Featured Editorials

Short note on Kamala Harris

Sabrina Salvati brought this up too. If Joe Biden is not fit to run for re-election now, how is it that Joe Biden is fit to be President for the rest of the year?

Let's examine the corollary too: if Joe Biden is really endorsing Kamala Harris, why isn't Kamala Harris allowed to be President right now? Let's try her out; see what she does. Think of this moment as opening up the possibility of a "test-drive."

As I said in the last diary:

Breaking: Shocking Interview with the Shooter

I recently uncovered an exclusive video interview of the attempted assassination shooter.

The interview goes into detail about the shooter's motive.

Although it names names it is spoken in code. The target is referred to as "Uncle".

There is also some detail about the shooter's family.

Watch the shocking video below the fold

The Weekly Watch

Deep State Drama?

Open Thread Image.jpg

It is looking more and more to me like the Trump assassination attempt was an inside job by the uniparty deep state. Will Biden withdraw from the race? My guess is his crime family says, "No!", but we'll see. Will Russia wrap up the proxy war with Ukraine before the election? Will the BRICS+ create a new global parliament focused on the Global Majority? Will Orban manage an EU coup making Von der Lyin and the Brussels bureaucrats obsolete? Will Israel kill or expel all the Palestinians? Bibi has cancelled his trip to the US next week after a Houthi drone hit Tel Aviv. All this and more below the fold in this episode of, "As the Stomach Churns".


Album of the Week 7-20-24

Afternoon folks!

Anybody out there enjoy blues harmonica playing? If so, it's a good weekend, there's a nice french compilation double-disc set of Little Walter and an album of crusty 1940's recordings of Sonny Terry - some of them with Woodie Guthrie. After that we've got an album of r&b from The Chambers Brothers and a change of pace with Malo. If you (like most folks) have never heard of Malo, if you enjoy Santana, you'll probably dig Malo. After that, we've got some blues rock albums from Robin Trower and ZZ Top's second album. We finish up this week with a fairly obscure album from Traffic.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Saturday Open Thread - 7/20/24: Odds and Ends

Good morning! Hope all is well!

I hope hell has not unleashed by the time this is published, or any other time, for that matter!

I started to write this, noticed something just outside my yard fence, and it was buck. He was looking at me, looking for a way in. The stare down lasted 5 minutes before he trotted away.

Man, 35 yards away.

A song I grew up hearing:

Friday Night Photos Damsels And Dragons Edition

Happy Friday everyone. I hope everybody is doing well. Post any photos, memes, or music you like.

I love going to Santee Lakes from late fall through early spring for all the migratory birds. From late spring to early fall the birding is not so good since all the migratory birds are all gone, but in their place are Dragonflies and Damselflies.
I spent a couple of hours at the Lakes the last two mornings walking the shoreline hoping to get some dragons in flight. Unfortunately the little boogers wouldn't cooperate and all I was able to get were stationary shots. Some days you bite the bear and some days the bear bites you. The last two mornings the bear bit me. The one inflight shot posted here was from last year.
Pop quiz. How do you tell the difference between a Damselfly and a Dragonfly? See answer below. No cheating.


Open Thread - 07-19-24 - Ride My See-Saw

Sometimes when you're watching history happen it goes by really fast. Like the last couple of weeks or so. If political years are like dog years, we all just aged rapidly.

I wont try to add anything new to the Trump Assassination© story lines, just about all has already been said, but I do want to point out how the incident has proven to be a masterclass in marketing, symbolism and narrative creation and control, both before and after the event.

In a timeline of an event there is a past, a present, and a future. The past and the future are predicated on the present. The present being that fleeting fragment of a millisecond in time that we recognize as the here and now, that swiftly renders the future into the past. It's that fleeting moment of the present that the story tellers use to define the past and the future to fit within a narrative. Never mind that you witnessed the event in real time, that's not what you saw, here's what you saw, laid out in a neat package of cognitive bias.

Package it in patriotism, repeat the media message ad nauseam, add in some slick AI imaging and babbling talking heads, and you've got a story line worthy of a TMZ gossip column.

That's how modern histories are written, and truth is dispatched right before our eyes.

Attribution: Pxhere
