
Open Raw - Late 70's-80's Art, Street, Punk, Pop, Wavey, Music and a bit of present day politics

In my intermittent ongoing OT series on visual populist? art I have now arrived at the beginning point that triggered both this series and my graphic art so called career. The Russians are coming! Not now but then. So I was sick of being a waitress and went to art school as I was a half ass good artist who wanted to make a buck or two.

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: On the Corbyn Phenomenon

A couple of days ago, I was discussing with some friends how would we describe the situation in the Labour Party; was it a movement, a revolution, how could we describe it? I am not comfortable with the term “revolution” as I think it plays into false usage of the term; it is a much misused term being used to describe almost any change that occurs.

Expect more arrests...the oligarchy is getting more uptight

Recent charges against Jill Stein and Amy Goodman are a sign that the oligarchy is warning us that it is going to be rougher from here on. Yes there have been arrests all along, but big oil is worried. The native People are challenging their ability to do as they please and costing them money in the process.

Have We Forgotten What Bernie Sanders Taught Us?

I have been a supporter of Bernie Sanders for years. He and I are of an age. I was thrilled when he started up a revolution of positive change. Take a close look at the word positive. One of the definitions of positive from Merriam-Webster is " indicating, relating to, or characterized by affirmation, addition, inclusion, or presence rather than negation, withholding, or absence ." It is change we can believe in.

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Thoughts on the Universal Basic Income

One of the hottest discussions we are seeing is the one surrounding the universal basic income (UBI) or citizens’ income (CI); in Britain it has been advocated by the Trade Union Unite (it was adopted at the last convention), it has been incorporated into the Green Party of England and Wales’s manifesto for a sustainable economy, the Labour Par

God I wish we could detect lying politicians before they do damage!

The man who posted the Jill Stein is a "DICTATOR IN WAITING!" post now says he is on the BERNIE SANDERS RULES COMMITTEE. I am sorry but in my personal experience people who have such views are dlc centrists 99% of the time, so the only conclusion I can draw is that conned his fellow "Berners" in to giving him this job, just so he could sheepdog them and Nader bait them.

Little by little our eyes are being opened....but it is so slow and painful

We are about to see the end point of the Democratic Party scam that they called a "Primary". The Republicans are doing their version and the theater just gets more and more sickening.

Stealing the First Lady's speech has caused another wave of reaction to the well established disregard for truth or ethics that should be expected by now.
