is not MY priority. You should follow your own intuition about what you feel you should apply your support to. I do and will support Stein, but first and foremost, I am supporting Trump, because I believe in the online world, debunking the bullshit lies about Trump is critical.

Who I vote for in the voting booth is none of your business.

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
The Aspie Corner's picture

Even they can be right twice a day. And just because he says he'll do something doesn't mean he will. Besides, why would somebody like Trumpy Boy do ANYTHING to change a system he's benefited immensely from to begin with? That's the same as expecting Billary to end Citizens United. Both are in it for themselves. No one else. Remember that when you vote for Billary's puppet in November.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

sensetolisten's picture

Trump is EXPOSING (note I said, "exposing") Hillary's corruption in his General Election Campaign.

Did you notice that I said "EXPOSING?"


Got it? So, Trump is satisfying my requirement.

What is my requirement?

Why? Well, I think I said it was FUCKING EXPOSING Hillary's corruption.

And, is Trump exposing Hillary's corruption in his campaign?

Why yes, he is!

TO WIT: The following memes are in his media narrative:

Here, I just really loved this one:
TRUMP: "Hillary is as crooked as a three dollar bill."

So, here's a quiz, Aspie.

What is my NUMBER ONE requirement of Trump?

Hint #1: Trump EXPOSES Hillary's corruption!

Hint #2: Trump EXPOSES Hillary's corruption!

Hint #3: Trump EXPOSES Hillary's corruption!

Get a fucking clue, dude.

Yeah, sure, if Trump prosecutes Hillary, now that would be fucking awesome gravy sauce, but if Trump EXPOSES Hillary's corruption, then I am 100% satisfied, which he ALREADY is doing, so I am ALREADY 100% satisfied, hence, I am supporting Trump, because..... wait for it ..... my SINGLE VOTING ISSUE is that Trump focuses on exposing Hillary's Corruption as a centerpiece of his campaign, and ... wow ... guess what .... Trump actually already is exposing Hillary's Corruption as a centerpiece of his campaign.

So, am I satisfied with Trump?

Well, you know what, FUCKING HELL YES!

I am fucking ecstatic about Trump's campaign.

Can you guess why? Come on, you can do it... guess!


If you lie about my position again, I am just gonna ignore you and assume you are some sort of a troll.

Jeez Loueez

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
sensetolisten's picture

Is Jill Stein's campaign focused on exposing Hillary's and the Clinton Foundation's corruption?

Did Bernie Sanders' campaign focused on exposing Hillary's and the Clinton Foundation's corruption?

There answer to both of these questions is NO.

You know it. I know it. Hillary knows it.

And why do you think that is?

Well, we all know why that is. It's because if they did, they would end up like Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas and John Ashe and Vince Foster, to name only a few from the mile long list.

And is this the real DNC leak:

Yeah, so here's why SOB Ruthless Trump is essential, it's because Stein/Green Party can't deal with this problem...

And the real full list is a mile long, and this is not even half of them:

So, yeah, the enemy of our enemy is our friend, this season.


GOP lobbyist offers $100K reward for info in DNC staffer's death

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
lunachickie's picture

is not going to fix ANY of what's wrong with this country.

If he sticks around long enough and manages to be sworn in next January, he's not going to get shit done, because nobody is going to work with him.

He's not just going to waltz in and start dictating shit. He still needs cooperation from Congress, and he's not going to get it even with a full GOP majority.

But you go ahead and play that game. But don't cry to anyone if you get burned. A vote for Trump will burn your ass but good, just like a vote for Hillary will.

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elenacarlena's picture

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The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

elenacarlena's picture

times she's said anti-Hillary things, just a sample.

Damn. Misspelled Febuary.

Must be past time for bed.

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The Aspie Corner's picture


Then I think you'd better be prepared for disappointment. Besides, he isn't exposing anything. He's simply taking shit that was already out there and running with it. The work was already done for him. Fox News and Breitbart are only going along with it because they're just doing their job as pro-Trump propaganda outlets, especially since the big wigs of both are part of his campaign.

Trump may be a 'smart' business criminal but he makes a really shitty demagogue. If he resorts to his playground bully behavior from the primaries I guarantee it'll kick him in the ass.

Your 'single issue' voting choice is just as bad as the average Clinton supporter telling us that if Trump wins it's our fault.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

sensetolisten's picture

and simply add a comment to your main essay thread, then I won't notice that you actually replied to my comment. I almost missed this comment.

Now, to your comment. You wrote:

If this is all you care about....


Then I think you'd better be prepared for disappointment. Besides, he isn't exposing anything. He's simply taking shit that was already out there and running with it.

Your logic is irrational to me, either that, or you are being intentionally myopic to ignore my point.

With patience, I will explain myself for a 7th time, and I will try to spell it out so that even a four year old can grasp it.

My requirement of Trump really is very VERY simple. I want Trump to be talking about, as in, SPEAKING IN ENGLISH WITH ENGLISH WORDS, the simple plain words:

#ClintonFoundation is corrupt.

And Trump is doing that, in EVERY one of his speeches.

And I do not, for the life of me, know what the hell you mean when you say that Trump is "talking shit" ... because, "talking shit" means that Trump is lying about Hillary, but Trump is the fucking ONLY one who is not lying or beating around the bush or sugar coating it or mincing words. Trump is spelling it out in plain English. Hell, Trump is the fucking FIRST one to say what EVERY knows but not a single person in congress or in the news or Bernie or Stein had the balls to say, which is that OBVIOUSLY Hillary committed treason and had a private email server to cover up for her corrupt Clinton "Foundation" deals for Arms.... fucking duh. So, it is YOU, Aspie, who is "talking shit" about Trump, and you are doing so more and more in ways that sound an awful lot like a HillBot Shill Troll mole. And you have posted this essay which is a clear attack on me, personally, so I feel compelled to call you out for your bs. Now, if you like Stein, well, by all means, support Stein, and post pro-Stien essays, but if you are going out of your way to post bs anti Trump Hillary Propaganda memes, and if you are going out of your way to post essays to attack me, to harass me, personally, intentionally ignoring and misquoting my points, then you are marking yourself as HillBot troll.

There is no "better be prepared for disappointment" possibility, because I am ALREADY SATISFIED because Trump is TALKING IN ENGLISH promoting a meme narrative of Hillary's Corruption, and thankfully, this has gotten Fox News to focus on it in major way, too. HALLELUJAH!!!! And furthermore, Trump had the wisdom of, rather than listen to that idiot Republican Establishment guy who tried to "reign Trump in" and fire his ass, and hire Brietbart's guy as his campaign manager, sending a clear message that he was going to be relentless in focusing on Hillary's corruption throughout the entirety of his campaign.



If all Trump does is win the election destroying Hillary and preventing her from getting into office, and he does so making sure that EVERYONE is repeatng the following memes:
#ClintonFoundation is corrupt

Well, I will be fucking ecstatic.

Trump is a master of one thing, more than anything else, he is the fucking MEME MASTER.... he dominates the media narrative, and he is using his mastery to promote those memes, and for this, alone, I will support him one hundred fucking percent, because I believe Hillary's massive corrupt influence of our politics and our government is the greatest threat this nation has ever known, bar none, and the only way to stop her, is to expose her corruption in the court of public opinion, so that the populace is against her. Bernie started that task, and Trump is finishing it.

So, I repeat, for the umpteenth time,
for this reason alone... I FUCKING LOVE TRUMP!!!

He has already lived up to my greatest expectations and requirements.

Now, if he does this for the remainder of the election, relentlessly, brutally, ruthlessly, and especially so, in the debate, so that there is no doubt in anyone's mind who and what corrupt inept weak ilk she is, then I will be 100% satisfied that he is serving the greater good by stopping a "wolf in sheep's clothing" sociopathic tyrant from seizing control of this government in a political coup.

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
lunachickie's picture

it's called DBAA....

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this is getting repetitious and now with the insults it's time to end this thread.

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sensetolisten's picture

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman
The Aspie Corner's picture

He did not and will not expose her. Others had already done that during and after the Democratic Primary. And if you expect someone as narcissistic as Trump to act on anything he's said once he get's elected, you aren't paying attention. He's only interested in one thing: Himself. Not this country. Not prosecuting Hillary Clinton. Not stopping the TPP. Neither do his propaganda outlets Fox News or Breitbart.

And let me make this point one more time: Your single issue Trump vote is just as bad is the 'We have to vote Hillary to stop Trump' vote. All for the reasons I stated above. But go ahead and play with fire if you want to. Just don't come crying when you get burned.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

sensetolisten's picture

But JtC has politely asked us to end this thread, so this is the last time I will be responding. Please refrain from attacking or misquoting me or my words again. Thank you.

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“I never did give them hell. I just told the truth, and they thought it was hell.”
― Harry Truman