Democratic Party

Paul Street's article in today's CounterPunch: a confirmation of what many of us suspect.

Paul Street published an article in CounterPunch this morning entitled "Bernie Sanders, the Company Man". You can find the article here. The article strongly confirms the suspicions many of us here at c99p have about him.

Here's a taste to get you to link to the whole article and read it:

Democrats Stop Being Such Effing Hypocrites: Updated

Where have you been the last eight years?

While candidate Obama came to office pledging to end George W Bush’s wars, he leaves office having been at war longer than any president in US history. He is also the only president to serve two complete terms with the nation at war.

Sanders Weasels Out, to Propose Public Option

Progress takes time, baby steps. If you want something, you have to start at the bottom and work your way up. That's the way Bernie Sanders sees it with health care for Americans. Instead of demanding a single payer health care system NOW, like that described in HR 676, a legitimate single payer plan that now has 72 cosponsors in Congress, Bernie thinks it's "prudent" to improve Obamacare first by adding a public option to it, to "work toward" Medicare for all.
