I cannot adequately express my feels without swearing profusely. You've been warned.
/retrieves soapbox from storage. Blows away cobwebs. Stands on soapbox.
Jesus Horatio Christ gesticulating wildly about Johnny Depp's short-lived and troubled marriage, WHAT THE FUCKING SHIT is going on within the so-called "leadership" of the Democratic Party? What is happening to make Hillary Clinton surrogates such butthurt assholes who have no self-awareness lately? Is it 2008 again, or is it 1992?! Have I been sucked into a parallel universe in which actions don't have consequences and being a straight-up dickhead wins you friends and influences people?!
Yeah, kos wrote some goddamned bullshit garbage on his stupid website today, but this isn't really about that. My anger runs much deeper and goes much further than that, and I really want to communicate this as best I can, because the Democratic Party really doesn't seem to get this because they are acting like a bunch of thin-skinned idiots who seem to abhor this whole "Democratic process" crap:
I am SICK TO FUCKING DEATH! of Clinton people and the Democratic elite badmouthing and insulting Bernie Sanders and his legion of supporters. THE 2016 DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY IS NOT YET OVER -- THERE ARE STILL NINE PRIMARIES/CAUCUSES LEFT TO VOTE, YOU IMPATIENT AND GREEDY MOTHERFUCKERS! YOU don't get to run this goddamned show and decide what's important to me, or the millions of other Americans who have embraced Senator Sanders and his platform. YOU don't get to nullify my vote for Bernie, or the millions of other votes he has received thus far. YOU don't get to call for Bernie to drop out of this hotly-contested race when Hillary Clinton hung on by her fingertips in 2008, for fuck's sake! Don't be hypocritical douchebags!
Senator Sanders is taking this shit all the way to the convention! That is how this is gonna roll. Bernie and his supporters have earned the right to have a massive voice and presence in Philly, and there's absolutely no reason Clinton and her supporters need to rush this fucking thing like it's a goddamned church picnic. Sit the hell down, shut the fuck up, and let this deal play out.
Whew! /steps down from soapbox
There. I feel better, thanks for reading.

Any other politician in this country
would have drug Hillary through a whole pile of mud about her legal problems. Bernie didn't. Perhaps he is a gentleman. Perhaps he is deeply nonviolent. And perhaps he cares more about us than about Hillary.
Life is strong. I'm weak, but Life is strong.
What he doesn't point out is that Hillary
also appears to be a pathological liar, or perhaps, merely an incurably persistent one.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Bernie is trying to woo HRC supporters
He should probably keep his opinions about her to himself if he hopes to get their votes. Let us bloggers use the pointing sticks to show the Hillbots and Drumpf supporters where their lies and Bernie's truth part ways.
After all, the more Hillbots say nasty things or lie about Bernie, the more we swarm and our resolve to vote for Bernie just becomes more firmly planted in cement - and in revenge, many just donate more to Bernie's campaign.
I know. I know. I don't understand the desperate need for Hillbots to vote for a lying, warmongering DINO either. If all they wanted was a person with two X chromosomes, any female could be elected. They obviously don't give a rat's ass about integrity, truth, ethics, morals, or whether or not her actions have been unconstitutional and/or illegal. There is no rational reasoning with a person who has tunnel vision to that degree.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Missed that one; transcript appreciated, Angie
Did catch Bernie today on TYT. He's so good at this. It's a pleasure to watch, listen, and see his mastery of that format.
Edited to add: Just found the link to that show posted at the reddit subthread. Here it is, titled "WATCH: Bernie Sanders and Bill Maher Talk About the Canceled Trump Debate and More": http://www.mediaite.com/online/watch-bernie-sanders-and-bill-maher-talk-...
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
Here's the transcript of tonight's Sanders appearance
Both men meet on stage
Maher: Bernie, you packed the House!
Sanders waves to crowd, smiling and Maher chuckling...
They sit.
Maher: Ok, all right, ah... Bernie, Bernie, Bernie... (crowd laughs & Sanders smiles more)
Maher: What is your tour bus like? So, uh, now -- you're in California, obviously because the primary is coming up. This is the biggest state, I always say we should get a lot more representation in the Senate than we, sh... do..
Sanders: You think you should have more Senators than Vermont?
Maher: Exactly. That's where I was going with that, but we'll leave that for another day. But what would it say to the Democratic establishment if you were to win -- and the polls are about even now, with you and Secretary Clinton -- what would it say if you were to win in the biggest state?
Sanders: I would think that it would say to the establishment that the people are sick and tired of establishment politics and economics, and they want real change in this country. And if we can, Bill, if we can win here in California, and I think we've got a good shot to do that, and if we can win in many of the other states that are coming up on June 7th, uh, we will go into the Democratic Convention with a great deal of momentum. That's what it says.
Maher: Well, I think you also go in, with, after this email, uh, report came out this week A little more than momentum. Now you famously said, in one of the first debates with Hillary Clinton, 'Oh, I'm tired of hearing about the email'. And, you know, for, for a long time I was tired of hearing about the emails. And I still don't think she committed some horrible crime. But that story has moved a little bit, has it not?
Sanders: It has. Uh, but this is what I also think. There is enormous frustration on the part of the American people with the way we do politics in this country. And when most politicians do is say, "I'm great, you're terrible. Vote for me the other guy is the scum of the earth, blah, blah, blah, blah." But you know what? People are hurting in this country. You know, our middle class is disappearing, we got a lot of poverty, we don't have healthcare for all people. People want us to talk about their lives and their issues and not just spend our whole lives attacking our opponents.
Maher: And we were, uh, we were teased with something that was gonna be an amazing show, I thought, earlier this week. Which was a Bernie Sanders - Donald Trump debate. [Sanders grunty-rumbles] That was brooded about [again, Sanders grunty-rumbles]... what?
Sanders: I would have loved!
Maher: Oh, I know! And, uh...
Sanders: Let me just say that...
Maher: ... Mr Macho chickened out.
Sanders: ... ah, that's what I was gonna say. First he said, he would do it. Then he said he wouldn't do it. Then he said he would do it. The he said he wouldn't do it. So, I would hope, that if he changed his mind four times in two days.. Change it a fifth time! You know, Trump claims to be a tough guy, pushes people around, [Sanders address Trump directly here] "Hey, Donald, come on up, let's have a debate about the future of America."
Maher: Yeah, I mean, I think, a lot of us, and I count myself, who have supported you -- even if you're not the nominee, uh, we would like to see what a clear choice would look like. Now I would like it in the election. But, minus the election, I would at least like to see it in a debate. Because when you see the Republicans debate among themselves, which is all we've seen so far... they live in the bubble. Ok, where global warming doesn't exist, and where President Obama doesn't exist...
Sanders: Oh he exist. He exists, and they have spent eight years trying to obstruct everything that he has tried to do.
Maher: Ok, so, uhm, I think you have about 46% of the voted delegates at this point?
Sanders: Yeah, pledged delegates.
Maher: So very, very close. But you are always, in polls, winning against Donald Trump where Hillary Clinton now is either tied or losing. If those polls got to a point where Hillary was, maybe 10 points behind Donald Trump... what I'm tryin' to get to is what is the tipping point, where delegates would actually go, "Oh, you know what," cause they want a winner...
Sanders: They want a winner.
Maher: They want a winner. Where they would say, "You know what, we ARE backing the wrong horse."
Sanders: Well here's the weird thing about this process. Uh, four hundred or more super delegates actually supported Hillary Clinton, came out publicly before anybody else was in the race, before the first ballot was cast . And I think your point is a good point. A lot has happened since that point. And what every person at the Democratic Convention wants to do, is to make sure that Donald Trump never becomes President of the United States of America. And I think your point is an interesting point. These delegates, even if they have supported Clinton from day one, they're gonna have to take a hard look and say, Look, if Bernie Sanders is beating Trump in many instances by double digits, not only in national polls, but in many state polls, I think we're 17 points ahead of him here in California. If that's true, and if there are states where Clinton is actually losing to Trump, where Bernie is winning.. shouldn't we make sure that the Democratic nominee defeats Donald Trump? And that is the issue that they're gonna have to deal with.
Maher: What I don't understand about this race, is that on the Republican side it seems to be ok to say well Donald Trump, as much as we may think he's a crazy person --
Sanders: And I do. Let me just say this, I mean this is not just... I have a lot of Republican colleagues and, and friends who I disagree with. They're not crazy, they're honest people. This guy is a pathological liar, and again I don't mean to be malicious, but that is just the damned truth. And uh, he would be a, not only an embarrassment, a real danger to this entire world, if he were to become President.
Maher: So, that's coming from someone he calls "crazy Bernie". [Sanders belly laughs] Uhm, so what, uh, and I've been trying to get this answer out of everybody who comes on the show, what is the right strategy to run against Donald Trump, because obviously, Hillary Clinton doesn't have it. What would be your strategy?
Sanders: That is a good question and I would not be honest if I told you that I had figured it out yet. Because he is so unpredictable, because he lies all of the time. Because he changes, not a joke [Maher "right"], because he changes his mind all of the time. What he said yesterday is no longer valid today, how do you deal with that?
Maher: And more importantly, he's not held accountable to that, as other politicians are.
Sanders: That's just Donald Trump, he changes his mind 14 times in a day. So it is not easy. I think, for a start, probably one of the effective approaches against him, is to really point out to what I think most Americans understand, is that we are proud, deep down, of our diversity. The fact that people come from all over the world, become Americans and contribute to our country.
Maher: And some of them marry Donald Trump [crowd laughs]
Sanders: Um, I honestly think that the vast majority of the American people are not happy with these vicious attacks on Mexicans and Latinos and Muslims and women. That's one way, I think, you can make the case against him. The other thing, also, he is primarily a showman, he is a very good manipulator of the Media. But the truth is, he has no ideas on public policy and the ideas that he has are absurd. [Maher: right] Giving hundreds of billions in tax breaks to the top 2/10th of 1% is not particularly good public policy.
Maher: But you know that if he runs against you, the big word is going to be socialism. And at the risk of annoying you, because I talked about this with you before, I'm going to take another run at this. Socialism, uh, it's not a bad word to your crowd. It's so funny, there's such a generational divide in this election, the people under forty, next to Adderall, they love you the most. Because they don't even remember the Soviet Union. And capitalism has not really worked for them. And you know, you are not a socialist in the sense that everything has to be socialist. You're like every other modern, intelligent country in this world. Quasi-socialist. Capitalism works for most things, but some things should be off-limits to the profit-motive. Healthcare, prisons, I would say covering the elections, elections themselves. So can't we just make that case?
Sanders: Sure we can, sure we can. Look, number one, the greed of Wall Street and Corporate America is such that there is now a profound anger against the top 1/10th of 1%, who appear to want it all and could care less about the Middle Class in this country. But the second point that you're making is that I think most Americans understand that in the year 2016 it is not a radical idea to say that public colleges and universities should be tuition free. That the wealthy and large corporations should start paying their fair share.
Maher: The, uh, State universities USED to be free.
Sanders: That's exactly right!
Maher: It's not like we're doing something that new.
Sanders: No. That's right, we're going back to where we were 50 years ago.
Maher: Right.
Sanders: Is it a radical idea to say that the United States should join the rest of the industrialized world, every other country, and guarantee healthcare to all of our people as a right? I don't think so. Is it a radical idea to say that we should not have a corrupt campaign finance system in which billionaires buy elections? I don't think so. So your point is well taken. Look, entrepreneurial-ship, etc, creates a lot of good things in this country and a lot of wealth. But the American people are entitled to know that they're gonna have healthcare, education, decent housing, the basic needs of life should be there for all of our people.
Maher: Bernie Sanders everybody. Bernie, thanks you so much for always coming here. Appreciate it. Keep doin' it Bernie, don't quit!
-- end of Sanders interview with Bill Maher on his HBO program Real Time with Bill Maher from Friday, May 27th 2016.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
Have to hit the Herbery and I'll be right back
Watch here in about an hour.
#StrongerTogether for a better future for OUR posterity
It was by design
After losing Wisconsin, Team Brock came up with the brilliant plan of crapping in the face of all the Bernie supporters and then kissing and making up after the convention. Apparently not satisfied with giving us Clarence Thomas, he wants to give us President Trump as well.
As for Kos, his latest drivel makes him out as a race-baiting narcissist. I don't care if I get banned from his crappy site, though I won't deliberately try to. I'll make them ban me for omitting an Oxford comma or whatever new rules they have in place.
I'll vote for Hillary over Trump (if we don't get Bernie, of course), but Kos and Brock can both suck it.
What a brilliant analysis!!!
David Brock is the MANCHURIAN CAMPAIGN DIRECTOR who actually didn't switch from Red to Blue--but has been Republican Hitman all the time. And his grand plan is working--he is so dividing the Democratic Party, aided unintentionally by the witless DWS, to ensure a Trump Victory.
he is a sicko /nt
I concur
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Good to read you again.
My pet theory is that destroying the left is a higher priority than defeating the right. We got too close. They're scared. Wanna make sure nothing like this happens again. Keep the power.
Ride the gravy train. Get a sweet lobbying gig.
Pinning Trump on the left is a bigger win for them in the long run than getting Hillary in.
This is the only scenario i can think of that doesn't require them to be magnificently fucking stupid.
I agree completely
Bernie and the liberal left are seen as a far greater threat to the establishment than Trump. This is exactly why the DNC and DWS have bent over backwards to rig the election. But the curtain has been torn back to reveal just how corrupt the Democratic party is. So if Trump wins, they can blame it on Bernie and the liberal left.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well yeah, but not only that
in a President Trump scenario, he's just like a CEO, for the most part--a figurehead. What this would mean is another four years of Dick Cheney and Xe running black ops from the Pentagon, with Il Douche as a final signatory (on that and more, including the Peterson Commission). Which is why, if I'm reading correctly, it's already happening--and I was afraid of that, those guys deciding to take advantage of the situation and regain their power thwarted when Obama got elected. I need to find that link of Trump's potential and current advisors, where names are being dropped, already it's freaking Neocon-Central.
Now, if any of that is even remotely true or possible, then Donald Trump has already been compromised and he has to be defeated. Damned if I'm going to do nothing when we have someone at our call who can actually defeat him. We have to get Bernie enough votes in California and the other 8 states to get that nomination away from Clinton--because if Cheney-ville is calling any of the shots here, they want a Trump-Clinton matchup and then they are going to destroy her and install him by force if necessary. And then we will all be completely screwed.
They can blame
it on Trump. On Sanders. They can blame it on Nader or the Republicans.
A large percentage of the American people are not buying that shit anymore. So screw the DNC and Wasserman-Schultz and Clinton to the wall with coarse-threaded screws, Bernie. We are with you.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
That was refreshing.
Like it when you
get your soap box out shiz. Hope you keep it handy and grace us with your artful rants. Your the Shiznit of rants.
You're holding back. Let it all out.
Do tell us how you really feel Shiz...
I want a Pony!
Love my morning Shiz
That was awesome.
Funkin' A
The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself. - Friedrich Nietzsche -
Hi shiz, I am glad you ranted about the things that
matter and in the right direction and in the right Hyde park. Whatever it was I couldn't quite follow you in the past, is forgotten. Keep your soapbox unpacked and step on it when we need it.
Good stuff! Agree 100%.
Twain Disciple
Great rant, as always, Shiz!
Getting on your soapbox to deliver one of your patented rants may be good for your soul, but what you may not realize is how great your rants are for our souls. Rant on, lady!!!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The Democratic Party, through the guise of the DNC
-- No longer speaks for me.
It's like I've been hanging in there, keep hoping it will get better, "for the sake of the children" ...
BUT it is just not “working out” for me anymore.
If we were an actual "couple" (Me and the DNC), I would have 'broken it off', long long ago.
SO, No time like the present. Independents, buddies, can you spare a dime.
New to the site,
not to the fray. A lot of familiar faces from DK in this crowd. More I don't know, but I'm sure I'll learn soon enough.
Bernie's who I've been working for since... forever. A candidate who sees the pain and despair of the average American and knows that it doesn't have to be this way, that we can do better; a candidate who doesn't spare us from a painful reality, that the Democratic Part has lost its way in the jungle of easy corporate cash, that the super-rich have bought our government lock, stock and barrel, that the American dream is dying of neglect and abuse.
Bernie's who I've been hoping for since... forever. Not Bernie, the man, but Bernie, the idea - the idea that this country belongs to ALL of us, not just the ones with enough money to buy a candidate who will do their bidding; Bernie, the fighter, someone who believes, like I do, that what makes America great is what helps ALL its people; Bernie, the visionary, who sees what the wealth of our nation should really mean, hope for ALL of us that we can live and love and work and flourish.
Bernie's who I've been speaking for since... forever, and he speaks for me like he speaks for you - clearly, unequivocally, honestly. 40 Years in the desert of triangulation and "compassionate conservatism" is long enough. It's time to bring it on home, and Bernie's just showing us the way.
Welcome..glad to have you here.
I want a Pony!
Clinton/Schultz Southern Strategy
After the southern primaries I wrote on That Other Blog, that those states would not turn blue even though Clinton won the primaries. I was pilloried by the Hillaries. "You want to take the right to vote away from people in the South", they asked.
My comment was that
the $hill was welcome to the Confederacy during the primaries, as there was no way those States would vote for even a fake Dem in the general.
I was pilloried, and banned.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
Hi Shiz
I don't think you know me(was Chun Yang back at the other place, a long-time member, first Yearly Kos, etc.) Glad to see familiar names and views here.Love the rant ( I dream in rant these days) but I also would like to start using the sympathy voice with Hillary supporters: ""Gee, she promised she had permission to risk national security on her own server and Blackberry, and she DIDN'T. How sad that she lied to her supporters." I am a #BernieorBust voter in swing state North Carolina.
Welcome to you as well.
(arrow: self appointed greeting committee)
I want a Pony!
I would be grateful if you read this blog entry before you vote.
ETA: Eek. I've been posting on this thread without noticing how old it is. How did it get to the front page after four plus months?
Seems like people are done with the democratic party but they aren't done with the democratic party. If there weren't insults and they were seeking unity, would that change things? Why are people getting so hung up on insults from war criminal supporters? Isn't that to be expected and are people here pissed because its not building unity in the democratic party they now want to leave? And what if Bernie does win, maybe Clinton is actually charged and has to drop out? Bernie supporters would vote for Bernie, a democratic party nominee and also I assume down tickets democrats to help Bernie out if he becomes President. So they would be supporting the Democratic party.
So is it to hell with the Democratic party if its Hillary, but not so much if its Bernie?
Yeah, pretty much
Because if you could possibly wrest power away from the assholes who are hell-bent on destroying the party, you'd have a framework of an organization that you could start cleaning house in. If you could even come close to doing so, then there would appear to be some redemption to be had.
Theoretically, anyway. You still have to deal with the Party as if it does exist, in order for Sanders to have a way to run at all. And it does, so it is always a possibility that he wins, and now he's won for the Democratic Party. As its leader, he would be and should be expected to work to take the Party back to where it needs to be on the American political spectrum--much, much farther left than it is now--and other like-minded people can then help him advance that goal.
Now, if you think it's so compromised that he shouldn't try to work within that framework at all, well, I'm not sure what to tell you. The guy has to start somewhere, though. I think details of that nature must be worked out once he actually wins.
It's not so much the insults for me--
it's the election fraud, voter purges, and, more than anything, the lie about "violence" at the NV convention, which is far more than just an insult or slander. That entire event was orchestrated to create the optics of "violent" Sanders supporters, so that meme could be helpfully planted into the national psyche and sprout by July. That way, when people protest and skulls get cracked, everyone can politely applaud Philly's finest instead of being outraged.
That sort of ratfucking dirty tricks squad business should put an end to anybody being willing to support Hillary, even to stop Trump. And it should make the idea of "unity" with the Democratic Party extremely problematic.
That said, your point of view on a Bernie win is also problematic, IMO, because you entirely ignore the idea that Bernie wants to take over the Democratic party. I, personally, don't believe that's possible, but it's clear that he does, and many of his supporters do. Obviously, if such a takeover were to really happen, the organization would no longer be the same, just as the organization as it exists under the Clintons, Al From, etc., is not the same as it was when it was under the control of New Deal Democrats in the 40s. Bernie obviously wants to take the party back to where it was in the 40s--with a few changes here and there, since climate change was not an obvious issue back then, and we weren't yet involved in endless war; also some serious updates on the issue of race and racism need to be made. But he basically wants the New Deal Democrats, with a few important changes. He wants to (and believes he/we can) reverse the change that From and the Clintons et al made between 1984 and 1994.
There's nothing intrinsic or essential about the organization known as "the Democratic party" that makes it automatically good or bad. It's all about who's driving--who's *really* driving. Where my faith falls apart, where I am cynical about Bernie's proposal, is that I don't believe it's possible to actually grab the wheel and kick the fucking driver out the door. I think we've wasted a lot of precious time trying that, to no avail.
But this has nothing to do with me making a moral criticism of Bernie or his supporters. They have faith that something is possible; I don't. There's nothing immoral about their proposition to take over the Democratic party--it's just not going to happen.
I support a Bernie candidacy:
1)Because a real people's movement has coalesced around him.
2)Because he's making an honest critique of corruption, and I don't want to leave a guy who's doing that hanging. I want to meet him halfway.
3)Because his candidacy is putting all kinds of pressure on the establishment, and is outing the ringers at a rate unparalleled by even the Occupy movement.
I spend few hours contemplating the moral problems that will face me if he wins, because it's clear the establishment is going to rearrange the votes to suit, if voter purges and suppression aren't enough to do the trick; failing that, they will engage in dirty tricks at the Convention; failing that--and this is where they appear to be now--they will attempt to buy us off with a figure like Elizabeth Warren.
There's no fucking way they're going to allow a Bernie presidency, even though doing so and undermining him and his message more subtly would have been the more intelligent countermeasure to his movement. It's too late to do that now, except by replacing him with a more manageable semi-progressive like Warren.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
That's not unreasonable.
Regardless of which party banner he ran under, Bernie is sui generis. Everyone knows he was indie or newer party all his life. Everyone knows he has criticized both of the two oldest political parties. Everyone knows he ran as a Dem only because he thought he'd have a bigger media megaphone as a Dem. And, if they didn't know all that at the outset, Hillary and her squad made those things campaign issues.
Electing Bernie would not be a be all and end all solution. He'd still have nothing but establishment Democrats and Republicans running Congress. However, voting for someone who is struggling to get 5% of the popular vote is not a be all and end all solution either. Neither is forming the umpteenth new party since formation of the Republican Party.
The current reality is that the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are in control. Having Bernie elected POTUS would have been a strong message. Besides, Bernie's run alone proved certain things to Americans, like you can run for President without lobbyist money, and that inspired and energized them. I don't and can't discount any of that.
FWIW: I don't think Bernie was threatened or that he ran to shill for Hillary. (According to leaked DFA memo, DFA thought Warren should run to make Hillary a better candidate.) My theory seems to be on its own on this board, but I am not trying to push it. I think it's past time that we stop obsessing about Bernie's motives and figure out what, if anything, we might be able to do to impact the duopoly (adversely, of course).
Presumptive Impeachment
Doncha know the Reptilicans are drawing up the documents as we type. There will be several versions and they will either work or tie up the government for the next 4 years until Clinton is trounced by a a future Dem in 2020.
you know this donkey elephant
kabuki show is getting old. For 16 long years we've had to watch this absurd circus. They are complicit the D's and R's. How many times can the Democratic party blow off any power or majority we the people grant them with our vote. Jeezez look at the progressives we mamage elect. They fold like a cheap tent they are poodles. If the Democrat's we elect won't fight for us and take all the prescribed remedies off the table fuck em. Why didn't the Democrat's start drawing up impeachment papers when bush and co. flagrantly tore up our rule of law. They abolished the separation of powers and checks and balance and normalized/ legalized their crimes. Both sides declared all universal human and civil rights we're tools they needed to 'keep us safe'.
Hey Colorado Shiznit --
Welcome Back to the "Socialists"! Colorado is still here, and you are most welcome to return at any time. Unfortunately, most of the Congressional delegation has sold out (even tho Bernie pretty much swept the State caucuses); and the Gov clearly is a repug (even tho he puts a "D" after his name in his voter registration). If all of the CO Dem superdelgs (currently around 15, I believe) deliver their votes to The $hill following the convention, I suspect that there will be some heated conversation around here.
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
First comment here
Just came over from you-know-where. Glad to join a community that appears to inhabit the same empirical universe as I do. The desperation and force with which Bernie is being smeared and lied about is staggering - even more so from a camp that already appears to have won the nomination.
Welcome to you too.
(Gee I'm busy today.)
I want a Pony!
Hello and Welcom
Be sure to check out the Welcome New Members link top left, and the FAQs link on the tippy top right.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
It's nothing more than unadulterated hatred
and greed and discomfort about the huge Sanders support, evidenced by his very large rallies and states he's won, and most especially they are diminished by the truth brought to light! The Sanders campaign has been a quickening for the establishment candidate and her minions. It will not end even should she win the nomination. The vitriol won't end because they will rub our faces in it. For myself, I will continue to bring to light all the issues Bernie has held up for all to see, and with clear conscience we who support him, can raise our heads high!
I feel with you, Shiz.
And after Her Royal Inevitableness...
...and her legions of frothing worshipers have managed to alienate so much of the electorate that we're looking at President Trump next year, guess who they will turn around and blame? Uh huh.
Hiya Doll
A fine rant
No, it's not 2008 or even 1992...
It's 1968, and the bosses are nominating Hubert "nothing wrong here" Humphrey to run against Tricky Dick Nixon while outside on the streets Richard Daly's thugs are beating the crap out of everyone who begs to disagree. Now that turned out well, didn't it?