The Dreaded Site Meta #2
In the past couple of weeks, a lot of folks have landed here at the site and we are very much scrambling to keep up. Many of the systems that we had in place that worked with a small site are less than optimal for the much larger site that we have become. We very much wish to keep the character and "feel" of the site as it was - which was created by a couple of basic premises, some general understandings and a trust between members that came from long associations and considerable interaction.
We've seen some postings in the last week or so that indicate that we have not adequately communicated all the understanding that folks need to reproduce the cool little site we had as a larger community. These meta postings are an attempt to gently bring everybody into a similar orientation on some basic things. If you see something that you wrote reflected in this, the intention isn't to call out or shame anyone, it is purely informational.
What is this site about?
This site is a non-partisan site. It does not endorse any candidate. This site is issues-oriented and is about the interests of the 99%.
There are people here who support a number of different candidates and there are even some who think that participation in the elections is a total waste of time and effort. Those views are all welcome here.
We have a diversity of opinion and we like it that way. What we are working toward is agreement and action on the 99%'s agenda - not which candidate wins the swimsuit competition. Whichever candidate sweeps the pageant, there will need to be considerable activism to compel them to act in the interests of the 99%. That is what we must prepare for even while we discuss the relative merits and disastrous horrors presented by the various candidates on parade.
A focus on the issues will allow us to walk and chew gum at the same time.
Meanwhile, informed, polite discussion of candidates and issues is welcome here.
Advocacy for candidates is fine, too, with a caveat.
The caveat is that advocacy of candidates cannot be couched so as to state or even appear that it is the site's policy or purpose.
There have been some suggestions, which frankly took some of us aback, that some people would like to use this site as a launching pad for twitter storm attacks on some candidates as a means to help do the dirty work of a particular campaign.
Please, no.
We hope to build the reputation of this site as a place to go for quality writing, discussion, news, analysis and a welcoming community of people who want to work positively for change.
We have no desire to become a purveyor of political sleaze. Frankly, there's plenty of that out there already and not much of what we're trying to build.
Who speaks for the site?
The caveat above begs the question of who does set the site's policy and purpose.
This site has two admins and a few moderators (see this housekeeping post for info) who discuss and decide matters of policy and site direction. This discussion and decision is obviously not done in isolation. The basic direction of the site and many of the decisions about its policies have been worked out over a long period of time with the input and general consensus of a small community of people.
I am one of the admins. The other admin, JtC is the originator and prime mover of the c99p site. I have two voices here, the one that I am using in this meta series is the editorial voice of the site, meaning that what I am writing here reflects the consensus of the admins and moderators.
Usually when I write something here, it only reflects my personal view, even if what I write appears on the front page of the site.
As an aside, the site currently has two major divisions, the Front Page and the Community Content page. Currently, the Community Content page has the Open Threads and posts by community members. The Front Page carries some of the regular series that appear here and posts that we feel are, or should be of interest to the general public. There are several Front Page writers - gjohnsit, Cassiodorus, JayRaye, OPOL, Robyn, and me, joe shikspack. We frequently promote the good work of other writers to the Front Page and will undoubtedly add to the numbers of Front Page writers over time.
If at some time the site wishes to take a position on an issue in a posting to the Front Page, we will clearly indicate that it is an editorial. Otherwise all work on the Front Page should be understood to reflect the views of the author, not necessarily the site.
This is your community, help it grow and prosper.
There are a number of ways of looking at a community website like C99.
At one level, it's just like any other website. A few people keep the machinery going and administer things. A few people have to be responsible for its content. There are people that have to answer inquiries or deal with (copyright) take-down notices from officialdom.
Because of this, the admins reserve the right to remove anything posted to the site that is in violation of copyright or any other law as well as what we view as community standards and material that could harm the reputation of the site.
As an aside, we will probably discuss fair use issues in another meta diary. Until then please use good judgement in quote length and providing proper links and citations and take special care with making sure that the images that you post are either your own, from a source that identifies them as a share alike license (and you adhere to the terms they set) or are in the public domain.
Ok, back to your regularly scheduled programming
This site consists of the platform (the technical backend) and platform processes (admin, moderation) and, most importantly, the reason that those things exist, the content and community.
This site contains content created by you and me and lots of other people who are interested in left/progressive politics and issues. As the message at the bottom of every page on the site says, all of your original work or opinions posted here are yours. The content and the interactions that occur through engaging in commenting and other connections as well, create a community.
The community is an intangible thing, but it is the most important thing about a site. Every community has a character, common experiences, a set of relations, a sense of purpose, a shared space (that transcends servers and fibers) and a reputation, among other things. That is the property of the people who create the community and breathe it into being every day.
Thanks for reading, thanks for participating and please enjoy the site and the community.
Previous posts in the The Dreaded Site Meta series:

Thank you. Can I post a joke about Trump?
Not being paranoid, not my style. Just want to make sure it's okay
Don't believe everything you think.
within the bounds of good taste, sure.
K, delete if you think it's not okay.
What is a tragedy?
During one of his campaign trips Donald Trump is visiting an elementary school and goes into one of the classes. They are in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings.
The teacher asks Mr. Trump if he would like to lead the discussion of the word “Tragedy.” So he asks the class for an example of a tragedy.
One little boy stands up and offers: “If my best friend who lives on a farm, is playing in the field and a runaway tractor comes along and knocks him dead, that would be a tragedy.”
“No,” says Mr. Trump, “that would be an accident.”
A little girl raises her hand: “If a school bus carrying 50 children drove over a cliff, killing everyone inside, that would be a tragedy.”
“I’m afraid not,” explains the exalted businessman. “That’s what we would call a great loss.”
The room goes silent. No other children volunteer. Mr. Trump searches the room.
“Isn’t there someone here who can give me an example of a tragedy?”
Finally at the back of the room, a boy raises his hand. In a quiet voice he says: “If a private jet carrying you was struck by a missile and blown to smithereens, that would be a tragedy.”
“Fantastic!” exclaims Mr. Trump, “That’s absolutely right. And can you tell me why that would be a tragedy?”
“Well,” says the boy, “because it wouldn’t be a great loss and it probably wouldn’t be an accident either.”
Don't believe everything you think.
OMG, that actually made me LOL
big belly laugh, thx!!
Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons
Oh, yeah!
Thank you, I needed that.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Just tried this on my SO Kim, and she DID LOL. Pretty well constructed, and likely recyclable as needed.
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
As far as
electoral partisan politics go caucus99% gives me a much better perspective of whats going on. I get different points of view here which run the gamut on both the horse races, issues and ideology. When you are bombarded with partisan establishment talking points. lies, memes and better then, not to mention fear of other I tend to balk. I don't want to be herded or fenced in.
I do not feel the need to self censor which works two ways as then I can read without rancor what others in this community think and why. It helps me connect the dots globally as the news, information, discussions chit chat and point of view here is not just about the US. Thanks joe this is not dreaded it's very welcome. Your meta has helped me to hone in on what I value here, why and how to take it onward as JtC said.
afternoon shaz...
Thanks for the dreaded meta.......
but could not resist saying......thought this site was about more and better music in the posts!/snark
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
It is!
I came for the issues, community, freedom etc. and stayed for the music. The music is like the diversity of opinion I get my ears stretched and get to listen to genre's and artist's both new and old.
Your comment
sums up my feelings perfectly - especially this:
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
good morning, dreaded meta readers
aren't you all happy to have such a considerate, smart and compassionate meta lead writer? I am.
There are many ways for a herd of people to trample in gallop through a peaceful little neighborhood. Let's say if those are elephants, it's going to be total destruction, if it's going to be the huns, it's not nice, but they ride off in the dust they stir up and disappear, if it's going to be horses of the Trojan kind, I guess then we saddle our own and chase them outside the city walls, but if you are the strangers coming in on camel caravans bringing your goods and trade and exchange them with us villagers, we all are very happy, because our food for thought supply would be so much more delicious and diverse and spicy. Let's eat and cook together.
Salaam alaikum.
thanks mimi!
Thank you, Joe.
That welcome mat you put out is quite inviting. We'll work hard not to dirty up the place.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
thanks ra!
As teachers we learned that sharing expectations
is most important, and that those should be discussed and retaught from time to time.
This meta helps see more what people have created here, since we were in and out due our nomadic lifestyle and need help focusing and remembering.
Thanks for all the work, more skill, power, and excellent results to us all.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
thanks do...
thanks for participating!
I am just here for the good writing
Seems a lot of those that I enjoyed reading online have ended up here.
Orwell was an optimist
afternoon knotlookin...
i hope that you find great writing in abundance here.
ok, i'm knocking off for a bit...
i'll catch up with the comments in a while.
I'm still a member of a misanthrope's club...
...I joined a long time ago. At least I think I am. We still haven't convened out first meeting.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I tend to go for more beta
but that might be just me.
Progressive to the bone.
Boy, talk about click-bait
This isn't the discussion about Greek cheese I was expecting.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Thank you, Joe, for the clarity of your
writing and thinking.
This site is rich in wisdom and great music with a big plus: the kind little things, the ordinary in conversations like fixing the roof gives one a sense of community and well being in what otherwise can be a very stressful world.
evening smiley...
that some people would like to use this site as a launching pad
I saw that when it came up. Seemed weird, didn't feel right. Watched it and it got a lot further along than I expected. Wasn't sure what to do. Figured there were checks and balances, but wasn't sure if I was part of them. I am not a tattletale and fervently hope the "flagging" and the rest of it can be avoided. If I get that feeling again I might let you know about it. There are many wounded folks recuperating here. I only started looking at websites a few weeks ago, so I missed most of that. My family and I got kicked out of a really nice home that we had greatly improved once because the owner sold it to a jackass, so I have an inkling of the feelings. Once the wounds have been licked and the memories honored and the negativity seeps away we can continue with the vision that you described above. I cannot imagine anything more difficult to any small group to go through than a sudden expansion such as this one. Folks came here because of the way it feels. Meeting this challenge will be a testimony to the quality of the folks who came. I deeply appreciate the what has been created here. [I will donate $100 if you give me an address to send it to:).] Onwards and upwards!
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Hi throwstone...
I'll be setting up a post office box tomorrow for snailmail donations. I'll post an announcement. Thanks.
Your reply had just enough breadcrumbs to awaken the Nancy Drew
in me, and with your clues, Nancy tracked down and discovered the post that triggered Meta 2. Thanks. That added both context and subtext that I was missing.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
I grew up with Nancy Drew..
Still addicted to sanitized murder mysteries. Hooked on Agatha Christie and Rex Stout.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I've been reading Joyce Penny and Donna Leon's murder mysteries. Usually while listening to music. Keeps my mind off politics and other upsetting topics.
The crumbs
were cleverly placed by a hardy boy. Nice when you get to the last one before the birds do!
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
evening thrownstone...
i was gratified by many of the responses in that post that requested that the site remain a positive place and that the proposed plan was out of character. we don't want this place to devolve into a place that we have to patrol vigilantly and wind up with roving packs of citizen tattletales reporting people for lack of fealty to the cause.
these meta diaries are our way of trying to bring everybody into the spirit of the way that we'd like the site to remain. we want a community where people don't concern themselves with the letter of the law, but rather come to respect and understand the community enough to take care in their words and actions. we know better than to expect that there will be no friction or conflict and we will try to deal with it as decent people when things happen.
hey, joe
I was gratified by those responses as well! Shows that a balance has been
establishedattained and, knowing that, we can tell when it is being pushed off center. As you saw, several posters took them to task and one stayed on it. We can all be little antibodies in the blood stream gently surrounding the sick cell until the big medicine arrives! Much better than the laser beam or the cauterizing iron. Gives the sick cell a chance to recover and doesn't leave a hole. Why don't you get another two or three in here so we can practice!“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Love your antibody metaphor!
I enjoy the dreaded meta
I am one of the refuges, and am thankful you have taken us in. The discussions I've read have been interesting and informative.
A really great election site is That is mostly all they do there. It is all about organizing, phone banking, etc.
So I enjoy the peaceful, thoughtful, discussions here. c99 is educational and we really need that too! (there was a diary about educating ourselves and the public here recently)
Thank you thank you admins and moderators!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Hi! Good to see you ! Seems like a very long time!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
thanks marilyn!
No worries here...
Hell, I think I tried to be the voice of reason (yeah, scary) even on 'Kos when it came to the more virulent reactions. I'm more of a "by our works we shall be known" sort of guy (yeah, pagans who know the bible; I make the evangelists nuts. Okay, nuttier), I don't need to troll people even if they're trolling. At least, not beyond that initial response to the trolling.
But even in defense I think over doing it is not much better than being offensive in the first place. Or something.
Damn, this Sunday is proving to be one of those days where I should just go curl up with a good book instead of attempting to write.
Just another refugee from the Daily Chaos.
no worries are the best kind.
I'm just trying to
Find my replies.
hey, nada ...
as it turns out, getting the code to accomodate that request, though it is the thing that we want most as a site improvement, is actually damnably hard to do. we're working on it.
for now, the best way that i've found is to click on my account (in the top frame) and then click on my comments and click away.
Yeah, people are used to it, but in a way it's not such a bad idea to slow people down a little. Humans didn't evolve to communicate so quickly and easily without nonverbal cues.
But I can see how it will get clunky with more traffic.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
lol- it does take a little bit of work.
Go to your "my account" - my comments
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If I may, I also go back to the essay in question
then on my PC use control f to search for my screen name. Then scroll down to see who commented.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Good trick devine order
There is also the comment stream in the list above the donate button. I kind of move around between the my comments section and Comment Stream but now that we're getting some big threads your trick will come in handy.
Thanks, finally came up with that in Costa Rica.
Some days had a little time to come check things out and could not easily carry on a conversation as in the past at TOP, and get my personal blog stuff done.
Looking forward to camping wildlife watching again in Zambia and South Africa May June, but the worst thing is the time is 7 to 8 hours off so will miss out on live exchanges in the EB. Meh.
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Speaking of guidelines ...
Could I ask what the admins would consider a fair donation for a subscription? I want to pay my way, but the only online subscription I have is at Daily Kos, and I am not sure what amount would be appropriate. I want to belong somewhere, and I feel I am getting a little too vocal in expressing my contrarian (to them) opinions there. It's only a matter of time before I cross the line, because I can just no longer contain myself. I realize now I was never a party Democrat, I am just a good old bleeding heart liberal and proud of it. So I would kind of like to rent enough space here for a sleeping bag and a clean change of clothes so I can keep up with the real truth instead of print or TV sources. Would maybe an annual dKos subscription rate be fair?
JtC will probably come along with an official answer.
I know the contribution will be appreciated and help to improve our camp. If you don't get a response, send an email to contact. Johnny will get it. Thanks for offering.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Hi highfive...
whatever you feel comfortable with. No pressure.
We both just donated, but don't spend it all in one place lol!!
JtC that is so cool to have the Paypal button so easy to find.
Wonder who thought of that?
At TOP we are both life members which we did at one point to keep it simple.
Will there ever be such a possibility here?
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Thank you DO and JB...
much appreciated! I've yet to find a way to implement a lifetime subscription. I didn't even bother putting a donation button up until a couple of weeks ago. You can subscribe to an automatic monthly donation though.
Welcome aboard, highfive
Grab one of the armchairs over by the sofa. No not that one, the other sofa. The one with the armrest for your beverage.
You want to pitch in, huh?
Let me ask you a couple of questions, OK?
How much was a sub at GOS (the Great Orange Stasi)? Somebody said 40 bucks.
That's a lot of moulah. I'm not sure I'd trust these guys with that much at one time. They'd probably go, "Yippie! We're rich!" and head off to the bar, come back blind, block up the toilet, and burn the house down. They're nice guys and all, so we probably wouldn't hold it against them. But still, that'd mean finding another new place to crash.
So let me ask you this. How much is a couple of cups of coffee a month? And do you buy them all at once and save them to drink later? No, I didn't think so.
Think of a number you can do monthly. There's a couple of reasons for that.
1. What else could happen if they took your $40 and you dropped dead tomorrow? The admins would feel bad; probably horrible guilt for depriving your funeral director of adequate resources to bring the oven up to the proper heat, or make the hole deep enough. You wouldn't want to be a recurring source of guilt as your lasting memory, would you?
2. What would happen if you got drunk, backed up the toilet, put some burn holes in the sofa, or the armchair, and they already had your $40 bucks? I'd probably be inclined to say, "GTFO, you pig!" and keep your $40.
3. Now suppose you're pitching in for a couple of cups of coffee; not enough for scenario #0, not enough for scenario #1, and not enough for #2 either.
The guys would probably say, "OK, he could do with a bit more cuth, but look he's a regular cash cow!"
And then you could hang around long enough for that armchair over there to develop your own personal imprint, you know, like the one on your side of the bed.
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Cost me $100 to get rid of ads forever. n.t
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Forever's not as long as it used to be, huh?
Wait, you paid to get rid of ads?
That's like fucking for celibacy, isn't it?
Improve the Resilience Resource Library by adding your links.
Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
I like your sense of humor...
I am going to enjoy having you around. You make me laugh.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
This year I paid $40. It seems fair to do the same here.
Plus, here I like everybody. Soon I after I paid the sub this year, I got an email from Markos asking for an extra contribution to cover the cost of this being an election year and he wanted the blog in shape. I marked to Keep as New for awhile, thnking I would get to it later. Then when he gave his mandate, so I deleted it and was happy I had not paid. If he's in with the DNC, let them contribute. I will not give a nickel to help Hillary Clinton or her supporters.
Loves me some good meta!
Thanks for passing along your thoughts, Joe. I, too, saw the diary in question and was, um, a bit taken aback. All I asked myself was, "Would Bernie agree to something like this?" And the answer to my mind was clearly "No way in hell!" I just backed away and moved on to other essays.
I tell you ... the site admins and moderators around here sure are to be commended. Holy cow ... this past three weeks must have seemed like the Huns descending on Rome! Only, of course, the Huns in this case are actually pretty much pussycats. Trust me, we are sooooo glad to be here. If we ever get out of hand and start breaking up the furniture, I trust you will firmly but gently steer us away from our barbaric tendencies and toward our better selves ...
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
LOL, it was more like
a tsunami.
It came very fast and all at once. Poor Johnny (JtC) was working overtime to migrate us to a bigger server immediately. But in the end, I think this is going to be a very good thing for everyone.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Thank You Thank You
These Meta 1&2 and the Welcome Mat diaries are a great idea and clarified a lot for me. I've just gotten here and was wandering and wondering what was going on and how to best interact with the community. I'd visited a few times before joining, but still didn't have a good grasp of its mission, though I appreciated the content. The Meta 2 diary today was super helpful. Not to be asking for yet more, because I know y'all have gotten a lot of unsolicited advice for improvements, damn, well here it goes: Do you mind posting links to these three diaries on the front page after your notice "Attention New Members" and also after the welcome sentence on the FAQ page? With the hint that new members may want to read these first.
And along the lines of bringing something useful to the community myself (packing my camel with goodies to trade, per Mimi's analogy), I plan to try my hand writing diaries on environmental issues. Cross your fingers, painting is more my thing, not writing!
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
TrueBlueinWDC look forward to reading, and
hope some of them make the Evening Greens section of the Evening Blues!
A truth of the nuclear age/climate change: we can no longer have endless war and survive on this planet. Oh sh*t.
Oh, yes, True Blue ... I wish you would!
As a matter of fact, I've just started reading Naomi Klein's This Changes Everything, so I'm in "environmental mode" at the moment.
I'm new here myself. I wrote one diary on DK in my whole 12 years there (which actually made the rec list, believe it or not). But I was never tempted to write another. Now all of sudden, having come here, I'm actually mulling over ideas for possible essays, just like you. Sometimes I really do surprise myself ...
"Long term: first the rich get mean, then the poor get mean, and the rest is history." My brother Rob.
It was tense over there
I lurked for years. Then I finally created an account because I wanted to respond to the BS about BS and quickly realized anything I had to say would be discounted because of my new member date. It wouldn't have been helpful anyway against the really obnoxious folks that were pissing me off, it just would have fed them.
Thanks for the encouragement. I've never diaried, so it will be an adjustment. I am interested in policy along with sustainable infrastructure, green buildings, green streets, etc. Rebuilding communities better. Enviro justice and how to improve our cities without the negative impacts of gentrification. WDC is such a horrible case of gentrification gone wild, but it is doing a halfway decent job moving in a green(er) direction.
Green living interests me and may be helpful to others here, but not sure I could write about it without feeling hypocritical in a way, because my life sure ain't a paradigm for it. Though, I do try. Well, sometimes. Let's just say, I choose my battles even against myself.
Damn, maybe I should write about it to push myself to be better in this area. Groan.
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
thanks tbiwdc
glad that you enjoyed the meta! we have to update the faq - and your suggestion is a good one. as i've been writing the meta, i've been thinking that i would poach text out of these diaries for the faq, expunging the parts that will one day be dated to the big events of the second year of the site's existence. who knows, though, maybe by the time that those bits look dated, it will be time to yet again overhaul the faq.
Thank you
The freedom here is refreshing. I feel like I can breathe. But there is something to be said for basic guidelines, glad you have them and glad they are minimal. Besides adding some quick links, I couldn't think of any other way to make these three diaries in particular more prominent to new members without adding more to the left navigation or tabs. I don't envy you the work you've had these last few weeks with all of us charging over here! Again, I am going to push myself to contribute, but I am a classic introvert and it is so much easier to lurk!
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
thank you
fuck you i won't do what you tell me
thank you
I hope that education becomes an important part of c99. The truth, I believe, is that we have all become victims of the Western media and common, unenlightened attitudes of fellow Liberals. I rejected American Capitalism 50 years ago in an American History (indoctrination)class in my high school. I did not replace it with any other common political/economic philosophy, although I am open to learning all that I can. I would classify my quest as one of education and occasional activism where it was clear the it was the correct path, especially anti-war.
I have spent some time in China and Russia lately talking to people and then reading all that I can about their politics and economics. It has been eye-opening. We really don't have the answer to much in the US, and our answers are very hypocritical. In order to move forward, we need open dialog, and sharing of information, especially first-hand, and most of all we need open minds.
So what does this have to do with Meta on c99? Everything! I would see this endeavor, c99, as a quest to find answers. I am convinced that politics today in the US is a rathole. If you work with a knowledge base that is deeply flawed, and then accept a very few hypotheses then you will follow others down the many ratholes that currently exist.
What I'm saying is that when you appear here I would like to see you drop your baggage. Criticism of candidates is fair if you are pointing out the absurdity of business as it is currently carried out, or the hypocrisy of the candidate her/him/self. But that's almost too easy. I have never seen two more flawed candidates, ever, although Shrub is certainly a card carrying member of that set.
The best diaries on GOS were well researched and their primary goal was to educate. Also the best diaries were those that taught us about ourselves, and I think that the great example is OPOL. I think that generating quality essays is going to make or break this site. The GOS himself had little to do with the success of the orange devil. It was the hard work of smart, passionate writers, and it was the time, namely Shrub, 911 and the Iraq war. Are we at a similar singularity point? I think so, perhaps even more so. GOS drove away many of the best writers, you all know exactly what I am talking about. We need to cherish the best writers, especially the most passionate ones. This environment should be open and nurturing.
So how do we deal with those that have an (intolerant) axe to grind? Hmmm, I'm not sure, but the first step is to create an awareness of what we want.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Thanks for this...
Attack-dog politics is not for me.
Discuss the ideas, vote on the merits.
....... and make a little fun from the absurdities of the pretzel-logic that informs the partisans.
from a reasonably stable genius.
The Breaded White Feta
Ty for clarification. For this site. Look forward to contributing. Read it every day now.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
I tested your PM function by sending myself a message, which worked, but you don't appear to have a new mail icon that changes color or something. Or am I overlooking something?
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I'm just glad to be somewhere I can express myself without the usual metabullshit that comes with having a differing opinion. I actually enjoy differing opinions, who said I was god and know everything, amirte? Healthy discussions of differing opinions is the crucible of reason, logic and understanding. I will strive to be a better writer, and your input is very much appreciated, even if we might disagree.
Thanks for this site!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote