Democratic Party

Poll: Democratic Party is about as popular as toe jam

Since losing against the most unpopular Republican candidate since, well, forever, the Democrats have had two political messages, 1) ScaryRussia, and 2) Trump Yuck!
If they thought this was going to win over the American public, they might want to rethink that.

The Democrats are still in trouble

The Democratic Party favorability hit a new all-time low. Gee, maybe they aren't talking about Russia enough?
It's no surprise that Republicans hate Democrats, but it's a problem that only 23% of Independents like Democrats. The only good news in this poll is that people hate Republicans even more.

Are Progressives Democratic Party Imperialists?

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Are progressives democrats? And since it's a fact that the Democratic party, not just the "corporate democrats" and not just the "democratic party establishment", THE democratic party officially FULLY SUPPORTS U.S. imperialism, are progressives also imperialist warmongers?
