Useless Democrats to come to Republicans rescue
Submitted by gjohnsit on Wed, 07/12/2017 - 11:59amThe Republican effort of repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a horrible alternative is on the verge of collapse.
The Republican effort of repealing Obamacare and replacing it with a horrible alternative is on the verge of collapse.
A civil war in the Democratic Party between the populist left and the neoliberal centrists finally, belatedly has broken out.
There is a level of being out-of-touch that is frustrating.
There is a level of being out-of-touch that is infuriating.
And then there is a level of being out-of-touch that is embarrassing.
The Democratic Party has now reached that new low.
There is a debate going on in the Democratic Party and it's likely to be important.
A call for firing Pelosi and Shumer might elicit chants of "shame! shame!" on the GOS, but those morons don't represent the majority of Democratic voters.
The Establishment.
Owned by the Oligarchy.
An Imperialist party.
A Wall Street party.
A Neoliberal capitalist party.
The other side of the same fucking coin.
The Opposition.
A couple days ago I showed how Dems that moved to the right have gotten massacred in the elections, while progressive candidates have survived the onslaught.
In that essay there was one study that stood out in my mind.
Hey C99 Family...
I don't really have an essay here and I don't want to waste anyone's time, so apologies in advance. I've just settled in not long ago to the AC after a full day out with the infant Boy, and three cans of beer later am catching up with some of the news today.
But I've just had a serious, from-the-belly laugh and need to know: Am I reading this right?
Money! The Democratic Party leaders loves, loves, loves that money.
Fundraising ability is why Pelosi and Schumer got re-elected to leadership positions despite years of catastrophically bad election results.
Which is why this news is important.
Yesterday's loss in Georgia's special election may have begun a process that should have happened back in November.