Democratic Party

Democrat Elites Display Their Ugly Arrogance

A couple of good rants here from the Jimmy Dore show that illustrates the surreal arrogance of the top "Democrat" Elites, and their determination to hide and cover up the fact that it is their own (willfully corrupt) Policies, craven dishonesty, and non-performance that have driven away the American Public (voters) by the the point where the entire D-Party is now just a collapsed, aimless wasteland.

Why did the Dems lose? It's even worse than you might think

The Democrats' internal research has been quietly churning out autopsy reports regarding the 2016 election debacle, and the results are disastrous.
Unlike the GOS, they don't blame the loss on racist Bernie supporters, nor Putin! Putin! Putin!

Paul Street's article in today's CounterPunch: a confirmation of what many of us suspect.

Paul Street published an article in CounterPunch this morning entitled "Bernie Sanders, the Company Man". You can find the article here. The article strongly confirms the suspicions many of us here at c99p have about him.

Here's a taste to get you to link to the whole article and read it:
