
Cartoon: Les Beastiables -- Presidential Candidate and Senator Marco Rubioceros!

Les Beastiables ("Les Bez"): Beasties say the darnedest things!

Today's Beastiable is Senator Marco Rubio. He has said several beastly things, yet is considered a front runner for the Republican nomination for President. Thus he has earned his turn as one of Les Beastiables.

Marco Rubio has an out-of-character aversion to marijuana; because of prison company donations?

NOTE FOR NEW READERS: This series features a new Les Beastiables cartoon here on caucus99percent every Friday afternoon/evening. We indulge in a little Franglish because the French are tres classy. But I digresse.

For serious source information, please join me below the break. Then you'll be able to "cleanse your palate" with a photo before you leave.

It's time to stop making fun of Donald Trump

Comedians love him. Donald Trump is practically a caricature of himself. He's so rediculous he should be an asterisk in the polling results.

Yet Trump leads all Republicans in the polls. Not just one poll, not just one state, and not just one week. Why?
Most people write it off as a fluke. It's not sustainable. It's just a temporary embarrassing moment in American politics.
