2016 Democratic primary

Why I ain't ready to write Bernie off and why I feel you shouldn't either.

There are all kinds of reason Bernie has earned my admiration and respect, but leaving that aside for now I would like to say that while I think it is still incredibly unlikely, there is also still a chance.

Two weeks is a long time in election politics.

The Disappointment of the Democratic Primary...

Every day that this primary goes on, I am continually disappointed by the lack of perspective of many people I otherwise respect. I see very intelligent people write some of the most trollish comments imaginable. I am writing this specifically about one person I know.

Utah Tea-GOP presidential debate cancelled

The Utah caucuses will be held on March 22, and excitement is building because this time it looks like the race for the nomination of both major political parties will not be decided beforehand. Also, the Tea-GOP caucuses for the first time will allow party members to register their candidate preferences online.

Two Primaries

I've been thinking about this primary season as two primaries - the Southern Primary, and the Main Primary. This is somewhat an artifact of pushing Southern states to the front of the schedule this cycle. The South is the most conservative region of America (with the possible exception of the intermountain West), none of us should be surprised that Bernie has had trouble there - any progressive would. The only surprising thing has been the degree of strength Clinton has displayed there.
