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The Weekly Watch

One Week Down, 207 Remaining

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Trump has sucked all the air out of the news cycle. On Joe Rogan Trump mused, "I don't know why the media is so fixated on me". To which Joe responded, "I know why...cause you say lots of crazy shit!". Well Trump has been true to form in the first week of his presidency. Larry Johnson wrote an article about the first 24 hours with the title "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly", in which he lists all the many executive orders and actions. It is an apt title. To my mind in general he's better on the domestic front than foreign policy. Larry Johnson thinks he's being misled by the CIA, et al. about foreign issues. One thing seems certain, it will be an interesting and entertaining 4 years. Of course there's much more than just Trump news this week. The EU and UK continue their decline, BRICS continues to rise, Ukraine is in dire straits, the Gaza ceasefire is temporarily holding although the IDF continues the capture of the West Bank, plus more below the fold.


Album of the Week 1-25-25

Afternoon folks!

Leading off this week is an album from Magic Slim followed by some more Chicago blues from Detroit Junior, Luther "Guitar Junior" Johnson and Queen Sylvia Embry. After that it's on to blues rock with albums from John Mayall and Catfish Hodge. I've found some more Funkadelic albums hiding in the basement and there's another one this week. After that we've got some acoustic country blues similar to the work of Jimmy Rodgers from a fellow named Cliff Carlisle. We finish off with an album from a great dobro player, Mike Auldridge.

Enjoy the tunes and have a great weekend!

Saturday Open Thread - 1/25/25: Odds and Ends

I am not a fan of cops, but occasionally run across one that is truly intent on keeping the peace and protecting the public. In my life, I have made good friends with 13 or so, one being an FBI agent.

A hundred, give or take, have been psychopaths, dangerous, and true criminals.

Last election, a constable in the county defeated the sitting sheriff in the primary. The sheriff demanded a recount, and he lost votes. He filed a lawsuit claiming voter fraud, but the case was thrown out.

I could not campaign for the sheriff's opponent, a long time friend. In fact, he was concerned about coming to my office because when he did, a deputy would pull up beside my office a sit for a couple of hours. My friend, a constable, and now, sheriff, has hired me to do wills, deeds, represent his step daughter in a divorce, help his wife form a charity for dog rescue, and on, and on, and on.

The new sheriff swore in, more than half of the deputies quit. They tossed the car keys in a barrel. New sheriff had to match 30 keys to 30 cars, id labels peeled off. He is still hiring new deputies.

Audits showed the Sheriff's office paid an IT guy to take care of 71 computers. Well, there were only 56 Sheriff's Office computers. I wonder where they went. All log ins, codes, data, had been shredded, so they were of no use. Public suddenly unsafe, no concern to psychopath! Public safety be damned!

Friday Night Photos Flower Power Edition

Welcome to Friday Night Photos everyone. Your once a week break from the daily madness of the crazy world we live in. Post any photos, memes, music, or whatever else you find of interest that helps you escape the madness.

Sunny and mid 70's here today with much needed rain in the forecast for the next four days.

I picked up a couple of mixed flower bundles while I was at the grocery store the other day and played around with off camera flash and a little bit of focus stacking. Images 3 and 6 are both 5 frame stacks. Image 9 is a 50 frame stack. All three were shot with ambient light. The rest of the images are all single frame. For 2 and 8 I used ambient light and a small flash light as a spot light. The rest of the shots I used off camera flash for lighting. All images were shot in a light tent.


Open Thread - 01-24-25 - People Don't Get What They Deserve

The constitutional principles of separation of powers and a co-equal tripartite government are out of balance. The president has become too powerful. Congress has abrogated too much of its power to the executive branch. The president can unilaterally declare war and essentially allocate funding by edict (executive orders). Presidents can now ignore Supreme Court decisions with no consequence. It seems like each subsequent president grabs more power and then flaunts that power in the face of the people along with blatant in-your-face corruption, which now seems the norm.

Attribution: Pixabay

Open Thread - Thurs 23 Jan 2025 - Pretty Sure It's Always Been This Way

Pretty Sure It's Always Been This Way

I just recently finished reading Margaret Kimberley's 2020 book, Prejudential. In the book Kimberley writes a chapter about every President of the United States, from George Washington on, and their relationships with, and how they have treated blacks in America. It is a very good book; if you have the time and inclination, give it a read. Here's the worldcat link to the book and its eaudiobook version.

Prejudential, by Margaret Kimberley (image from the publisher steerforth.com)
