
What if they gave an election and nobody came?

Does that sound funny to you? Think about it. It has been happening for a long time for a lot of people in this country. Bernie has been energizing people who have stayed at home in the past because they see a real choice in him.

I learned something from President Obama that I shall never forget. I learned that I am not as smart as I think I am. I learned that I forget hard learned lessons. Let me explain.

The Progressive Way Ahead [Edited with c99 link]

Let's sum up, shall we?

The Democratic Party is dead to progressives. As Chomsky says, today's DP is full of moderate Republicans. As with top, my advice is grieve it, but leave it. Bernie will not be the nominee, even if Clinton is indicted.
The neolibs now clearly see the danger from the left. Smiling Joe Biden will get himself drafted or they'll nominate Nero's horse rather than accept Bernie. Say this to yourself: "The Democratic Party of my youth is dead. I accept this."

[Edit: Joe shikspack posted the link to his 2015 essay on a platform for a new progressive party.
It makes for a great new party identity discussion at c99 meet-ups and so much more.
I recommend reading it.]

The way ahead is two-fold. More below.

Don't get me wrong. I'll never give up.

Thanks for all the great responses to my blog about hope. I will never give up hope nor my way of viewing the world as a big interconnected system.

I wrote that blog because I was observing the inevitable workings of this sick system of ours. First let me remind you of the summary of our book:

Is there any reason to hope?

I have virtually stopped writing and read less and less. I feel very alone. I am watching a system fall apart and as I watch the people in it seem to be engaged in even more theater than before.

This is not an election we are watching and maybe participating in. It does not even resemble an election. For years and years some of us have pointed out that our elections are a theater used by the oligarchy to narcotize a television watching audience.

Hillary Is Tobacco, Stein is Pot

Inspired by Bernie today... so I decided that it would be fun to think about the political parties and their various characteristics. I finally realized that they all have effects and general ways they make people react. Yes, they affect some people differently than others, but in the end, they all aim to alter your behavior and outlook.

The Political Parties and Persons are DRUGS. And it's pretty obvious which ones they are when you think about it.

What next?

Bernie keeps battling for delegates in spite of Clinton's lead, winning many converts to a progressive view. Trump is riding a broad wave of discontent to the Republican nomination. The general election should break all records for nastiness. Whatever Bernie chooses to do this summer, he has earned my complete support and gratitude.

Resilience: How Democratic Socialism Can Help Our Local Communities

This series explores the outlines of democratic socialism...um, snooooooozzzze...too academic, too dry, and relevance, please. "G, your planned series needs a makeover and fast." Well, resilient people are good at troubleshooting, so here goes.

Would you like to find ways to make your local community more resilient, more viable, more self-sufficient? Have you thought about how to develop your local community more organically? Consider banning the corporation within your local jurisdiction. Seriously :=)> More below.

I hear a lot of people talking about Boycotting the General. Lets talk.

I want to approach this from multiple angles, and I do tend to blather on and sometimes bounce around a wee bit but a free form rant style so please try bear with me. (Also, grammar and punctuation Nazi's, I know, I do indeed suck. Smile apologies in advance for any migraines I may cause.)
