Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Singing The Bourgeois Election Blues
Submitted by ny brit expat on Sun, 04/17/2016 - 4:00pm
with musical accompaniment ...
with musical accompaniment ...
How well do you know the democratic socialism that Bernie is reviving across the continent? When you discuss with friends what Bernie means, do you have the full picture? Corporatist capitalism has erased most of FDR's New Deal democratic socialism and today's people have no memory of it. It is most helpful to have a general overview of the benefits of democratic socialism when talking with capitalist-formed people.
Here's Part One:
This diary series explores the outlines of Bernie's economic philosophy. We do so using a famous book that came out when a young Bernie Sanders was forming his economic philosophy: Small Is Beautiful (1973), by the post-WWII British economist E.F. Schumacher. It is subtitled "Economics As If People Mattered." We follow the four parts of the book very closely and attempt to tie it to Bernie's economics. Have no fear: there's no technical language, or math, or any Marx. Well, it's a long-form essay and the language is from the 70s, but so am I :=) Don't be deterred: read it in stages.
If you'd like to see a town that has transitioned to democratic socialism, see Totnes, a small market town in Devon, England, the town that created the Transition Town movement:
Please follow me for more below for the democratic-socialist corrective to the dismal science.
Hello friends, here's today's flight plan for the magic carpet. The averaged polls have Clinton 53-41, a 12-point lead, here at T-5. That sounds bad, eh. There are, fortunately, two counter points to make. More below.
Canada's progressive party, The New Democrat Party, is working to adopt the Leap Manifesto, written in 2015. It is subtitled: A Call for a Canada Based On Caring For The Earth And For One Another. Martha Pierce-Smith and Joe discussed it here on c99 today.
The Leap Manifesto is a great policy platform: it is well worth reading the piece in full (it's only 5 pages long). More below.
When Bernie first decided to run for President as a democratic socialist, challenging the extreme income inequality that advanced capitalism has brought to our society, I was excited. His message was echoing the Occupy Wall Street movement’s slogan that 1% of the wealthy owned more than the other 99%. Bernie was going to bring the concept of class struggle between working people and the corporate elite back into the political conversation!
We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in 10 days on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative.
Bernie met the delegate math target in his WI win of 57% and will get another little bounce in Wyoming today. Then the magic carpet flies high as it can to get over the NY wall. Have you been noticing all the tremors beneath the other campaign and all the little cracks spreading throughout the NY wall? Cool, eh?
Below are the graphs from Huffpo. Also, Steppenwolf.
Here is some information on the original Transition Town, Totnes in England, taken from their website
Thanks to gulfgal for the transition town topic on this week's Wednesday OT.
I made four topic extracts:
1. Local Currency
2. Local Skills
3. Local Economy
4. Local Food
Please see more below.
The impact of Bernie Sanders is becoming the topic of 2016. Folks everywhere are marvelling at the popularity of his ideas. They're so mainstream! What is this democratic socialism he's on about? This diary series will explore the outlines of Bernie's economic philosophy. We will do so using an oldie, but a goodie, the post-WWII British economist E.F. Schumacher’s Small Is Beautiful (1973). It is subtitled "Economics As If People Mattered."
We will follow the four parts of the book very closely and attempt to tie it to Bernie's economics, beginning in part two and onward.
Have no fear: there's no technical language, or math, or any Marx. Well, it's a long-form essay and the language is from the 70s, but so am I :=)
Please follow me for more below for the democratic-socialist corrective to the dismal science.
We're featuring the NY polls every day until the election in 11 days on 19 April. NY has 247 delegates at stake. Plus, the little matter of momentum and narrative. Bernie met the delegate math target in his WI win of 57%.
He'll receive another little bounce in Wyoming tomorrow and then the magic carpet flies high as it can to get over the NY wall. Have you been noticing all the tremors beneath the other campaign and all the little cracks spreading throughout the NY wall? Cool, eh?
Below are the graphs from Huffpo. Also, Steppenwolf.